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Components of Fitness
Cardiorespiratory Endurance is the ability of the heart, lungs, and blood vessels to send fuel to
the body’s tissues during long periods of vigorous activity. As cardiorespiratory fitness
improves, the heart becomes more efficient at work or rest. A healthy heart can better withstand
the strains of everyday life, the stress of occasional emergencies, and the wear and tear of time.
The functioning of the heart and lungs is essential to overall good health.
Muscular Strength is the amount of force a muscle can produce with a single maximum effort.
Strong muscles help keep the skeleton in proper alignment, prevent back and leg pain, and
provide the support necessary for good posture. Maintaining strength and muscle mass is vital
for everyday living as well as for preventing osteoporosis and other symptoms related to aging
(i.e. loss of muscle mass and function).
Muscular Endurance is the ability to contract a muscle over and over again or to hold a
muscular contraction for a long period of time without experiencing fatigue. Muscular
endurance is important for injury prevention and for coping with the physical demands of
everyday life. It is also important for most fitness activities.
Flexibility is the ability to move the joints through their full range of motion. Inactivity causes
the joints to become stiffer with age. Stretching exercises can help insure range of motion for all
major joints and help prevent injuries and muscle soreness.
Body Composition refers to the ratio of body fat to lean body mass (muscle, bone, water,
connective tissue and blood). A person with excessive body fat is more likely to experience a
variety of health problems such as heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, joint problems,
diabetes, gall bladder disease, cancer, and back pain. The best way to lose fat is through sensible
diet and exercise. The best way to add muscle mass is through weight training.