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Української державної академії
залізничного транспорту
Кафедра „Соціально-гуманітарні
дисципліни ”
Англійська мова
професійного спілкування
для студентів III курсу
спеціальності «Економіка підприємства»
заочної форми навчання
Донецьк 2008
Методичні вказівки розглянуті та рекомендовані до друку
на засіданні кафедри «Соціально-гуманітарних дисциплін»,
протокол № 6 від 31.05.2008 р.
Розглянуто та рекомендовано до друку на засіданні
методичної комісії факультету «Економіка транспорту»,
протокол № 9 від 27.06.2008 р.
Методичні вказівки призначені для виконання контрольного
завдання №_ для студентів III курсу спеціальності «Економіка
Цей посібник передбачає, головним чином, самостійну
роботу студентів.
Методичні вказівки містять у собі тексти на економічну
тематику, граматичні та лексичні вправи, які пов’язані тематично.
У другій частині – тексти для поза аудиторного читання.
ст. викладач
ст. викладач
к.ф.н., доцент
С.С. Гордіна (ДонІЗТ)
О.В. Кузнєцова (ДонІЗТ)
Л.В. Сторчак (ДонНУ)
Варіант 1
I Перепишіть текст та письмово перекладіть його
What is Economics?
1. Human wants are unlimited, but the resources necessary to
satisfy those wants are limited. Thus, every society is faced with the
identical problem, the problem of scarcity. Since there is not enough
of everything to go around, everyone individuals, business firms and
government – needs to make choices from among the things they
want. In the process they will try to economize, to get the most from
what they have.
With this in mind we can define economics at the social science
that describes and analyzes to satisfy its wants.
The need to choose is imposed on us by our income, wealth and
ability to borrow.
2. The food you eat, the home you live in, the clothes you wear,
and the way you spend your leisure time are all affected , in part, by
economic forces. The study of economics will help you to live a fuller
life. Economic forces also affect decisions in the would of business.
The more you know about the subject, the better carreer
decisions you will be able to make.
3. The development of modern economics began in the 17 th
century. Since that time economists have developed methods for
studying and explaining how individuals, business and nations use
their available economic resources. Large corporations use economists
to study the way they do business and suggest methods for making
more efficient use of their employees, equipment, factories and other
4. Economists have two ways of looking at economics and the
economy. One is macro approach, and the other is the micro.
Macroeconomics is the study of the economy as a whole.
Microeconomics is the study of individual consumers and the business
5. The resources that go into creation of goods and services are
called the factors of production. The factors of production include
natural resources, human resources, capital and entrepreurship. Each
factor of production has a place in our economic system, and each has
a particular function.
6. Capital is something created by people to produce other goods
and services. A factory, tools and machines are capital resources.
The term capital is often used by business people to refer to
money they can use to buy factories, machinery and other similar
productive resources.
II Дайте письмову відповідь на запитання до тексту.
1.What are unlimited?
2. What is every society faced with?
3. How can we define economics?
4. Economic forces also affect decisions in the world of
business, don’t they?
5. When did the development of modern economics begin?
дієприкметниковий чи герундіальний. Речення перекладіть.
1. All the problems having been solved, the businessmen signed
the contract immediately.
2. We remember his having taken part in this project.
3. They think her to get a good idea in solving this problem.
4. The members of board of directors are said to come to an
5. Her being invited to take part in this meeting is natural.
IV Перекладіть речення на англійську мову.
1. Мені цікаво знати, чи впливають економічні чинники на
рішення у світі бізнесу.
2. Приватна власність дає людям стимул використовувати
свою власність для отримання прибутку.
3. Вивчення економіки дає мені можливість краще
орієнтуватися в бізнесі.
V Виберіть слово, яке закінчить
Перекладіть усі речення на українську мову.
1. If a company needs to raise a lot of money, it may … shares.
a) put up b) issue c) supply d) purchase
2. The market has been extremely … over the part few years.
a) volatile b) wavering c) shocking d) moving
3. Bonds issued by the government are often known as …
a) gold b) guits c) gilts d) debits
Варіант 2
I Перепишіть текст та письмово перекладіть його.
Supply, Demand and Market Prices
1. Market economics are directed by prices. Prices ration scarce
resources, and they motivate production. As a general rule, the more
scarce something is, the higher its price will be, and the fewer people
will want to buy it. Economists describe this as the rationing effect of
2. Prices encourage producers to increase or decrease their level
of output. Economists refer to this as the production – motivating
function of prices. Prices send on “signals” to buyers and sellers,
keeping the economy responsive to the forces of supply and demand.
3. In a free market economy, prices are determined by the
interaction of the forces of supply and demand. Perfectly competitive
markets are those in which many buyers and sellers, with full
knowledge of market conditions, buy and sell products that are
identical to one another.
4. Demand is a consumer’s willingness and ability to buy a
product or service at a particular time and place. If you would love to
own a new pair of athletic shoes but can’t afford them. Economists
would describe that you feeling are desire, not demand. If, however,
you hadn’t money and were ready to spend it on shoes, you would be
included in their demand calculations.
5. The law of demand describes the relationship between prices
and the quantity of goods and services that would be purchased at
each price. It says that all else being equal, more items will be sold at
a lower price than at a higher price.
6. Supply which is the quantity of goods and services that sellers
offer for sale at all possible prices at a particular time and place, varies
directly with price. In other words, at a higher price, more goods and
services will be offered for sale than at a lower one and vice versa.
7. The price at which goods and service actually change hands is
known as the equilibrium, or market price. It is the point at which the
quantity demanded exactly equals the quantity supplied. Marked price
can be represented graphically as the point of intersection of the
supply and demand curves.
Shifts in demand or supply will affect market price.
II. Дайте письмову відповідь на запитання до тексту.
1. Are market economies directed by prices?
2. What is the rationing effect of prices?
3. What are the functions of prices?
4. What is demand?
5. What is equilibrium or market price?
дієприкметниковий чи герундіальний. Речення перекладіть.
1. All things being equal, the higher the price the more
fisherman will be willing to supply.
2. The contract having been signed, this delegation arrived to the
3. We assume these transactions to be signed by our firm.
4. Our chairman wants the information to be prepared on this
5. They insisted on their being examined.
IV. Перекладіть речення на англійську мову.
1. Ціни управляють ринковою економікою.
2. Ціна, за якою фактично продають товари та послуги
називається ринковою ціною.
3. У вільній ринковій економіці ціни визначаються
взаємодією чинників пропозиції та попиту.
V. Виберіть слово, яке закінчить
Перекладіть усі речення на українську мову.
1. What kind of … can I expect on my investment?
a) reward,
b) prize,
c) surplus,
d) return.
2. Pension … play an important role in the stock market.
a) companies,
b) thrusts,
d) funds.
3. A … is a speculator who expects share prices to fall.
a) bear,
b) bull,
c) dog,
d) stag.
Варіант 3
I. Перепишіть текст та письмово перекладіть його.
People and societies organize economic life to deal with the
basic problems raised by scarcity and opportunity costs through
economic systems. An economic system can be described as the
collection of institutions, laws, activities, controlling values, and
human motivations that collectively provide a framework for
economic decision-making.
There are three basic approaches to economic decisions about
resource allocation. One is based on tradition - that is, people
generally repeat the decisions made at an earlier time or by an earlier
generation. A second is based on command - that is, decisions are
made largely by an authority such as a feudal lord or a government
planning agency. The third is based on market price.
A market economy is a system of decentralized decision making
in which individuals and business firms participate in the market
through decisions that are reflected in the supply and demand and
forges out of them an interrelated network of market prices that reflect
the preferences of all the participants.
Market prices - and the changes in them - act as signals to
producers, telling them what buyers want. Market prices also act as
rationing devices by allocating productive resources and finished
goods and services among members of society according to what
buyers are willing and able to pay.
No recent real-world economy is or has been a pure form of a
traditional, a command, or a decentralized market economy. Every
existing economy uses a different "mix" of mechanisms to respond to
the basic economic decisions, and each has somewhat different
institutions, controlling values, and motivating forces at work that
affect the operation of the economy.
Many economic systems have been undergoing fundamental
changes during the last decades of the 20th century. The element of
tradition has been more evident in the rural areas of the developing
countries of Asia and Africa, yet even those rural areas have participated in elements of a market economy and/or a command
economy. The element of command had been most evident in the
former Soviet Union until the country collapsed and was replaced by
15 independent countries. China, which describes itself as a command
economy, has many elements of traditional and market-price
economies. The American economy is a mixed capitalistic economy,
in which both government and private decisions are important, it is an
economic system in which there is private ownership of capital,
freedom of enterprise, competition, and reliance upon markets.
II. Дайте письмову відповідь на запитання до тексту.
1. How can an economic system be described?
2. How many basic approaches are there to economic decisions?
3. What is market economy?
4. Do market prices act as rationing devices by allocating
productive resources?
5. When have many economic systems been undergoing
fundament changes?
дієприкметниковий чи герундіальний. Речення перекладіть.
1. This contract seems to be signed.
2. His being invited to take part in this conference is natural, as
everybody knows of his having made interesting experiments in
3. Sellers prefer a high price and buyers prefer a low price, all
other things being equal.
4. Resources allocation may also be left to individual consumers
bargaining in the marketplace and trading goods and services.
5. The two sides appear to have solved the problem.
IV. Перекладіть речення на англійську мову.
1. Приватна власність, цінова система, конкуренція –
головні “опори” економічної системи.
2. Валовий національний продукт – це загальна вартість усіх
товарів і послуг, які вироблені за один рік.
3. Для того, щоб купити щось, треба мати гроші.
V. Виберіть слово, яке закінчить
Перекладіть усі речення на українську мову.
1. This company has a weekly … of about 100,000.
a) pay,
b) payroll,
c) salary,
d) wage.
2. Such items as buildings and machinery are known as …
a) current,
b) hidden,
c) fixed,
d) liquid.
3. Pension … play an important role in the stock market.
a) companies,
b) trusts,
c) societies,
d) funds.
Список літератури
1. І.Б. Лутовінова «Розвиток навичок до різних видів
читання з елементами комунікативної компетенції. Економіка»
(англійська мова) Харків 1999.
2. Е.Е. Израилевич «Деловая корреспонденция и
документация на английском языке» - М. Ин.яз. 2001.
3. Я.М. Вовшин, Л.С. Барановский, А.И. Терешков «In the
Would of Business» Минск ИП «Экоперспектива 1999».
4. Хрестоматия для изучающих экономику. Состав. М.А.
Савоничева. Уч. пособие. – М: Изд. «Менеджер», 2002.
5. Хачатурова М.Ф. «English for Business activities».
Крамниця, 1999.
6. Основніе макроєкономические концепции. Хрестоматия
для изучающих єкономику. Уч. пособие на англ. яз. – М: Изд.
«Менеджер», 2004.