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Taxonomy Terms
Acoelomate -- Animal without a body cavity (e.g. flatworms)
Autotroph- Organisms that can produce their own food
Asexual – Reproduction that doesn’t involve the fusion of gametes
Asymmetry – Body plan w/ irregular shape, can’t be divided into equal halves
Bilateral – Body plan where organism can be divided down length into right & left halves
Cell wall- Rigid structure outside plasma membrane in some cells
Chlorophyll- Green photosynthetic pigment
Cilia- Microscopic hairs used by cells for movement
Coelom – Body cavity surrounded by mesoderm w/ digestive system & organs suspended
Contractile vacuole- Storage organelle adapted to pump excess water out of cell
Cytoplasm- Clear fluid in cells between membrane & nucleus
Deuterostome – Animal whose anus develops from gastrula opening, includes fish to mammals
Diploid- Cell with a pair of each chromosome (2n)
Ectoderm – Outer cell layer in gastrula, develops into skin & nervous tissue
Endoderm – Inner cell layer in gastrula, develops into digestive tract
Endoskeleton – Internal skeleton in vertebrates
Eukaryote- Cell with a nucleus & membrane-bound organelles
Exoskeleton – Hard outer covering in some invertebrates (e.g. crabs & insects)
External – Fertilization that occurs in the water when both egg & sperm have been released
Flagella- Whip-like tail
Gamete- Sex cells (egg or sperm)
Genus- Taxonomic grouping of related species
Haploid- Cell with a single copy of each chromosome (1n)
Heterotroph- Organisms that must consume other organisms for food
Hypertonic- Concentration of solutes is greater outside, water moves out
Hypotonic- Concentration of solutes is less outside, water moves in
Internal – Fertilization of egg by sperm inside an animal’s body
Invertebrate – Animal lacking a backbone
Kingdom- Largest taxonomic group of related phyla
Meiosis- Cell division that create haploid cells
Mesoderm – Middle cell layer in gastrula the develops into all other organs/tissues
Mitosis- Cell division that creates identical copies of original cell
Motile- Able to move
Multicellular- Many-celled
Mutualism- Symbiotic relationship where both organisms benefit
Nonmotile- Not able to move
Parasitism- Symbiotic relationship, 1 org. benefits & the other is harmed
Photosynthesis- Converting light energy into chemical energy
Phylum- Taxonomic group of related classes
Plasma membrane- Flexible, outer membrane of cells
Prokaryote- Single-celled, no nucleus or membrane-bound organelles
Protostome – Animal whose mouth develops from gastrula opening
Pseudocoelomate – Body cavity partly lined with mesoderm & filled with fluid
Radial – Body plan that can be divided into equal halves along any plane through a central axis
Sexual – Reproduction where haploid gametes fuse to form a diploid zygote
Species- Group of org. that can interbreed & produce viable offspring
Unicellular- Single-celled
Vertebrate – Animal with a backbone
Zygote- Formed when egg & sperm meet during fertilization