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Biology – Wilson
Cell Division Chap 10-1, 2 and 3p274 
pd:__ Date:__________________________
1. Living cells store information in __________.
2. If a cell becomes too large the DNA is no longer able to serve the needs of the____________________
3. The rate at which materials leave and enter the cell depends on ________________________________
4. For a growing cell, a decrease in relative amount of ________________________________ creates serious problems.
5. Process by which a cell divides is called _________ _________________ (mitosis and cytokinesis)
6. Compare Asexual reproduction & sexual reproduction:________________________________________
10-2 p 279 
1. ____ Mitosis
2. ____ Cytokinesis
3. ____ Cell cycle
4. ____ Interphase
5. ____ Chromatid
6. ____ Centromere
7. ____ Chromosome
8. ____ Chromatin
a. Series of events a cell goes through as it grows and divides
b. Area where two sister chromatids are attached.
c. One of two identical “sister” parts of a replicated chromosome
d. A combination of DNA and protein found in eukaryotic cells (p. 280)
e. Part of the eukaryotic cell cycle during which the cytoplasm divides
f. Contains DNA (genetic information) to make new cells & carry out cell functions
g. Period of the cell cycle between one cell division & the next (G1, S, and G2)
h. Part of the eukaryotic cell cycle when the nucleus divides (PMAT)
top picture
9. Process of cell division in prokaryotic cell (bacteria) is called ______________ ____________
10. How are chromosomes different in eukaryotes and prokaryotes?____________________________
11. Do new cells have the same or different genetic material as the parent cell? ____________
12. Is this asexual or sexual reproduction?
13. What is cytokinesis?_______________________________________________________________
14. How is cytokinesis different in plant and animal cells?_____________________________________
15. Which is the longest stage of mitosis? (p. 282)___________________________________________
16. Which three phases make up interphase?
17. The division of the cell nucleus during the M phase of the cell cycle is called ______________
Which Phase of the Cell Cycle does each of the following describe?
19.____ S
a. Phase when cells do most of their growing.
20. ____ G2
b. Phase when chromosomes are replicated, and DNA synthesis takes place.
21. ____ G1
c. Phase when organelles and molecules required for cell division are produced.
Which phase of Mitosis (PMAT) does each of the following describe:
22. In which phase do the chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell?
23. In which phase do the chromosomes become visible?
24. Las t phase when chromosomes move until they form two new nuclei?_____________________
25. In which phase are the “sister” chromatids separated or ‘ripped” apart? ________________________
10-3 Regulating the Cell Cycle and 10-4 Cell Differentiation:
26. Not all cells move through the _________ _____________ at the same rate.
27. Experiments show that controls on cell ______________ & cell __________can be turned on & off.
28. ____________________ regulate the timing of the cell cycle in eukaryotic cells.
29. There are ___________ types of regulatory proteins.
30. ____________ is a disorder in which some of the body's own cells lose the ability to control growth.
31. (289) Cancer cells do not ___________________ to the signals that regulate the growth of most cells.
32. Masses of cancer cells form ______________________ that can damage normal tissues.
33. Cancer is a disease of the _________ __________.
34. (295)Stem cells are unspecialized cells from which __________________________ cells develop.
35. (297) Embryonic ________ cell research is highly controversial: Adult stems cells are “multi_____________.”(295)