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The Journal of Neurological Science re: Methyl B-12 in Combating Degenerative
Diseases of Joints and Nerves
New findings on the connection between homocysteine and vascular disease, and the
failure of drugs to reduce the number of heart attacks and strokes, have brought attention
to B12 and other homocysteine-lowering vitamins.
Heart Disease
Homocysteine, a chemical found in the blood, has emerged as a strong and independent
risk factor for heart disease and stroke.
New findings on the connection between homocysteine and vascular disease, and the
failure of drugs to reduce the number of heart attacks and strokes, have brought attention
to B12 and other homocysteine-lowering vitamins. New research indicates that
sublingual (under the tongue) B12 supplements are as effective as injections.
Clinical human studies show that a supplementation of 2,000 micrograms of sublingual
B12 can reduce homocysteine levels from 113.4 micromoles per litre (a safe level is
under six micromoles per litre) to 8.2 micromoles per litre, over four months.
Pernicious Anaemia
Pernicious anaemia occurs when the body does not have enough vitamin B12. It can lead
to serious health problems such as congestive heart failure, neurological problems,
increased incidences of infection, and impotence in males. Those with coronary artery or
pulmonary disease are especially vulnerable to the oxygen deprivation sometimes caused
by anaemia. Symptoms of B12 and folic acid deficiencies also include depression,
anorexia, alcohol addiction, memory loss, dementia and insanity.
Neurological Diseases and Nerve Regeneration
In April 1994, The Journal of Neurological Science reported that “Methyl-B12 may be of
clinical benefit to patients with peripheral neuropathies. Ultra-high doses of
methylcobalamin even promote nerve regeneration in experiments.”
Further research shows that methylcobalamin, the active form of B12, has the unique
ability to provoke the regeneration of nerves without adverse side effects. This is because
B12 facilitates methylation, the process that creates and maintains nerves and brain
chemicals. Research shows that a lack of methylcobalamin causes degeneration of the
brain, spinal cord, and nerves. This process, known as demyelination, occurs in other
neurological diseases such as multiple sclerosis, Lou Gehrig’s disease and chronic
inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy. A double-blind, controlled study found that
methylcobalamin improved muscle response after only one month of treatment.
Sleep and Insomnia
If you can’t get to sleep at night, you may need methyl B12. Studies show that B12
causes an earlier release of melatonin at night, which resets the sleep-wake cycle. B12
acts directly on the pineal gland, provoking a faster release of melatonin, which is often
called the sleep hormone. At the end of the sleep interval, B12 causes melatonin
production to drop off faster. B12 also increases sensitivity to morning light, which may
help you wake up earlier if you leave a curtain open to the sun. In all, B12 helps you to
fall asleep faster and wake earlier. Very serious sleep-wake disorders have been
successfully treated with vitamin B12 in the methylcobalamin form.
Age-related B12 Deficiency
Research shows that the presence of vitamin B12 decreases every year with age. Agerelated deficiency is associated with hearing loss, memory impairment, psychiatric
disorders, heart disease, and stroke. Patients with Alzheimer’s disease have less B12 in
their spinal fluid than people without the disease. They also have less SAMe, the
substance required to convert methylate cobalamin (B12) to its active form,
Basic B12 supplementation (in cyanocobalamin form) may fail to improve the condition
of Alzeimer’s patients in studies because of an inability to activate this form of B12 in the
brain. The methylcobalamin form of B12 may be more successful because it is already
activated and in its most useable form.
B12 Deficiency Diseases
Diet, age, and drugs are the prime culprits behind B12 deficiency. Meat is the primary
source of vitamin B12. Elderly people can sometimes eat high quantities of meat but still
be B12 deficient because of insufficient hydrochloric acid in the stomach, which is a
factor necessary for B12 absorption.
Meat-eaters who take certain drugs for stomach ulcers, heartburn, or to inhibit gastric
secretion are also at risk for B12 deficiency. Other risk factors include stomach surgery,
thyroid disease, diabetes mellitus, osteoporosis, and bone fractures.
Elevated Homocysteine, Arthritis and Diabetes
Elevated homocysteine is found in many chronic diseases, including arthritis, diabetes
and renal failure. Researchers in Japan have discovered that non-insulin dependent
diabetes patients with blood vessel problems have elevated homocysteine. When treated
with 1,000 micrograms of vitamin B12 (methylcobalamin) daily for three weeks,
homocysteine levels dropped significantly.
Taking Methyl B12
B12 has many benefits, including the reduction of homocysteine, restoration of normal
sleep patterns, and improved moods. B12 deficiency is a fairly common deficiency in
elderly people who frequently have disrupted digestion. It can cause symptoms identical
to Alzheimer’s disease. It is also crucial for the retention of folic acid in cells.
Researchers report that the dose of Methyl B12 for sleep disorders is 3,000 micrograms a
day, while 2,000 micrograms a day is useful for lowering homocysteine and correcting
B12 deficiency. In published studies, it took four weeks for the sleep effect, and four
months for the homocysteine-lowering effect. The dosage for patients with degenerative
diseases, including Alzheimer’s, is very high, in the range of 3,000 to 4,000 milligrams a
Purchasing Methyl B12
Your liver only converts about one percent of ingested cyanocobalamin into
methylcobalamin. For optimum benefit, it is important that you purchase B12 in the
active methylcobalamin form, not cyanocobalamin. For complete and immediate
absorption, choose methylcobalamin sublingual tablets
NOTE FROM FELICIA: The best sublingual methylcobalamin in 1 mg tablets, 800
mcgs of B6 is made by NO SHOT. I take injections each week, but this can approximate
injections, although B12 is harder for older people to absorb. B6 is easily accessible
sublingually. I have witnessed patients taking even 1 mg injections feeling pain free and,
as one self-made millionaire put it, “I am no longer a Type A personality, I am
completely out of pain and feel relaxed.”
VINPOCETINE, by Jarrow. Research has shown this increases cerebral synthesis of
ATP, the basis of "energy," and also enhances brain metabolism by improving utilization
of oxygen. Vinpocetine also increases synthesis of several neurotransmitters that affect
critical brain functions such as memory recall, focus, and mood. My own doctor, my
patients, and myself feel this is an important supplement.
TMG (Trimethyglyceine) is a naturally-occuring amino acid which I began taking due
to research showing this supports increased energy. What has captivated me is not only
my own and my patients; energy levels improving radically, but that our short-term
memories did as well.
Trimethylglycine (TMG) (also known as Betaine) and Dimethylglycine (DMG) are
methyl donors that help in the production of several brain chemicals and hence improve
mood, energy, general sense of well-being, alertness, concentration and visual clarity. A
methyl donor is any substance that can transfer a methyl group to another substance.
Many important biochemical processes rely on methylation, including the metabolism of
lipids and DNA. Scientists suspect that adequate methylation of DNA can prevent the
expression of harmful genes such as cancer genes.
It is thought that as we age, the body's ability to methylate declines. This may potentially
contribute to the aging process.
Other research found that TMG supports healthy homocysteine metabolism and optimal
liver function and health. TMG helps maintain healthy fat metabolism and maintains
SAMe metabolism, an important cofactor for healthy liver function. TMG helps maintain
homocysteine levels within normal ranges. TMG, Folic Acid and Vitamin B12 donate
methyl groups for methylation reactions that convert homocysteine to the essential amino
acid methionine.
HOMOCYSTEINE DEFENSE, by Source Naturals includes B12 and folate necessary
for TMG to create SAMe, which has been shown to have even more effect than just the
B12 by itself and has been used successfully in Europe for decades instead of antidepressants. Additional B12 and folate is still encouraged for serious neurological needs.
GABA CALMS, by Source Naturals is an amazing product to be sold in the market
place. It is made up of the four major inhibitory substances, i.e., it allows your body to
release contraction, to relax. This is so effective that I have used it to help patients get off
morphine and other pain killers. I chew up two tablets into pieces, and let them melt
under my tongue after I am already in bed and ready to sleep.