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Sam Knight
June 28, 2017
Into what two groups where the Roman divided? (p. 223)
Plebeians; Patricians
Define/describe each of the two different social groups. (p. 223)
Plebeians were farmer/craft workers. Patricians were rich and owned lots of property.
*what were Roman women not permitted to participate in? (p. 223)
Civic life
Rome was a republic. What does the word “republic” mean, and in general how does
a government that is a republic work? (p. 223)
Means “Public thing.” Citizens choose their ruler instead of voting.
When did the plebeians rebel against the patricians? (p. 223)
494 B.C.
For how long did Rome’s republic last? (p. 223)
500 years
What does a representative do? (p. 224)
People who acted to run their government
Describe the Senate’s role/job. (p. 225)
Determined how Rome would act towards other governments.
Describe the Citizen Assembly’s role, as well as the role of the Tribunes (p. 224 and
p. 225)
They decided consuls, army commanders, and the most powerful judges.
Describe the role of the Consuls, how they got the job, and some of their
responsibilities or powers.(p. 225)
Consuls make laws. Other parts of the government can veto the laws that the consul makes and the consuls can veto each
Who enforced Rome’s laws? (p. 235)
Describe the people who enforced Rome’s laws. (p. 235)
What was different about the people who enforced the laws? (p. 235) 
One was to enforce the law, and one was to count the people in the empire.
What were the Twelve Tables? (p. 225)
A group of laws that earned all aspects of Roman life.
When were the Twelve Tables written? (p. 225)
About 450 B.C.
Where were the Twelve Tables displayed? (p. 225)
Twelve bronze tablets or tables.
In what jobs did Julius Caesar serve before he became dictator? (p. 233)
He served various offices in the government and the army.
Into what type of family was Caesar born, and when was he born? (p. 233)
He was born into a patrician family in100 B.C.
Who was Pompey to Caesar? (p. 233)
He was Caesar’s main enemy
How did Caesar help Cleopatra, and vice versa? (p. 233)
He helped defeat her rival of the throne, Cleopatra’s Brother
What is a dictator? (p. 233)
Someone who rules with absolute power.
What changes did Julius make in Rome and Roman life? (p. 234)
He gave land to Soldiers, gave grain to the poor, increased the amount of people in Senate, and granted Roman
citizenship to many people who were not born in Rome.
When, and why, was Julius Caesar assassinated? (p. 234)
All the changes were too much for some senators so they stabbed him to death in 44 B.C.
Who was Octavian to Julius Caesar? (p. 234)
One who commands
Who was the first emperor of Rome? (p. 232)
What was the Pax Romana? (p. 234)
A life of Roman peace
List the many benefits to Rome of life during the Pax Roman. (p. 234 and 238)
New governments, roads, and water systems were built.
What role did the census and did army soldiers have in controlling the Roman
Empire? (p. 235)
Romans were taxed to pay for their empire.