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Submission Title
Actions and Encapsulation of Behavior
Contact Information
Richard Rasala
[email protected]
Viera K. Proulx
[email protected]
College of Computer & Information Science
Northeastern University
Boston MA 02115
Problem Statement
In Java, there are several mechanisms to deal with events and the
actions they should trigger. For GUI components, Java defines
the ActionEvent class and an interface ActionListener for objects
that should respond to such events. The ActionListener interface
requires just one method:
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
At that time, we said that the Paint button was defined using an
action. Here is the definition of that action:
protected Action paint = new SimpleAction("Paint")
{ public void perform() { paint(); } };
As you can see, the paint action calls the paint method which we
sketch below:
protected void paint() {
Thus, ActionListener represents pure encapsulation of behavior.
Java also defines an interface Action that extends ActionListener.
The Action interface requires that the object maintain a property
list for auxiliary settings and that it be capable of being enabled or
disabled. Java provides a base implementation of Action in the
AbstractAction class that leaves actionPerformed undefined.
// define the circle using radius, x, y ...
When Java deals with GUI components, it normally provides
methods that allow programmers to add ActionListeners to react
to events. However, in the constuction of a component such as a
JButton, Java requires an Action because the auxiliary settings are
used to define the button label or icon.
Although this is a nice design, there are problems:
In dealing with button clicks and similar events, one
almost never needs to deal with the actual ActionEvent.
Instead one just wants to define the response behavior in
a simple fashion.
There is no provision for response behavior to be done
in a separate thread. This is often vital since performing
intense algorithms in the thread that listens to the GUI
will cause the GUI to appear to die.
Java has many event classes. Often one wants to do the
same response to different events but this is difficult due
to the multiplicity of event classes.
Solution Overview
In this section, we will describe various classes that solve some of
the problems mentioned above.
To made it easy for faculty and students to define Action objects
that do not need the ActionEvent, JPT defines the SimpleAction
class that extends the Java AbstractAction class. To complete the
definition of a SimpleAction, one must define:
public void perform()
The actionPerformed method is a final method that simply calls
perform. In fact, for flexibility, SimpleAction also implements
the interfaces ChangeListener and PropertyChangeListener by
the same technique.
Example: In the submission on GUI Composition, we illustrated
aspects of GUI building with the Circle Sample example.
// get the graphics context of the window
Graphics2D g = window.getBufferGraphics();
// set anti-aliasing on ...
// set the paint color and fill the circle
// repaint the window
Now let us explain why this works and how we teach it.
The paint action and paint method are permitted to have the same
name because data and methods are in two different namespaces.
Given this, we adopt a pedagogical convention that an action will
be defined using a method of the same name. This makes the
action definition short and focuses the behavior definition in a
method where students would normally expect to see behavior.
The action definition uses anonymous inner classes but we would
never use such scary words in teaching. Instead, we explain that
the braces { ... } provide syntax to extend the definition of an
object by supplying missing methods or by permitting existing
methods to be overridden. To students, this makes sense. The
perform method is missing and the braces provide a simple way to
supply it.
Finally, the data parameter "Paint" is attached to the NAME
property of the Action and therefore becomes the button label in
the GUI. We use the fact that TablePanel automatically turns
actions into buttons.
In summary, the students see that we get a button from an action
whose behavior is defined in a corresponding method.
is used throughout JPT GUI building. Students get
used to the idea of encapsulating behavior in objects by working
with this easy concept. This prepares them for more sophisticated
encapsulations of algorithms as strategy objects.
The class ThreadedAction is a wrapper class that encapsulates an
action for the purpose of performing that action in a separate
daemon thread. Here is how the actionPerformed method is
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
// if there is no action then exit
if (action == null) return;
// define the thread
final ActionEvent eventcopy
final Action
= event;
actioncopy = action;
Thread thread = new Thread() {
public void run() {
The abstract class MouseAction extends AbstractAction and
encapsulates an action that is performed as a result of a Java
MouseEvent. To instantiate a MouseAction object, one must
define the method:
public void mouseActionPerformed(MouseEvent mevt)
A MouseActionAdapter object is designed to listen to a specific
component for MouseEvents. The MouseActionAdapter can add,
remove, set, or get actions to take place if any of the seven
standard MouseEvents takes place within the component. To
illustrate what is possible, we list the seven add methods that add
a single Action:
// run the thread
public void addMouseClickedAction(Action a)
public void addMouseEnteredAction(Action a)
public void addMouseExitedAction(Action a)
public void addMousePressedAction(Action a)
The essence of this definition is that the run method of the new
thread executes the original action on the original event. The
need for copying the object references into final variables is just
annoying Java mumbo jumbo.
The usage of ThreadedAction by students is trivial. If a student
has defined an action object whose algorithm will be time
consuming then instead of inserting the action directly into a GUI
the student is instructed to insert the wrapped action:
new ThreadedAction(action)
In particular, the student does not need to know about threads
other than to know that they create separate execution branches
and prevent an intense algorithm from hogging all of the CPU.
Normally a student would not see the thread code given above
until they had much more experience and wanted to learn how the
ThreadedAction class works. The code is included here to help
the Task Force know what ThreadedAction is doing.
Aside: In the Java Power Framework, all automatic buttons are
defined by actions wrapped using ThreadedAction. Thus, at
the top level, the JPF application is multithreaded.
public void addMouseReleasedAction(Action a)
public void addMouseDraggedAction(Action a)
public void addMouseMovedAction(Action a)
In practice, the action that is passed to one of these methods is
either a MouseAction or a SimpleAction. A SimpleAction will
perform the same task independent of the MouseEvent data.
The class MouseActionEvent is an adapter event class that extends
ActionEvent and represents an action triggered by a MouseEvent.
Normally, the use of MouseActionEvent is internal to JPT.
Example: Let us show how to add an action that will track the
mouse position by printing its coordinates into 2 text fields called
xTFV and yTFV. The tracking action is defined to call a method as
is our standard paradigm.
MouseAction trackMouse = new MouseAction() {
public void mouseActionPerformed(MouseEvent mevt)
{ trackMouse(mevt); }
The corresponding method is defined as follows.
protected void trackMouse(MouseEvent mevt) {
xTFV.setViewState(mevt.getX() + "");
An ActionSequence object encapsulates an ordered list of Action
objects and is itself an Action. The actionPerfomed method for
the sequence executes the actionPerformed method of each action
in turn. Thus, ActionSequence implements the composite pattern
for Action objects and provides a mechanism for adding or
removing actions incrementally.
yTFV.setViewState(mevt.getY() + "");
Finally, if adapter is the name of the MouseActionAdapter for the
component, then the action is installed into adapter as follows.
For many additional examples of installing mouse behavior, see
Chapter 1 of the JPT Book on the JPT web site.
Action Adapters
The purpose of the classes in this category is to adapt event
handlers to fit into the Action paradigm and, in particular, to be
able to use ActionSequence for storage of one or more of the
Normally, these handlers form groups of three classes:
The name signifies what is being adapted. Since there are nine
groups of three adapters that are all quite similar, we will describe
only one group, namely, Mouse adapters. The other groups that
we have found particularly useful are Key adapters and Window
adapters. The remaining adapters are used only in special
Experience with the Solution
The use of actions and action adapters follows a strict paradigm
that is easy for students to learn and use in the context of building
GUIs. More generally, students become comfortable with the
idea of encapsulation of behavior in objects. This prepares them
for learning the strategy pattern and for concepts in higher order
API Documentation & Related Materials
The main JPT site to access documentation, code, and the jpt.jar: