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The Road to War
World War II Begins
A. In the 1930s, events throughout the world led to conditions that started World War II
1. High _________________________, desperation, and feelings of betrayal led to the rise of _____________________ dictators
2. Fascist dictators _________________ and ________________ threatened to conquer new territories for Italy and Germany
3. Extreme _____________________ and a need for raw materials led to a desire to expand in Japan under ____________ _______
B. By the 1930s, the world was moving towards another war but few nations were in a position to __________________war
1. _______________ and _______________were the leaders of the League of Nations, but both wanted to _________________
another bloodbath like World War I
2. The USA was focused on the ___________ _________________ and wanted to avoid foreign affairs
C. Japan, Italy, and Germany __________________ ________________ in Africa, Asia, and Europe. In 1936, Germany, Italy, and Japan
formed an alliance called the ______________
1. Japanese Expansion
a. In 1931, Japan invaded _______________________in order to ______________ its iron and coal mines
b. In 1937, Japan conquered northern ______________________, then murdered about 300,000 unarmed soldiers and civilians
during the “________ _____ _____________”
c. The League of Nations officially condemned the Japanese invasion, but took _______ _____________ _______________
d. Japan’s response? They withdrew from the League of Nations and ______________________ to take over Manchuria
e. By 1934, Japan was _________________ ____________, warning other nations to not try to assist China in its conflict with Japan
a. The Japanese took over the Chinese capital city of _________________, driving out Chinese forces
b. Nearly 500,000 Chinese civilians were ________________ in Nanking
c. Starting in December 1937 and ending in January 1938, the Japanese Army embarked on a six-week _________ _____ ________,
torturing, raping, mutilating, and murdering as many as 300,000 Chinese civilians (including children and babies)
d. Japanese soldiers followed the Samurai’s _____________ _______ called “Bushido”; it demanded unquestioning loyalty to the
divine emperor. Death in battle was seen as a __________ and was welcomed. Surrender was unthinkable for the Japanese soldier:
they felt that citizens or soldiers who surrendered were _________ _______ _____________ and deserved nothing but humiliation,
torture, and ____________.
2. The Spanish Civil War: “Dress Rehearsal For World War II”
a. A fascist leader in Spain, __________________ ____________, started a rebellion against Spain’s government; Hitler and
Mussolini sent weapons, planes, and ______________to ________________ Franco
b. Hitler and Mussolini saw this as an opportunity ___________their newest ___________________ (and help a fellow fascist, too);
for this reason, the Spanish Civil War is called a “_____________ ___________________” for World War II
3. Italian Expansion
a. In 1935, Mussolini began his campaign to create a new _____________ ________________ for Italy by invading Ethiopia
b. The Italian army easily ___________________the Ethiopians
c. The spears, swords, and antique guns of the Ethiopians were ____ _________ for Italian airplanes, tanks, guns, and poison gas.
3. The League of Nations ________________ Japanese and Italian aggression but ______ _______________ to stop the attacks in
an effort to maintain peace in the world
4. German Expansion
a. The ____________ of the League of Nations to stop Italy or Japan __________________ Hitler to expand Germany as well
b. In 1935, Hitler ___________ the terms of the Treaty of Versailles and expanded the size of the German _____________
c. In 1936, Hitler moved his army to the _________________ (which was supposed to be demilitarized)
d. Both times, the League of Nations ______________ to take action against Hitler in order to avoid war
e. Hitler’s move to reoccupy the DMZ of the Rhineland was a _____________ ________________ of the Treaty of Versailles
f. At this point, the German military was not yet __________ _____________ to defeat France, if it came to war
g. Hitler took a _________, but he was correct in guessing how badly the French (and their allies) did ______ __________ war
h. The horrors and endless ___________________ of __________ _____ _____ were still fresh on the minds of the French; they
were ________ _____________ to fight over the Rhineland
i. In 1938, Hitler ________________ Austria
j. Hitler demanded that the western border of Czechoslovakia, an area known as the __________________, be given to Germany
k. The Sudetenland contained many ethnic Germans; Hitler wanted all Germans (and the land they lived on) to be __________ by
Germany. The Czechs asked Britain and France for _________.
5. The Munich Conference, 1938
a. In 1938, leaders from England and France met with Hitler and Mussolini at the ____________ ____________________ in order
work out an _____________________ to avoid war
b. Germany was allowed to ____________ the Sudetenland when Hitler _________________ to stop expanding
6. Appeasement
a. This so-called “___________ _____ ______ ___________” came at the expense of Czechoslovakia, but the democratic nations
wanted to ______________ Hitler’s aggression without provoking it
b. As one historian put it: “Munich was surrender on an installment plan. It was like giving a cannibal a finger in hopes of
saving an arm.”
c. Within weeks, Hitler told his generals to prepare _________ for taking over the rest of Czechoslovakia
d. Britain and France used ____________________ with Hitler: they _________ _____ to his demands in order to avoid war
e. Six months after the Munich Conference, Hitler _________ _____ ______________ and annexed ALL of Czechoslovakia
f. The League of Nations, led by Britain and France, still did __________________. However, they promised that ONE MORE
aggressive move by Hitler would lead to __________. Hitler did not believe them.
7. The Non-Aggression Pact and Invasion of Poland, 1939
a. In 1939, Hitler demanded that western ___________ be returned to Germany, but he did not want to provoke a war with the
___________ ___________ before he was _____________ to do so (one of Hitler’s long-term goals was taking over the USSR).
b. Stalin and Hitler agreed to the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact, promising never to ______________ each other
c. Secretly, Germany and the USSR agreed to ______________Poland
d. On September 1st, 1939, Hitler _________________ the German military to attack Poland
e. In a speech to his military leaders, Hitler leaves no doubt as to his intention with Poland: “Kill without pity or mercy all men,
women, and children of the Polish race or language.” He also said in a public speech: “I shall strike like lightning with the full
force of a mechanized army, of which the Poles have no conception.”
On September 3rd, 1939, Britain and France _____________ _________ on Germany. World War II had ____________.
Many factors played a part in the outbreak of World War II, but it can be broken down to FOUR MAIN CAUSES:
1. The conditions of the _____________ _____ _________________
2. The ___________________ of totalitarian dictators
3. The failure of the __________ _____ ______________
4. The failure of ___________________