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Reading Vocabulary
1. allusion – a reference to a well-known person, place, event, literary work, etc.
2. antagonist – a character or force in conflict with a main character
3. audience – the group of people who will most likely read a particular piece of
literature. Examples:
USA Today -general audience (all types of people)
Golf Digest – people who play golf
4. autobiography – a form of nonfiction in which a person tells his or her own
life story
5. bias – a preference; an opinion formed without examination of facts; prejudice
6. biography – a form of nonfiction in which a person tells the life story of
another person
7. caption – a title or written description for a picture
8. character – a person or animal who takes part in the action of a literary work
9. characterization – the act of creating and developing a character
direct characterization – the writer simply states the character’s traits
indirect characterization – the writer depends on the reader to draw
conclusions about the character’s traits
10. conclude or draw a conclusion – to make a judgment or form an opinion based on
certain facts
11. conflict – the struggle between opposing forces; the problem in a story
external conflict – a character struggles against some outside force
 man against man
 man against nature
 man against machine
internal conflict – takes place within the mind of a character; usually
involves a choice
12. context clue – the meaning of the word is given in the sentences around it
13. connote – to refer to what a word suggests in addition to its literal meaning:
The word lion connotes strength and courage.
14. denote – to give the literal meaning of a word:
The word lion denotes a large animal of the cat family.
15. details
 fantastic – strange and unusual
 realistic – true to life
16. dialect – the form of language spoken by people in a particular region or group
17. dialogue – a conversation between characters
18. essay – a short nonfiction work about a particular subject
19. fable – a very short story, usually with animal characters, that teachers a
lesson or moral (The moral is usually stated at the end.)
20. fiction – prose writing that tells about imaginary characters and events
21. figurative language – not literal
 alliteration – repetitive first sounds
 idiom – old saying
 metaphor – comparison of two unlike things
 onomatopoeia – sound words
 personification – nonhuman with human characteristics
 pun – a play on words
 simile – comparison of two unlike things using like or as
22. flashback – a section of the story that interrupts the sequence of events to
relate an event from an earlier time
23. folklore – tales, beliefs, customs, or other traditions of a people passed down
from generation to generation
24. folk tale – a story composed orally and then passed from person to person by
word of mouth
25. foreshadowing – the use of clues that suggest events that have yet to occur
26. genre – a division of literature
 prose – written in sentences and paragraphs (fiction and nonfiction)
 poetry - usually written in stanzas
 drama – a play
27. hero/heroine – a character whose actions are inspiring or noble
28. image – a work or phrase that appeals to one or more of the five senses;
used to describe
29. imply – the author suggests something without stating it directly
30. infer – the reader draws a conclusion (makes an inference)
31. irony – a literary technique that involves a surprising, unexpected twist
32. legend – a widely told story about the past that may be based on
real-life events
33. myth – a fictional story about gods and goddesses that usually explains
a natural event
34. mood – the feeling generated in the reader
Examples: tension, anticipation, joy, sadness, confusion, pride, hope, fear
35. moral – a lesson taught
36. narrator – a speaker or character who tells a story
37. novel – a long work of fiction
38. oral tradition – the passing of songs, stories, and poems from generation to
39. parody – humorous imitation of a serious writing
40. point of view – the position from which a writer tells a story
1st person – the narrator is a character in the story (“I”)
3rd person – no “I” telling story; relates thoughts, feelings and actions
of different characters
41. plot
– the sequence of events in a story
exposition – introduces the characters, setting, and basic situation
conflict introduced – the struggle that drives the story
rising action – conflict increases
climax – highest point of interest
falling action
resolution – the outcome of the conflict
42. predict – to make an educated guess about what will happen next
43. propaganda – biased or distorted information that is spread, in order to damage
an opposing group or gain supporters.
44. protagonist – the main character
45. purpose – the reason an author writes a certain piece
to entertain
to amuse
to instruct
to argue
to describe
to explain
to persuade
to protest
46. satire – to use sarcasm or irony to ridicule (humorous)
47. speaker – the voice or character who tells a poem
48. stereotype – an idea that people have about a person or group that may be untrue
49. symbol – anything that stands for or represents something else
50. theme – a central message or lesson
Examples of universal themes:
good vs. evil
learning lessons
forming friendships
51. tone – the writer’s attitude toward the subject and characters