Download Mesopotamia Travel Brochure

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EXTRA CREDIT: Mesopotamia
Your brochure should cover the information listed on these
directions. You may use your textbook and other sources
to complete your brochure. Be creative and have fun, while
you learn!
off boxes
as you
The following information should be included in your
Front Panel
Title – Mesopotamia
Lablel for Sections (Ex: “The Land Between the
Photo of Mesopotamia
Inside Panel #1 - 2 Sections:
1. The Land Between the Rivers
 Describe farming challenges
 Describe agricultural techniques created
2. The Emergence of Cities
 Describe how city-states emerged
 Describe city-states
Inside Panel #2 - 2 Sections:
1. Sumerian Society
 Discuss Sumerian religious beliefs
 Describe the power of priests
 Tell who developed writing and why
2. The Rise of Kings
 Tell why kings were chosen and by
 Describe the special relationship
between kings and priests
Describe the king’s jobs
Inside Panel #3 - 2 Sections:
1. Sumerian Advances
 Describe Sumerian advances in technology
 Describe Sumerian advances in learning
2. The Origins of Writing
 Describe how writing was invented
 Tell who was responsible for writing in Sumer and how they
were chosen and trained.
 Describe the tools scribes used
Outside Panel #4 - 2 Sections:
1. The Conquest of Sumer
 Describe the conflicts between city-states
 Describe Sargon the Great’s biggest accomplishment
2. The Empire of Hammurabi
 Tell who Hammurabi was and what he accomplshed
 Describe how Hammurabi tried to keep his empire together
 Describe the importance of Hammurabi’s law code
Outside Panel #5 – 2 or More Sections
1.) Did you enjoy this assignment? Why or why not?
2.) Did you learn anything new?
3.) What did you learn?