Download BrainPop #2 Pax Romana and Pax Romana

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BrainPop #1 Rise of the Roman Empire
1. What had Rome been for 400 years?
2. Who was Julius Caesar and what did he eventually become?
3. After the death of Caesar, who gained power in Rome and what did he eventually set up?
4. What was the time period called following the rule of Augustus? What does “it” mean?
Folder Facts: Roman Culture
Topic Sheet: _____________________________________
Topic Sheet: _____________________________________
*Partner Facts: ____________________________________
Pax Romana (27B.C. -- 180AD)
After a long and bloody civil war Octavian Augustus became the first
Emperor of Rome in 27 B.C. He had an ambitious plan to make Rome a
powerful and safe empire. Augustus paved the way for a period of peace and
prosperity known as the Pax Romana or “Roman Peace”. This peace lasted for
almost 200 years.
Throughout the 200 years Rome needed a professional and permanent
army to protect itself from rebellions and outside invaders. Rome’s military
was strong and well trained. As time passed new emperors used the Roman
military to increase the size of the empire all the way into England, Africa,
and the Middle East. As the military took new land they brought back gold,
slaves, and also spread Roman culture. This made Rome rich but also very
In order to maintain a large empire Rome had to create new laws for all
the people in the empire, Romans and non-Romans. These laws became
standardized in 125 AD. The laws became just and fair and people followed
them because they were reasonable. These laws helped unite the people in
the empire. Today Roman laws form the legal principles for most western
countries and the Christian church.
Due to the safety provided by the army, Rome’s trade increased. The
Romans built roads throughout their empire (almost 50,000 miles worth).
These roads helped to unite the people and made it easier to travel and trade.
Rome’s trade led to the development of a common currency (system of money)
and a standard system of weights and measurements. This allowed people to
price goods, trade, and ship products easier. Increased trade meant there
was more money for new products and the Economy boomed. Rome’s cities
became rich and large.
Due to all the new wealth in the empire, Rome was able to build and
engineer great works of architecture. During Pax Romana, Rome built the
great Colosseum where the gladiators fought. They also built monuments,
bridges and roads, schools, harbors for trade, and aqueducts to carry clean
water into their cities. Many of these buildings and structures remain today
after almost 2,000 years. These works and the spread of Roman culture
helped unify the people of Rome.
BrainPop #2 Pax Romana and Pax Romana Reading
1. What was Pax Romana?
2. Why was the Roman army so important?
3. Why did the Roman government work so well?
4. The Romans were known as the great _____________________. They built
__________, ____________, and _____________. Some of these still ___________
5. What language spread throughout all of Rome? ______________
“That’s IT in a nutshell”
Bullet at least 3 effects of Pax Romana
Write a sentence that describes the overall “Big Idea” of Pax Romana
*** Why was it so important for Rome to have the same language, laws, and
money system? _____________________________________________
The Two Romes
Daily Life in Rome page 306-307
1. State three facts about the city of Rome by the time Augustus became the Emperor
Wealthy Romans “Patricians”
Poor Romans “Plebeians”
How did Romans Treat Enslaved People? Page 309
When did the use of slave labor grow?
What percent of the population were slaves?
Based on the reading why would this be a problem for the average Roman citizen?
Who was Spartacus, what did he do, and what eventually happened to him?
Simulation Roman Emperor
How orderly was the transfer of power from one emperor to the next?
How easy was it to get power?
How easy was it to hold onto power?
How did these power struggles affect the stability of the empire?
Would Rome have lasted longer if they had a better system for succession?
BrainPop #3 Fall of the Roman Empire
List at least five reasons for the decline of the Roman Empire
Flow Chart:
You will design a pictorial flow chart which shows these events in sequential order. Read
the section Rome Falls on pages 322-324. In your groups, fill in the missing words and
organize the events in order. Draw a picture for the events on construction paper.
By 378, the Visigoths rebelled and
defeated the Romans at the
B__________ of
Romans mistreated the Visigoths
by forcing them to buy
___________at _______ _______.
The Romans also made many
Visigoths slaves.
By 455, another Germanic group
named the __________________
attacked Rome. They took
anything of value from the city.
Rome is declining and many
___________ groups are searching
for warmer climate, land, and were
drawn to Rome’s __________ and
By 550, the W_______________
R__________ E______________
had faded away. The empire was
replaced by SIX major Germanic
_____________ defeat the
Ostrogoths and force the Visigoths
into the Roman Empire.
By 476, a Germanic general named
Odoacer, overthrew the _________
______________. This was the
last time a Roman ruled from the
city of ___________.
By 410, Rome was to weak to
protect itself and a Visigoth leader
named __________ sacked Rome.
He __________ the city and stole
lots of treasure.