Download International Food Day (Mexican Cuisine)

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International Food Day (Mexican Cuisine)
Mexican cuisine is known for its intense and varied flavors, colorful decoration, and the
variety of spices that it has. Mexican gastronomy, in terms of
diversity of appealing tastes and textures, is one of the richest in
the world in proteins, vitamins, and minerals, though some people
characterize it as excessively spicy. When Spanish conquistadores
arrived in the Aztec capital Tenochtitlan, they found that the
common people's diet consisted largely of corn-based dishes with chili and herbs,
usually complemented with beans and squash. Later on, the conquistadores added to
their original diet of rice, beef, pork, chicken, wine, garlic, and onions that they brought
with them from Spain to the indigenous foods of pre-Columbian Mexico.
What makes a meal distinctly Mexican, of
course, are the lively seasonings. With a good
selection of Mexican spices and some
standard pantry staples--grains, fruits,
vegetables, tortillas, beans--you can whip up a
Mexican dish any time you like.