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一、【POMR 範本】Burn injury
2011/01/11 10:30 AM
S: Wound pain.
O: T/P/R: 36.8/110/22; BP: 130/82 mmHg
Consciousness: Clear
Wound condition: Mild clean serous discharge.
Granulation tissue formation.
No surrounding erythema, local heat, or pus discharge.
Wound culture: Nil.
Lab data: WBC: 9200/μL; Hb: 13.8 g/dL; PLT: 228000/μL.
Problem #1: Second to third degree scald burns on the right forearm, left thigh and
abdomen, 4% total body surface area (TBSA) with eschar formation on the right
A: post debridement on postoperative day (POD) 6. No infection sign; improved
wound condition.
P: 1. To treat wound with Flamazine ointment.
2. To control pain.
3. To arrange STSG for wound reconstruction.
二、【POMR 範本】Trauma s/p repair
2011/01/11 10:30 AM
S: Wound pain.
O: T/P/R: 36.7/62/20; BP: 128/76 mmHg.
Consciousness: Clear.
Wound condition: No active bleeding.
No discharge.
No dehiscence.
Silicone tube: Well secured with 6-0 nylon.
Problem #1: Left medial canthus laceration with lacrimal canaliculi rupture
A: Post surgical repair on POD 2. Stable postoperative wound.
1. To treat wound with Garamycin ointment.
2. To control pain.
3. To arrange discharge and outpatient department (OPD) follow-up.
三、【POMR 範本】PAOD with infection s/p debridement
2011/01/11 10:30 AM
S: Mild wound pain when wound dressing changed.
O: Cons.: Clear; Temperature: 37℃; Pulse rate: 72/min; Respiratory rate: 18/min.
Wound condition: Well vascularized wound bed with granulation tissue covered;
no bad smell, no discharge
Note that to present wound pictures for reference (建議放傷口照片輔助說明)
Finger stick glucose: at 90/110/98/120 mg/dL.
Lab data: WBC: 5800/μL; CRP: 16.7 mg/L.
Wound culture: S. aureus.
Problem #1: Peripheral arterial occlusive disease in the diabetic foot and with
osteomyelitis in the right foot
A: Post sequestrectomy and debridement on POD 7. Improved wound condition,
ready for wound reconstruction.
1. Diagnostic plan: Nil.
2. Therapeutic plan:
*To arrange wound reconstruction as indicated by the reconstructive ladder.
*To obtain an informed consent.
*To keep current antibiotic treatment and DM control.
3. Educational plan:
*To inform the patient and family of probable post-operative complications
such as bleeding, hematoma, infection or tissue necrosis.
*To do absolute foot hygiene.
Problem #2: Type 2 Diabetes mellitus (DM) with poor control
A: DM with poor control, improved
1. Diagnostic plan: To regularly follow-up finger stick test.
2. Therapeutic plan: Adjust OHA regimen for better DM control
3. Educational plan:
*To remind the patient and family of the necessity of health care and diet
control compliance.
*To regularly follow-up in the endocrinology OPD.
四、【POMR 範本】Finger cutting wound s/p repair
2011/01/11 10:30 AM
S: Tolerable cut pain.
O: TPR: 36.8/82/18; BP: 126/78 mmHg.
Consciousness: Clear.
Cut: Clean.
Problem #1: Right index cut with extensor tendon rupture
A: Post tendon repair on POD 2. Wound condition: Good.
1. To keep cut care and symptom relief medication.
2. To shift antibiotic treatment to the oral form.
3. To offer cut care education.
4. To arrange discharge and OPD follow-up.
五、【POMR 範本】Finger amputation s/p operation
2011/01/11 10:30 AM
S: Mild wound pain.
O: Consciousness: Clear.
Temperature: 37℃, Pulse rate: 72/min, Respiratory rate: 18/min.
Replant condition:
1) Color: Pink; 2) Turgor: Fine; 3) Capillary refilling time: About 1.5 seconds.
Note that to present wound pictures for reference (建議放傷口照片輔助說明)
Problem #1: Right middle finger total amputation at the distal interphalangeal joint
A: Post replantation on POD 2. Stable condition of the replant.
1. Diagnostic plan: Nil.
2. Therapeutic plan:
*Keep current medication for better replant circulation and symptom relief
*Keep the replant stable for avoiding replant motion or contusion.
*Keep the replant warm with the heating lamp.
3. Educational plan:
*Explain to the patient and family probable complications such as bleeding,
delayed replantation failure, infection and replant motion limitation.
*Absolutely avoid drinking and smoking.
六、【POMR 範本】Left zygoma tripod fracture
2011/01/11 10:30 AM
S: Tolerable wound pain.
T/P/R:36.3℃/71 beats per minute/14 times per minute; Blood pressure: 133/88
Consciousness: Clear.
Visual function: Normal, no diplopia, blurred vision or limited eyeball range of
Wound: Clean.
Problem #1: Left zygoma tripod fracture post open reduction internal fixation
A: POD 2. Stable postoperative condition and adequate projection of malar eminence.
Apply medication for symptom relief.
Keep ice packing.
Keep wound care.
Prepare for recent discharge, if uneventfully
七、【POMR 範本】Finger fracture s/p fixation
2011/01/11 10:30 AM
S: Wound pain.
T/P/R: 36.2 ℃/71 beats per minute/15 times per minute; Blood pressure: 122/88
Consciousness: Clear.
Wound: Mild blood clot coated; no hematoma or infection sign.
Radiographically left hand: Adequately reduced and fixated.
Problem#1: Left first metacarpal fracture post open reduction internal fixation
A: POD 1. Satisfactory surgical correction; stable postoperative condition.
Keep wound care.
Employ empirical antibiotic.
Medications for symptoms relief
Maintain left hand splinting.
八、【POMR 範本】Finger cutting wound s/p repair
2011/01/11 10:30 AM
S: Tolerable cut pain.
O: TPR: 36.8/82/18, BP: 126/78 mmHg.
Consciousness: Clear.
Cut: Clean.
Right index radial half numbness: existing.
Problem #1: Right index cut with radial digital nerve injury post nerve repair
A: POD 2. Cut condition: Good.
1. Keep wound care and symptom relief medication.
2. Shift antibiotic treatment to the oral form.
3. Exercise wound care education.
4. Arrange discharge and OPD follow-up.
九、【POMR 範本】Lipoma s/p excision
2011/01/11 10:30 AM
S : Tolerable wound pain.
O: TPR: 36.8/ 82/18; BP: 126/78 mmHg.
Consciousness: Clear.
Wound: Clean.
CWV drain: 10 ml; serosanguinous.
Problem #1: Right thigh lipoma post excision
A: POD 3. Stable wound condition.
1. Remove CWV drain.
2. Shift antibiotic treatment to the oral form.
3. Arrange discharge and OPD follow-up.
4. Hold wound care education programs.
十、【POMR 範本】Lipoma s/p excision
2011/01/11 10:30 AM
S: Wound pain.
O: T/P/R: 37.3/90/18; BP: 120/75 mmHg.
Consciousness: Clear.
Wound condition:
1. Some necrotic debris with minimal serous discharge.
2. Granulation tissue growth from the wound bed without tendon or bone
3. No foul smell.
Wound culture: Vibrio vulnificus.
Lad data: WBC: 9000/μL; Hb: 10.1 g/dL; PLT: 150000/μL; CRP: 10.1 mg/L.
Finger stick glucose levels (whose units were mg/dL): 200 (AC) through 298 (PC)
and158 (at 4 PM) to 265 (at 9 PM)  fluctuated
Problem #1: Necrotizing fasciitis with sepsis post fasciotomy and debridement
A: POD 7. Stable postoperative condition and improved wound condition.
P: 1. Keep using Fortum and Minocin.
2. Keep wound wet dressing q8h and follow-up.
3. Medications for symptoms relief
4. Arrange STSG for wound reconstruction.
Problem #2: DM with blood sugar fluctuated.
A: Unstable blood sugar status
P: 1. Consult endocrinologists for adjusting current insulin dosage.
2. Inform the patient and family of medical compliance importance.