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1. The way people are spread out in different places throughout the world is called
2. Our _____________________ is all of our surroundings.
3. List 4 ways we adapt to our environment:
a. ___________________________________________________________
b. ___________________________________________________________
c. ___________________________________________________________
d. ___________________________________________________________
4. The use of canals, ditches, or pipes to move water to dry areas is
5. The long-term process in which fertile land is changed into desert is called
6. A ________________________is a period when little or no rain falls.
7. It is easier for people to live on ________________________________
8. It is harder for people to live in ________________________________________
9. _______________________________ is the movement of groups of people from
one place to another.
10. _______________________________ is the movement of people from rural
areas to cities or urban areas.
11. A _____________________________ is a city and all the suburbs and other
population areas around it
12. A _____________________________ is a geographer who studies human
13. A _______________________________is an organized group of people
identified by its customs, traditions, and way of life.
14. The process of learning a culture by living in a family and growing up as a
member of society is called ___________________________.
15. A characteristic of a culture is called a _______________________.
16. List 4 types of material cultural traits:
a. ____________________________
b. ____________________________
c. ____________________________
d. ____________________________
17. List 4 types of nonmaterial cultural traits:
a. ____________________________
b. ____________________________
c. _____________________________
d. _____________________________
18. The taking of culture traits from one culture for use in another is called
19. Give 4 examples of cultural borrowing:
a. _____________________________
b. _____________________________
c. _____________________________
d. _____________________________
20. The spread of ideas from one place to others primarily through technology is
called ___________________________________________________________
21. The skills and knowledge to use science to make products or meet goals is called
22. __________________________________ is the process in which the culture
traits of newcomers become similar to those of the people in the new country.
23. People who move to another country may give up their ____________________.
24. The exchange of culture traits that results from long-term contact with another
society is called ___________________________________________________
25. A cultural group of people who share beliefs and practices learned from relatives
and ancestors is called _______________________________________________
26. ___________________ is the mixture of different ethnic groups within the same
27. A governing system in which a country’s people elect their leaders and rule by
majority is called ___________________________
28. The __________________________ vote to choose the leaders in a democracy.
29. A system in which the ideas and decisions supported by the majority of people
are followed is called _____________________________.
30. A freedom is called a _______________________.
31. The system of government in which a king or a queen rules is called a
32. The ______________or ______________ inherits the throne.
33. A governing system in which one person rules with absolute authority is called a
34. The ___________________________ do not get to choose what is best for their
35. A system in which a small group that is not elected controls the government is
called an _____________________________
36. The _______________________ do not get to make decisions, and they do not
get to elect leaders in an oligarchy..
37. All the businesses that make one kind of product or provide one kind of service is
called an ______________________________
38. A __________________________ industry provides natural resources like
farming, fishing, mining
39. A _____________________ industry turns natural resources into a finished
product like clothing.
40. A _______________________ industry sells and transports primary and
secondary industry products like a trucking company or a store.
41. A _______________ industry involves research and gathering information like a
scientist or an architect.
42. A country with a well-established economy generally containing all four forms of
industry is a ___________________________________
43. Developing
generally containing all four forms of industry.
44. GDP stands for ______________________________.
45. The gross domestic product is total value of the __________________________
and ________________________________ produced in a country.
46. Farming in which people raise only enough food for themselves and their families
is called _____________________________.
47. An economic system in which people choose what to make, sell, or buy without
government control is called __________________________________.
48. The two types of economies are ______________________________ and
49. Name 4 things that people can do in a market economy:
a. ____________________________________________________________
b. ____________________________________________________________
c. ____________________________________________________________
d. ____________________________________________________________
50. ______________________________ is an area of land where the people are
ruled under one government.
51. The boundary or edge of a place, such as a country is called the
52. A home country, along with conquered lands consisting of many peoples and
places, all governed by one ruler is called an _____________________________.
53. ________________________ is an area of land ruled by a government in another
54. ____________________________ is a small section of a region, such as a state.
55. A region with the same cultural traits is called a __________________________.
56. People in each region share a common _________________________.
57. The system of colors, patterns, and picture symbols that knights used during the
Middle Ages in Europe is called ____________________________________.