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A Brief History of China
China is the oldest continual civilization in human history.
That is, what is considered Chinese culture was established
early in its history; and although it has been modified
throughout the centuries, it has retained many of its
Dynasties: The history of China is a series of dynasties. In
between the dynastic periods there have been years of chaos
and war. When we think of Chinese culture, we think of the
principal philosophies of Confucianism and Daoism. We also
think of the scholar gentry and the professional bureaucratic
corps that administered the empire.
China’s Dynasties
Xia and the Shang:
1766-1027 BCE
1029-258 BCE
Era of the Warring States: 402-201 BCE
221-207 BCE
206 BCE-220 CE
Era of Division:
220-589 CE
Manchu Qing:
Revolution in China: 1911
People’s Republic of China established: 1949
Ancient China
Chinese civilization emerged from two rivers, the
Huang He(Yellow) and the Yangtze.
There are only tales of the Xia dynasty, but the Shang
Dynasty has been documented.
• Archeologists have discovered “oracle bones.” These
bones were used to predict the future. The bones were
traced to Anyang, the last Shang capital.
• The development of the first Chinese writing is traced
to the Shang(pictographs). These pictures eventually
evolved into symbols or ideographs.
• Two important features of the Shang is fortune telling and
ancestor worship
Oracle Bones
The Confucian Canon: The Five Classics and the Four Books
The Five Classics are:
1.Shu Ching (Classic of History) - collection of documents and
speeches dating from the Later Han Dynasty (23-220 CE)
2.Shih Ching (Classic of Odes) - collection of 300 poems and songs
from the early Chou Dynasty (1027-402 BC)
3. I Ching (Classic of Changes) - collection of texts on divination based
on a set of 64 hexagrams that reflect the relationship between Yin
and Yang in nature and society
4.Ch'un Ching (Spring and Autumn Annals) - extracts from the history
of the state of Lu 722-484, said to be compiled by Confucius
5.Li Ching (Classic of Rites) - consists of three books on the Li (Rites of
The Four Books are:
1.Lun Yu (Analects) of Confucius
2.Chung Yung (Doctrine of the Mean)
3.Ta Hsueh (Great Learning)
4.Meng Tzu (Mencius)
Confucianism: The Five Relationships
Confucius saw five major human relationships that should be governed by li,
or propriety. Those relationships are:
1. Ruler and subject
2. Father and son
3. Husband and wife
4. Oldest son and younger brothers
5. Elders and juniors(friends)
Shu, or reciprocity, is seen in the five relationships as follows:
Benevolence in rulers, loyalty in ministers and subjects
Kindness in the father, filial piety in the son
Righteous behavior in the husband, obedience in the wife
Gentility in the oldest son, humility and respect in the younger siblings
Humane consideration in elders, deference in juniors.
Classical China: Zhou, Qin, Han
Classical China
Zhou: The Zhou overthrew the Shang in 1027 BCE. It
is also the beginning of the Iron Age for China (the first
civilization to use iron tools).
• The longest of all Chinese dynasties
• The Zhou are known for their intellectual and
• Classical period of China: the thinkers Confucius and
LaoTzu lived during this time.
--Confucius emphasized social harmony through
an hierarchy in society – from the emperor down to the
basic family structure. Filial piety – respect for parents.
--Lao Tzu taught that people should be one with
nature. Also known as “The Way.” The concepts of
Ying and Yang come from Taoism.
Classical China(continued)
Qin(Chi’in): This is one of the briefest dynasties in China;
but one of the most influential. The word China comes from
• Qin Shih Huangdi is known as the first emperor of China.
• The emperor abolished feudalism and established a
centralized form of government.
• The Great Wall of China was built during this time
• Qin Shih Huangdi was a brutal ruler, but brought order to
China through a state sponsored alternative to Confucianism
called Legalism. Under legalism, people were thought to be
evil and therefore must be kept in line with strict laws and
• developed a single law code and an uniform tax system
• standardize weights and measures
• made a unified Chinese written script
Great Wall of China
Classical China: Han(206 BCE-220 CE)
The Han dynasty was a period of unification of China and
the establishment of a long period of peace known as the
Pax Sinica.
• reestablished Confucian philosophy; shrines were made
to honor and worship Confucius as a god.
• expanded the borders of China to include Vietnam and
• Wu Ti(140-87 BCE) was the Han’s most famous ruler
--brought stability and peace to China
--established formal training of bureaucrats of
Confucian principles.
Postclassical China
• The period of history in China after the fall of the Han Dynasty is called the
Era of Division(220-589 C.E.).
• This Era of Division can be characterized as a period of endless wars and
nomadic invasions. The bureaucratic apparatus of the empire collapsed. The
position of the scholar- gentry declined as landed aristocratic families
dominated China.
• This period had non-Chinese nomads ruling much of China; and Buddhism
became the dominant teaching over Confucianism in Chinese political and
cultural life.
• After nearly 4 centuries of chaos, a revival occurs at the end of the 6th
century. The centralization of the state under the short-lived Sui Dynasty and
the restoration of Chinese civilization under the 300 year Tang
Dynasty(618-907) is a tribute to the strength of Chinese values established
earlier during the
Qin-Han Dynasties. The Song Dynasty(960-1279) continued the revival that the