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Our fiction work in the first half of term will focus on stories
about imaginary worlds and the text ‘Wriggly Squiggly.’ Later in
the term the fiction focus will be shape poems and adventure
stories based on ‘Stone Age Boy.’ In non-fiction work the
children will investigate and use the features and organisation of
information texts and non-chronological reports. Children will
read a range of texts, where they will be asked questions about
the meaning, structure and purpose of the texts to ensure that
they develop their comprehension skills. There will be a focus on
spelling, where the children will learn to spell words with a range
of prefixes and suffixes and some more complex unfamiliar
words. In handwriting there will be a drive towards writing with
consistency in the size and proportion of letters and on using
the correct formation of handwriting joins.
We will begin our French lessons this term which is very exciting
for all of us! We will start with vocabulary work and some simple
French phrases, applied in real situations. We will work on fun
activities, games and songs in order to reinforce this work. We
will also learn about France as a country including some aspects
of French culture and French ways of life.
In gymnastics the children will develop their skills in planning
and performing sequences of shapes and actions. They will
extend their work to incorporate small and large apparatus. The
children will also work on their skills in tag rugby and work
towards playing short games. We will continue and build on our
work on invasion games, where we are focusing on team work and
on understanding and complying with rules.
Our work in computing at the beginning of the term will be linked
with our topic work, with a focus on research; using the internet
to search and find a range of information about The Stone Age
and pre-historic beasts. The children will also explore different
ways of creating their own graphics linked to our topic, as well
as using computing to record their group musical compositions.
During the term the children will also have opportunities to work
on developing their multimedia and word processing skills,
learning how to combine text, graphics and other features to
create printed documents and multimedia presentations.
In maths this term we will be working with 3 and 4 -digit numbers.
The children will compare and order these numbers, demonstrating
an understanding of the values of each of the digits. They will
extend and apply their knowledge of addition and subtraction and
will also consolidate their understanding of multiplication and
division, including work on the multiplication tables. We will
investigate 2D shapes with a focus on symmetry and we will
measure and compare lengths in metres and centimetres, including
work on using decimal notation to record lengths. There will be a
focus on problem solving and on applying the understanding of
mathematics in real situations including work on telling the time,
interpreting data and understanding fractions.
Year 3
Autumn Term
Design and Technology
Our Design and Technology project this term is Moving Monsters.
The children will investigate how air pressure can be used to
produce and control movement. They will learn techniques for
making simple pneumatic systems and they will compare different
systems. Finally they will make their own pneumatic model.
This term, in religious education, the children will learn about the
key features of worship and what worship means to a believer in
Christianity and in Hinduism. They will explore the concepts of
pilgrimage and sacred places within the contexts of Christianity
and Hinduism.
Our first project in science this term is ‘Animals including
humans’, looking at food groups, a balanced diet, skeletons,
muscles and joints! There will also be a focus on animals as
well as humans, where we will look specifically at prehistoric animals and skeletons. During the second half of
the term our science project is ‘Forces and Magnets.’ The
children will be involved in planning and carrying out their
own experiments in order to investigate magnetism and the
behaviour of magnets with different materials. They will
also investigate forces, and create a simple game involving
magnetic forces. Following this, the children will design and
create their own magnetic board game.
The historical and geographical aspects of the curriculum
will both be taught through our class project on ‘What
could YOU find in a cave?’ and ‘How could I survive the
Stone Age?’ during the Stone Age the first half term. We
will visit ‘Kent’s Cavern,’ to gain first-hand experience of
life in a cave. Children will learn about pre-historic Britain
and what it was like to live during the Stone Age period,
which we will develop into the Bronze Age and finally Iron
Age in the second half term.
Our work in art will focus on cave art and animal art work,
where children will explore caves for themselves and
produce their own interpretations and creations of ‘cave
art.’ Later in the term we will focus on ‘Patterns’. The
children will explore patterns in the work of a range of
artists. They will then explore their own ideas based on
patterns and they will create, develop and evaluate their
own pieces based on this theme, adding colour and texture.
During the first half of term the children will listen to and
study ‘In the Hall of the Mountain King’ by Peer Gynt to
explore different musical e.g. caves. Then children will
explore different ways of recording ideas and will use their
own ideas and various instruments to create their own
piece of music for entering a cave. After half term the
focus will be learning about accompaniments for songs.
They will explore melodic phrases and rhythmic patterns
considering the intended effect of these different