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Unit 5: World Cultures in the Modern Era (17-50-1914)
General Info
o 1750-1914 the world entered the modern age
o “Modern” describes an era categorized by:
o Politics: move away from traditional monarchy
o Economics: mechanization and industrialization during forces
o Society: a class transformation; old aristocracies out
o Culture: a scientific, secular world view dominant
o In all of the above, Europe and the U.S. moved forward first. Ex: America and
French Revolutions gave people a greater voice in politics
o Europe is where the Industrial Revolution and capitalism emerged. Both
transformed the economies of the world.
o The hallmarks of Western social development during the late 1700-1800s are:
populations growth, class diversification, and urbanization
o The foundations for modern culture in Europe were laid during 1700s during
Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment
o Modernization reached rest of the world later, early 19th and early 20th.
o Japan modernized quickly
o Ottoman Empire, China, and Latin America slowly
o Africa and SE Asia lagged behind
o -1750 to 1914 rise of West
o Many areas colonized during Age of Exploration became free late 1700s and early
1800s, however new Imperialism in 1800s and 1900s swept over E. Asia, SE
Asia, Central Asia, the Middle East, the Pacific, and Africa
o West was seeking markets and raw materials (armed w/ industrial—era weapons)
o Before new imperialism, never before had a single civilization been so powerful
o High price of imperialism: warfare, racial prejudice, economic dominance, and
slavery. Effects still felt in Africa, L. America, and Asia
o End of 19th century Europe at its peak of power. They didn’t know: the US would
soon surpass them in military and economy, traditional values of West would
soon be called into question, and they were on the brink of world wars
Global Power and International Relations
o The technological, economic and military rise of the West altered the global
balance of power.
o The US broke away from English rule during the late 1700s
o Spanish and Portuguese colonies of C. and S. America freed slave from
Europeans early 1800s (1800-1825)
o The Great Game- Britain and Russia compete for control of China
o The Eastern Question- How do we fill the void of the Ottoman Empire’s collapse?
o New Imperialism led to unprecedented global dominance by West. 1815- 35% of
globe; 1914- 85% of globe
o Japan was the one non-Western nation that developed an effective, modern,
colonial empire
o In Europe, two nations: Germany and Italy
o By 1914, WWI: diplomatic tensions, nationalism, competition over colonies,
alliance system formed
Political Developments
o The hallmark of modern political life is popular representation
o Popular representation got start in West- Am. and Fr. Revolutions
o During 1800s, especially after Revolutions of 1848, politics in the West became
increasingly representative
o Other parts of the world slower in moving away from old forms of governments
o Much of the non-Western world spent most of the 19th century under European
(and sometimes U.S) colonial domination
Economic and Environmental Developments
o Economic life transformed by industrialization
o W’s dominant system becomes free market capitalism
o Industrialization transformed class structures
o Industrialization led to urbanization
o Adoption of industrialization for non-Western world came by 1)Europeans
imposed it on their colonies 2) non-Western nations imposed it from above
o Slavery key to world economy late 1700s and most of 1800s
o Industrialization increased humanity’s impact on the environment. More
Cultural Developments
o Secular worldview prominent: technological and scientific advancements of
Industrial Revolution, Charles Darwin
o Greater access to public education in the West
o Much immigration mid-1800s to early 1900s. Europe and China to N. and S.
America (U.S.)
o Nationalism= powerful
o non-Western world adopts art and literature from West and vise versa
o In Europe and the Americas, the pace of cultural change speeds up
o Status of women is still secondary
o In West, greater awareness of the inequality
o The Industrial Revolution (late 1700s to early 1800s) changes the conditions of
work for women
o In Europe and the U.S., most women in lower classes join the work force.
o After the mid-1800s, women working in Europe and U.S. decline because: wages
for industrial workers increase, laws restrict number of hours for women and
children, and cult of domesticity
o A handful of European nations gave women the vote before WWI