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Level Biology Final Exam Review Sheet
Genetics Pedigree: Hemophilia
Normal = Dominant
Hemophilia = recessive
How many males have hemophilia?
What is the genotype of I – 2?
What is the genotype of III – 2?
What is the phenotype of II – 1?
Define Karyotype: ___________________________________________________
5. What are the human male gametes? _______ female? ________
How many pairs of chromosomes are found in the human body cell? ______
6. What is the normal male genotype? ______ normal female? _______
7. Who determines the sex of an offspring? __________
8. Sex linked disorders are carried on which sex chromosome? X or Y
9. Give three examples of a sex linked disorder.
10. A son inherits a sex- linked disorder from which parent? ____________
11. What are the first 22 pair of chromosomes called in a karyotype? _____________
12. In a certain species of rabbits, E is the gene for long ears. The gene for short ears is represented
by e. A homozygous dominant male and a heterozygous female produced many offspring.
13. What is the phenotype of the male parent? _________
female parent? ________
14. What is the genotype of the male parent? __________
female parent? ________
15. What is the phenotype probability (fraction) of their offspring? _____
16. What is the genotype probability (fraction) of their offspring? ______
17. A woman with blood type AB marries a man with blood type O. What is the genotype of the
male? ___________ female? ________ What are the phenotypes of the possible offspring?
________________What are the genotypes of the possible offspring? _________________
Karyotype A
Karyotype B
Karyotype C
18. Looking at Karyotype A, what genetic disorder is present in the karyotype above?
_____________ Karyotype B: ______________________Karyotype C: ______________________
19. Is karyotype A a male or a female? ________________
20. In Karyotype A, could pair #23 be described as homologous chromosomes? Yes or No
Evolution (ch. 15)
21.During his voyage on the Beagle, Charles Darwin made most his observations on the
22. The species of birds that Darwin is famous for studying on these islands were called
___________. During his observations, Charles Darwin found these birds displayed different
structural ________________. One of these adaptations that Darwin noted was the shape of the
birds ___________. An adaptation is an inherited characteristic that can be ____________ or
behavioral. Darwin also studied fossils during his voyage on the Beagle. He viewed the fossil
records as a record of change ______ _______. After his voyage, he returned home to
______________ where he examined his findings and developed his Theory of
___________________. This theory is his explanations of the process where modern organisms
have descended from accent organisms. During the development of organisms, ____________
occur over time, which has helped this organism survive its environment.
Define the following:
Artificial selection
Survival of the fittest
23. Describe the three types of natural selection that can occur within a population and explain what is
happening to the gene pool in each of the following graphs.
Directional, Disruptive, and Stabilizing selection: pg 398-399/notes
24. List the three main circumstances that causes speciation within and existing population and give an
example of what would cause each to occur. (hint: types of isolation) Pg 404-405/Notes
25. If a mutation introduces a new skin color in a lizard population, which factor might determine whether the
frequency of the new allele will increase? Pg 397 (look at figure 16-5 on this page)
26. They were once working organs or body parts that are now unused structures. An example would be a
pelvic bone in some species of whale is a good example. Pg. 384/notes
Taxonomy, Bacteria, Protist, Fungus, and Virus:
27. Fill in the
blanks in the
chart below.
Auto/Heterotrophic/Both Multi/Unicellular
Cell Wall?
28. Aristotle classified organisms into two groups: ___________ and _____________.
29. What taxonomic levels does Linnaeus classify organisms into (most general to most specific?
30. What is a binomial nomenclature? (Also, write a human’s binomial nomenclature in the correct
31. Protists are classified by how they ___________.
32. An amoeba moves by _____________.
33. An euglena moves by _____________.
34. A paramecium moves by ________________.
35. Label the below diagram:
Label numbers 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6 only.
Words: Food vacuole, Cell membrane, Pseudopodia, Nucleus, Vacuole
36. Label the below diagram. Only label 2 and 7. Words: Oral groove and cilia.
37. Label the below diagram. Only label 1, 5, 6, and 9. Words: Chloroplast, cell membrane,
flagellum and vacuole.
38. Match the Bacteria Shapes by drawing a line to the one that matches.
Three Shapes
1. Spirillum: spiral shaped
2. Coccus: round
3. Bacillus: rod-shaped
39. Tell which disease is caused by a bacteria and which one is by a virus:
A. Pneumonia
C. Common cold
D. TB (tuberculosis)
E. Flu
F. Strep throat
G. Herpes simplex
40. Give examples of a virus that goes through the lytic cycle and what are the lytic cycle stages.
41. Name a virus that is a retrovirus and what does that mean.
Diagram A
42. Name 2 viruses that go through the lysogenic cycle.
43. What is this structure in diagram A?
44. What type of organism does this virus infect?
45. Label parts A-D on diagram A to your right. -->
46. Give three examples of fungus.
47. Where do we find fungus, bacteria, and protist?
48. How does fungus reproduce? Bacteria? Protist?
49. What is a chain of bacteria that is rod shaped called? _________________A grape like cluster of
round bacteria called? ______________________
50. What is used to streak a plate with bacteria? ____________________(lab equipment).
51. Bacteria grows on a ___________ ____________ and feeds off of nutrient ____________.
52. What does ZOI (Zone of inhibition) mean?
53. The bigger the ZOI (Zone of inhibition), the ____________ ______________ the antibiotic.
54. __________________—break down animal waste and organic matter.
55. Name two infections caused by fungus.
56. What two things destroy (attack) a virus?
57. What does autotrophic and heterotrophic mean?
58. What does eukaryotic and prokaryotic mean?
Roots & Stems:
59. List 3 functions of roots:
60. List 3 functions of stems.
Identify the 2 types of roots below and give two examples of each type. (fibrous, taproot)
Identify the 4 types of stems below. (bulb, rhizome, runner/stolon, tuber)
Saint Augustine Grass
Be able to recognize and identify the following leaf morphologies:
Leaf Margins: (entire, lobed, serrated)
Leaf Venations: (palmate, parallel, pinnate)
Leaf Arrangements: (opposite, whorled, alternate)
State the functions of the internal leaf parts listed below:
Identify the following parts of the internal leaf diagram using the terms below:
Next to each term, state its function.
Upper epidermis:
Lower epidermis:
Palisade cells:
Spongy cells:
Guard cells:
Write the formula for photosynthesis.
What are the two reactants in photosynthesis?
What are the two products of photosynthesis?
What tissue brings water from the roots to the leaf?
In what organelle does photosynthesis occur?
Which pigment is required for photosynthesis?
67. What is a tropism?
68. What is the difference between positive and negative tropisms?
69. What part of the plant shows positive phototropism?
70. What part of the plant shows negative phototropism?
71. What part of the plant shows positive gravitropism?
72. What part of the plant shows negative gravitropism?
73. Ivy growing up a fence is an example of (positive/negative) thigmotropism.
74. The stem of a plant growing upward towards the sun (Positive/negative) gravitropism.
Angiosperms (Flowers):
75. Label the parts of the flower below using the following terms:
Next to each term, state its function.
76. What is the function of the flower?
77. What part of the flower becomes the fruit?
78. In angiosperms reproduction takes place in ________________. In Gymnosperms reproduction
takes place in _______________.
Animal Kingdom:
79. Describe the characteristics of an animal.
80. Describe the following types of symmetry:·
Bilateral Symmetry
Radial Symmetry
asymetrical symmetry
81. What is a major structural difference between vertebrates and invertebrates.
82. What type of nervous tissue organization is it called when the nerves are concentrated in the
head region of the body?
83. What phylum are Jellyfish, Hydra, Coral and Anemones examples of?
84. Which phylum in the animal kingdom organism with jointed body parts and exoskeletons?
85. Which phylum contains organisms with a body plant that contains a foot, mantle, shell and
visceral mass? Give at least three types of organisms.
86. Which phylum contains worms with segmented bodies?
87. What phylum of invertebrates contains organisms that are extremely parasitic to humans?
88.Name the phylum that contains organisms with radial symmetry.
89. Which phylum in the animal kingdom contains organism with a very basic nervous system
sometimes called a “nerve net”? Give some specific animal examples.
Human body Systems
Integumentary System:
90. What are the main functions of the skin (name three)?
91. Label the parts of the skin A-F and give function:
Digestive system:
92. Which organ makes insulin and breaks down blood sugar (letter)?
93. Which organ produces bile (letter)?
94. Which organ stores bile (letter)?
95. Label the digestive system and give function of each:
Nervous System:
96. What are the three main parts of the nervous system?
97. What is the basic cell of the nervous system called?
98. Label the cell to your right with the following:
Cell Body, Nucleus, Axon, Dendrite, Myelin Sheath
99. Finish labeling the diagram of the brain below (A-C). What is controlled by each part? Choices:
(brainstem/spinal chord, cerebrum, cerebellum)
A. ____________________
Function: ____________________________
B. ____________________
Function: ______________________________
C. ____________________
Function: _____________________________
Circulatory System:
100. Label the parts of the heart and draw arrows showing
the flow of blood.
Right Atria
Left Atria
Right Ventricle
Left Ventricle
Superior Vena Cava
Inferior Vena Cava
Pulmonary Artery
Pulmonary Vein
101. What is the function of the circulatory system?
102. Which vessels carry oxygenated blood?
Arteries or Veins
103. Which vessels carry deoxygenated blood? Arteries or
104. Is the heart muscle voluntary or involuntary?
105. Which side of the heart (right or left) carries deoxygenated blood to the lungs?
106. Which side of the heart (right or left) pumps blood to the systemic circulation (whole body)?
107. Name the largest artery in the body that pumps blood out to the rest of the body.
Respiratory System
108. Which gas is exiting the blood and which gas is entering the blood via the lungs?
109. Label parts A-F of the respiratory system and list functions using the following diagram
word bank: bronchioles, larynx, pharynx, trachea, alveoli, bronchi, diaphragm
Excretory system : main function 
110. Fill in the chart below on the excretory system and list functions.
Word bank: kidneys, urethra, ureter, renal vein, renal artery, bladder