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ES.9 Review Response
Name _________________________________
1. Explain how soil horizons in a cold desert are different from soils here in Virginia.
2. What are two kinds of weathering processes? How are they different?
3. In what kind of rock is karst topography always found? What topographic features are
associated with karst topography?
4. In a region with wet winters and dry summers, how would you expect the water table to
change over the course of a year?
5. How is the zone of aeration different from the zone of saturation?
6. Expain how surface water can be affected by groundwater.
7. How can the addition of wells in an aquifer affect pre-existing wells?
8. What is the largest watershed in Virginia?
9. On the map below, identify the James River and Roanoke River Watersheds.
10. The eastern divide of what watershed defines the continental divide in Virginia?