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Chapter 8 Lesson 1
What effect did the
physical features
of China have on
its early development?
*Geographic Features of China
How did the Chinese
language develop?
**Shang Kings
** Isolated barriers
***China is bordered on
the east by the oceans,
the west by the deserts,
the north is the Gobi
* China is geographically
isolated, which made
goods hard to obtain.
** The River Systems
*Chang Jiang and Huang He
Rivers deposit silt after
floods that create fertile soil
** Varied Climate
*western China is dry
* northern China has seasons
this allows varied types of
* rice is grown in the South
*wheat and millet are grown
in the north.
*ruled by generations
*kings were responsible for
religious activities
*they made war with
nomadic people
**Shang Families
*respect for parents
and ancestors important
*family spirits would bring
good fortune to the family
*make animal sacrifices to
honor the spirits
**Developing Language
 received messages from
gods through oracle bones
*royal priests interpreted the
*the scratched marks were
an early form of a writing
*Shang developed a writing
system using pictographs
*used simple drawings or
characters for words
*to be barely able to read
you had to know 1,500
*an educated person had to
know 10,000 characters
*The writing system helped
to unify a large and varied
How were the Zhou
able to conquer
Shang lands?
**The Zhou and the Dynastic Cy
*the dynastic cycle is the
pattern of the rise and fall
*the rulers needed approval
from the gods
*the Mandate of Heaven
happened when the gods
were angry
*the Zhou adopted some of
the Shang ways
**Zhou Government
*the Zhou did not have a
strong gov
*family members were in
charge of other regions
*local rulers owed loyalty
and military service
*kings promised protection
*lords became less
dependent on the kings
*the land they added
expanded the Chinese
**Time of the Warring States
*invasions were happening in
Chinese lands
*800B.C nomads invaded the
north and west
*771 B.C invaders destroy
the city and kill the king
*403 B.C was known as the
time of the warring states
Chapter 8 Lesson 2
Philosophy –
Legalism –
Confucianism –
Filial Piety –
Daoism –
How did Legalism suggest
That society be controlled
strict laws and
What actions did
Confucius believe
Would bring order
To China
conduct, the 5
What did Daoists
Believe about
individuals had to live
in harmony with nature
And inner feelings
Chapter 8 Lesson 3
Shi Huangdi
Han Dynasty
How did the Qin dynasty created a strong gov,
Unify China? Took land away from the nobles,
Built highways and irrigation
Projects, forced peasants to
Work, set high taxes, set standards
Of weight, measurement, coins and
How did the
Han rule China?
They used a bureaucracy
What was life
Like in Han
worked on farms, lived in villages,
lived in cities, worked in business,
Most lived in 1 or 2 story houses.
Rich had oxen, poor did not, both
Had simple tools to make life easier
Chapter 8 Lesson 4
Silk Roads
Overland trade routes
trails stretched across two
Continents, Europe and Asia
Cultural diffusion spread of ideas and customs
What kinds of
Goods moved
Along the Silk