Download Growing plants PC worksheet 2

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PC Worksheet 2
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This worksheet is to help you remember and learn some of
the facts you have learned about the growing plants topic.
This is:
This tests for:
The colour change is:
This is a picture of a plant pest called :
They cause plants to become twisted and distorted like the
picture above. They may also let in a fungus like grey
mold otherwise known as
(3) Look at these 2 geranium leaves. One plant was kept
in the light and the other kept in the dark for 48 hours.
They were boiled in alcohol and then drops of iodine
were added.
The leaf in the light is black because:
The leaf in the dark is clearer because:
Starch is present in the leaf because:
(4) Seeds are placed in 4 test tubes as follows.
Which test tube shows germination?
Why is glycerol used in tube D?
Germinating seeds require (click the correct box):
Carbon Dioxide
Seeds which are alive but inactive are said to be;
This is
. It reproduces from a
horizontal stem called a
. At
the end is a tiny plant called a
This is
. It reproduces from a
swollen root called a
. this
is a food storage organ.
This is
. It reproduces from a
swollen root called a
. this
is a food storage organ.