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Chapter 19-3/19-4 Notes
The Story of Planet Building
A. Planets formed from the same material as the ______________, still found in the sun’s
B. Rocky planet material formed from clumping together of __________ grains in the early cloud
C. Mass of less than about 15 Earth masses:
i. Planets can not grow by gravitational _______________
ii. _________________ planets
D. Mass of more than about 15 Earth masses:
i. Planets can _________ by gravitationally attracting material from the protostellar cloud.
ii. _______________ planets (gas giants)
Condensation of Solids
A. Only condensed materials could stick together to form ___________________
B. Temperature in the protostellar cloud decreases __________________
C. Further out -> protostellar cloud _________________ -> metals with _____________ melting
point condensed -> change of __________________ composition throughout solar system
Formation and Growth of Planetesimals
A. Planet formation starts with clumping together of grains of _______________ matter:
B. Planetesimals (few cm to _________ in size) collide to form ______________.
C. Planetesimal growth through _________________ (particles of about the same size gathering
together) and ________________ (large particles attracting small particles).
The Growth of Protoplanets
A. Simplest form of planet growth
i. As rocks melted, heavier elements sank to the center -> _____________________
ii. This also produces a secondary atmosphere -> ____________________
The Jovian Problem
A. Two problems for the theory of planet formation:
1) observations of extrasolar planets indicate that ______________ planets are common
2) protoplanetary disks tend to be evaporated quickly (typically within about 100,000
years) by the ________________ of nearby massive stars
a. Too _______________ for Jovian planets to grow!
B. Solution: Computer simulations show that Jovian planets can grow by direct ____________
accretion without forming _______________ planetesimals.
Explaining the Characteristics of the Solar System
A. The Solar Nebula Hypothesis explains:
1) Disk shape and common sense of revolution: Inherited form the disk shape and
rotation of the _______________________
2) Division of Terrestrial/Jovian Planets: Result of decreasing __________________
throughout the Solar Nebula -> further out, ____________ elements condensed out to
form heavier, _______________ planets
3) Icy Comets: Originating in the ______________ Cloud, very far away from the sun, in
the coldest parts of the Solar Nebula
Clearing the Nebula
A. Remains of the early star nebula were cleared away by:
i. radiation pressure of the ____________
ii. solar ____________
iii. Sweeping up of space debris by _________________
iv. ejection by close ___________________ with planets
Extrasolar Planets
A. Modern theory of planet formation is ______________________
i. Many stars should have ___________________
ii. Planets orbiting around other stars = “____________________ planets”
iii. Extrasolar planets can not be imaged directly.
iv. To detect: look for _________________ motion of the star around the common
center of mass
Indirect Detection of Extrasolar Planets
A. Observing periodic ________________ shifts of stars with no visible companion
B. Evidence for the wobbling motion of the star around the common center of mass of a
______________ system
C. About __________ extrasolar planets detected so far using this method
D. Indirect evidence through wobbling motion of stars detects primarily ____________ like, large
Direct Detection of Extrasolar Planets
A. Only in exceptional cases can extrasolar planets be observed directly
i. Preferentially in the __________________. Planets may still be warm and emit infrared
light; stars tend to be ____________ bright in the infrared than in the ______________.