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Water Cycle/Weather Vocabulary
Evaporation - Occurs when
liquid water changes into water
vapor which is a gas.
Transpiration - The process by
which water vapor escapes from
a living plant and enters the
Condensation – occurs when
water vapor cools and changes
back into liquid droplets. This is
how clouds form.
Precipitation – occurs when
rain, snow, sleet or hail falls
from the clouds onto earth’s
Runoff – water, from
precipitation, that flows across
land collects in rivers, streams
and eventually the ocean.
Dew Point – The temperature at
which condensation begins.
When the air is completely full
or saturated with water vapor.
Humidity – Amount of water
vapor in the air.
Relative Humidity – The
percentage of water vapor that
is actually in the air compared
to the maximum amount of
water vapor the air can hold at a
particular temperature.
Climate – The average, year after
year conditions of temperature,
precipitation, winds, and clouds
in an area.
Weather – The condition of the
Earth’s atmosphere at a
particular time and place - Short
Fronts – The boundary where
cold and warm air masses meet
but do not mix. Storms and
changeable weather often
develop along fronts.
Water Cycle/Weather Vocabulary
Evaporation - Occurs when liquid water changes into water
vapor which is a gas.
Transpiration - The process by which water vapor escapes
from a living plant and enters the atmosphere."
Condensation – occurs when water vapor cools and
changes back into liquid droplets. This is how clouds form.
Precipitation – occurs when rain, snow, sleet or hail falls
from the clouds onto earth’s surface.
Runoff – water, from precipitation, that flows across land
collects in rivers, streams and eventually the ocean.
Dew Point – The temperature at which condensation begins.
When the air is completely full or saturated with water
Humidity – Amount of water vapor in the air.
Relative Humidity – The percentage of water vapor that is
actually in the air compared to the maximum amount of
water vapor the air can hold at a particular temperature.
Climate – The average, year after year conditions of
temperature, precipitation, winds, and clouds in an area.
Weather – The condition of the Earth’s atmosphere at a
particular time and place - Short term
Fronts – The boundary where cold and warm air masses
meet but do not mix. Storms and changeable weather often
develop along fronts.