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4. Bleeding
Motto: "The only weapon with which the unconscious patient can immediately retaliate
upon the incompetent surgeon is haemorrhage.” (William S. Halsted (1852-1922): Bulletin
of the John Hopkins Hospital 1912; 23: 191.)
4.1. Hemostasis
Definition 1.
A normal body defense mechanism designed to result in the spontaneous arrest of bleeding
from a damaged vessel to prevent or minimize blood loss from the cardiovascular system.
Definition 2.
Natural, life saving defense mechanism which has three main factors: 1. vascular
mechanism (vasoconstriction), 2. thrombocyte mechanism, 3. clotting. All these inhibit or
decrease bleeding from the vessels.
4.1.1. Clot formation
During injury (incision) the endothelial damage (e.g. surgical incision) exposes matrix
proteins and collagen, and the platelets clump and adhere to connective tissue at cut end
(adhesion), then platelets release adenosine diphosphate (ADP), epinephrine, thromboxane
A2 (TxA2), serotonin (release), appearance of binding sites for fibrinogen on platelet
membrane, fibrinogen is involved in platelet-platelet adhesion (aggregation), ADP +
thrombin causes further platelet activation = primary thrombus. Platelet adhesion and
aggregation form a plug that is reinforced by fibrin for long term stability:
4.2. Definition of hemorrhage
Loss of circulating volume and oxygen-carrying capacity.
4.2.1. Clinical classification
Acute or chronic; primary or secondary. Secondary hemorrhage could be the aftermath of
infected wounds, inadequate primary wound care, inadequate or traumatic dressings,
necrosis of vessel wall (compression, drains, etc.).
4.2.2. Main types
1. Gross bleeding from cut or penetrated vessels
Arterial bleeding is bright-red and pulsating with the cardiac function. Volume loss depends
on the size of artery. Venous bleeding is often a continuous flow of dark-red blood with
lower intensity (large veins – air embolism!).
2. Oozing from denuded or cut surfaces
Continuous loss of blood from oozing can become serious if uncontrolled. Capillary
bleeding: use tamponade with dry or wet (warm saline) towels (only press) to stop oozing.
Parenchymal bleeding: use catgut suture or Spongostan (see later). Small bleedings during
skin incision can be controlled by compression the skin edges with towels.
4.2.3. The clinical outcome
Depends on quantity (volume) of lost blood and elapsed time. Severity of bleeding is
defined as the ratio of volume of lost blood vs time. It depends on the magnitude of injury,
mean arterial pressure and tissue resistance.
4.2.4. Clinical consequences
Dysfunction/compression (cardiac tamponade, stroke, etc.), anemia (reduction in the
number of circulating red blood cells, the amount of hemoglobin, or the volume of packed
red blood cells), hemorrhagic shock, death.
4.3. Classification
Hemorrhage can be classified according to the volume of the lost blood. To assess
hemorrhage the patient’s mean blood volume must be known (males have approx. 70 ml/kg
(6% of the body weight), females have 65 ml/kg).
Class I
Class II
Class III
Class IV
Up to 750
Capillary refill
Slight delay
>2 seconds
No filling
Pink and cool
Pale and cold
Pale, cold,
>30 ml/hr
20–30 ml/hr
5–15 ml/hr
<5 ml/hr
Slight anxiety
Mild anxiety
Fluid therapy
Blood loss
Lethargic, confused
Crystalloid, blood
4.4. Direction of hemorrhage
Clinically a bleeding can be external (e.g. trauma, surgical incision result in visible
hemorrhage) or internal (e.g. urinary tract: hematuria, pulmonary: hemoptoe; see urology,
internal medicine). The latter can be directed towards body cavities (intracranial,
hemothorax, hemascos, hemopericardium, hemarthros), or among tissues (hematoma,
4.5. Causes of gastrointestinal hemorrhage
Before operation
- Mouth and pharynx malignant tumors, hemangiomas;
- Esophagus: aortic aneurysm eroding esophagus, esophagitis, hiatal hernia, tumors, peptic
ulcers, varices.
- Stomach tumors, carcinoma, diverticulum, gastritis with erosion, peptic ulcers, varices.
- Liver cirrhosis.
- Duodenum: peptic ulcer, diverticulum, tumor, duodenitis.
Dividing point between upper and lower gastrointestinal bleeds: the ligament of Treitz at
the junction of the duodenum and jejunum.
- Jejunum and ileum: intussusception, tumors, peptic ulcers, enteritis, Meckel’ s
diverticulum, tuberculosis.
- Pancreas: eroding carcinoma, pancreatitis.
- Colon and rectum: malignant tumor, diverticulitis and diverticulosis, fissure, foreign body,
hemorrhoids, polyps, ulcerative colitis.
After operation
- Inadequate primary care;
- Unligated vessel or an unrecognized injury,
- Sutures, clips;
- Necrotic vessel wall; drain erosion; abscess wall erosion.
4.6. Bleeding according to the time of surgical interventions
Preoperative – intraoperative - postoperative.
4.5.1. Preoperative – prehospital hemorrhage
Bleedings outside the hospital - see traumatology, oxyology, anesthesiology. Prehospital
care for hemorrhagic injuries are maintenance of the airway and ventilation, control of
accessible hemorrhage with bandages, direct pressure and tourniquets (these methods have
not changed greatly in 2000 years), and treatment of shock with intravenous fluids (see
4.5.2. Intraoperative hemorrhage
Risk factors: drugs used in clotting disorders to reduce clotting (antiocoagulants, antiplatelet
drugs, thrombolytics), cirrhosis, liver dysfunction (clotting factors), uraemia, hereditary
coagulation syndromes/disorders, and sepsis. Main factors influencing perioperative blood loss
The attitude of the surgeon: training, experience and care of the surgeon (probably the most
crucial factor);
Careful planning and optimal technique (minimally invasive/atraumatic surgical technique);
Optimal size of the surgical team;
Meticulous attention to bleeding points - use of diathermy (ligation, laser, argon coagulation
Posture - the level of the operative site should be a little above the level of the heart (e.g.
Trendelenburg position for lower limb, pelvic and abdominal procedures; head-up posture
for head and neck surgery);
The size of vessels,
Pressure in the vessels,
Hemostasis: diameter of bleeding vessels spontaneously decreases due to vasoconstriction
(more pronounced in arterioles than in venules).
Handling bleeding from arterioles is easier („surgical”) than the diffuse venous one.
Anesthesia: intraoperative bleeding depends mostly on blood pressure rather than cardiac
output; the pressure can be maintained at an optimally low level by the anesthesiologist. Anesthesiology techniques to minimize perioperative blood loss
Ensuring adequate levels of anesthesia and analgesia: avoiding hypertension and
tachycardia due to sympathetic overactivity.
Avoiding coughing, etc. which increase venous blood pressure.
Avoiding hypercarbia causing vasodilatation.
Regional anesthesia (epidural, spinal) where appropriate (45% reduction in blood loss!);
sympathicolysis results in lower MAP, spontaneous breathing results in lower CVP).
Avoiding hypothermia.
Controlled hypotension (= controlled lowering of blood pressure; reduction of the systolic
blood pressure to 80-90 mmHg (mean blood pressure to 50-70 mmHg) by a variety of
pharmacological agents and non-pharmacological supplements in a normotensive patient.
Regulation of breathing (increase in intrathoracic pressure results in increases in CVP, pCO2
and MAP). Local hemostasis
History: Ambroise Paré (1510-1590) used a hemostatic clamp and ligatures to stop bleeding at the siege of
Damvillier in 1552.
In surgery bleeding is usually caused by ineffective local hemostasis. Bleedings are
dangerous complications as they impede the surgical procedures, hide the tissues or organs
being operated, and prevent wound healing. Therefore, control of surgical bleedings should
be done as rapidly as possible. The aim of local hemostasis (handling bleeding) is to prevent
the flow of blood from the incised or transected vessels. Methods are 1. mechanical, 2.
thermal, 3. chemical. Mechanical methods
Digital pressure
The first approach for hemorrhage control;
When possible, direct pressure is combined with elevation of the bleeding site above the
level of the heart;
Applied over a proximal arterial pressure point;
Intraoperative maneuvers (e.g. Pringle (Báron); compression of abdominal aorta).
There is no completely safe tourniquet time;
In most cases a tourniquet can be left in place for 2 hr without causing permanent nerve or
muscle damage.
Hemostat (artery forceps: Péan, Kocher, mosquito etc.): most commonly used method of
hemostasis in surgery.
The assistant soaks up blood with sponge (only with a press, avoiding vasoconstriction).
The surgeon clamps the vessel with the tip of a Péan without clipping the surrounding
tissues. The point of the Péan should be upwards and towards the surgeon. The surgeon
passes the thread (non-absorbable, thin suture material) around the vessel, and ties off the
vessel with a knot. After tying the first knot (half hitch) the assistant removes the artery
forceps. The surgeon ties the second knot, and cuts the threads with Mayo scissors just
above the knot (leave little thread - foreign material!). Directly under the skin do not use
ligatures because it hinders wound healing.
Suture (transverse, transfixing, „8”: sutura circumvoluta): in case of large caliber vessels or
diffuse bleeding. Non-absorbable: silk, polyethylene, wire; absorbable catgut, polyglycolic
acid (Dexon), polyglactic (Vicryl) can be used. Use a double stitch (suture twice) under the
bleeding tissue to form an “8”shape loop and then tie the knot.
Preventive hemostasis: with ligatures. In the operating field a vessel should be clamped
with two Péans, cut the vessel between them, and both ends of the vessels should be tied
Ligating clips (Ligaclip®): metal or plastic.
Bone wax (1885 -1892: Horsley and Squire): a sterile mixture of bees wax, almond oil and
salicylic acid. It adheres readily to the bloody bone surfaces thus achieving local hemostasis
of bone. The wax mechanically occludes and seals the open ends of bleeding vessels.
Other devices or mechanical methods for handling bleeding
Rubber band for digits,
Esmarch (1873) bandage (sec. Johann von Esmarch 1823-1908),
Penrose drain (removes fluid, blood),
Vessel loops,
Pneumatic tourniquet (single or double cuffed),
Pressure dressings, packing (compression), tamponade. Thermal methods
1. Cold
Hypothermia (hypothermia blanket, ice, cold solutions for stomach bleeding, cryosurgery: 20 to -180C cold to dehydrate and denaturate fatty tissue): decreases the cellular
metabolism/O2 demand and leads to vasoconstriction.
2. Heat
Based on protein denaturation (sec. Galen).
2.1. Electrosurgery
In case of a Paquelin-type electrocauterization (to stop bleedings by “burning” the bleeding vessels) the tissue
is not part of the circuit. In case of diathermy the patient is in the circuit. By 1910 the suitable frequencies had
been determined, and a firm base of knowledge on the effects of electrical heating of tissues and the concepts
of fulguration, coagulation, desiccation/dehydration, and cutting current was established. Hemostatic scalpels
appeared in 1928.
- Electrical current incises/excises or destroys tissues, the area is automatically
sterilized/burned: controls bleeding + aseptic technique. It can be used instead of scalpels or
- Steel blade seals blood vessels as it cuts through tissue.
- #10 or #15 size blade - fits into reusable handle that contains controls.
- When activated blade transfers thermal energy to tissues as it cuts.
- Can be used to incise soft tissue and muscle.
2.1.1. Components of electrosurgery
Cable with a grounding pad, electrosurgical wire that connects to blade, needle, disc, loops:
2.1.2. The effects of diathermy
The effect depends on the current intensity and wave-form used.
1. Coagulation is produced by interrupted (damped) pulses of current (50-100/sec), and
square wave-form.
2. Cutting is produced by continuous (undamped) current and sinus wave-form.
2.1.3. Monopolar and bipolar diathermy
An electrical plate is placed on the patient which acts as indifferent electrode. Current
passes between instrument and indifferent electrode (large surface). As surface area of
instrument is an order of magnitude less than that of the plate localized heating is produced
at tip of instrument, and minimal heating effect produced at indifferent electrode.
In case of bipolar diathermy two electrodes are combined in the instrument (e.g. forceps),
and the current passes between the tips and not through the patient.
2.1.4. Effects of electrosurgery
Characteristics: needle or disc touches the tissue directly, burns tissue (grayish discharge).
Tissues are pushed out after 5-15 days (antibiotics may be considered). Usage: bleeding
Lighting or spark: the needle does not touch tissue directly (had to be 1-2 mm away). Usage:
excision of polyps or cancer cells.
Current concentration is reduced, less heat is generated and no cutting action occurs (cells
dry out). Needle is inserted into tissues. Usage: to destroy warts, polyps.
With knife, blade, electrode. Usage: excision or incision.
In general, diathermy should not be used to cut skin, only deeper layers (burn injury).
Recently, the generators operate with blended modes, that is, they allow the operator to
control the levels of cut and coagulation in combination. Use a high voltage the coagulative
effect is achieved, and a lower voltage produces a cutting effect.
2.1.5. Laser surgery
Laser surgery is based on the emission of radiation by light amplification through a tube at a
microscopic level. Usage: coagulation and vaporization (carbon or steam) in delicate and
fine tissues (eyes - retina detachment repair, brain, spinal cord, gastrointestinal tract). Must
wear safety goggles. Suction of steam (CO2) is necessary.
92 Chemical-biological methods
Characteristics: easy handling, quick absorption, non-toxic, local effects without systemic
consequences. Expected consequences: vasoconstriction, coagulation, hygroscopic effect.
There are sterile hemostatic devices which aid the patient's coagulation system in the rapid
development of an occlusive clot or there are agents which cause vasoconstriction.
Main types
Absorbable gelatin: (Gelfoam®) powder or compressed-pad form, made from purified
gelatin solution, and available in sterile packaging in different sizes of pads. When placed
on area of capillary bleeding, fibrin deposited and the sponge swells. It can absorb 45 times
its own weight in blood. Absorption takes place in 20-40 days.
Spongostan® is an absorbable sponge with uniform porosity, prepared from a purified
gelatine of swine origin. Used where traditional hemostasis is difficult or the use of ligature
with non-absorbable material is impossible. Adheres to the spot of bleeding and absorbs a
large amount of blood.
Absorbable collagen (Collastat®): a hemostatic sponge, applied dry to oozing or bleeding
site. Collagen activates coagulation mechanism, especially aggregation of platelets. Must be
kept dry; applied with dry gloves or instruments; sticks to wet surfaces. Use is
contraindicated in presence of infection or areas where blood has pooled.
Microfibrillar collagen (Avitene®): powder-like, absorbable, bovine source, applied dry.
Stimulates adhesion of platelets and deposit of fibrin. Functions as hemostatic agent only
when applied directly to source of bleeding. Applied to oozing surfaces including bone and
hard to reach areas of bleeding.
Oxidized cellulose (Oxycel®, Surgicel®): absorbable, pad form. Sutured to, wrapped
around, held firmly against bleeding site or laid on oozing surface. It reacts with blood to
quickly form a clot. It increases in size to form a gel and stops bleeding where other
methods of control have failed, only small amount needed. Not used on bone unless it is
removed after hemostasis is attained as it interferes with bone growth.
Oxytocin: a hormone produced by pituitary gland. Prepared synthetically, used to induce
labor (cause contraction of uterus after delivery of placenta). A systemic agent used to
control hemorrhage from uterus, rather than true hemostatic agent.
Epinephrine: a hormone secreted by adrenal gland. It is prepared synthetically. A
vasoconstrictor used to prolong the action of local anesthetic agent and decrease bleeding.
Rapidly dispersed; short duration of action.
Thrombin: enzyme extracted from bovine blood. Accelerates coagulation of blood and
controls capillary bleeding. Unites rapidly with fibrinogen to from clot. Liquid form: spray,
mixed with saline. Do not allow to enter large vessels. Topical use only and never injected.
Mix just before use; loses potency after a few hours. Do not use on patient allergic to bovine
Novel hemostatic agents (recommended by the US Tactical Combat Casualty Care
Committee + FDA approved).
Indications: external bleeding, not at a site where a tourniquet can be applied, conventional
pressure dressings fail.
HemCon: firm 4 x 4 inch dressing, sterile, individually packaged, adherence to the bleeding
wound, some vasoconstrictive properties, chitosan-based, made from shrimp shell
polysaccharide + vinegar.
QuikClot: granular zeolite, absorbs fluid, acts as a selective sponge for water, dehydrates
blood, handling properties similar to sand, can generate significant heat during the
absorption process.
93 Intraoperative diffuse bleeding
Most frequent causes are platelet deficiency after massive transfusion, hypothermia-induced
coagulopathy, DIC, and elevated level of circulating anticoagulants. Handling intraoperative bleeding in hemostatic disorders
Fibrin glue (fibrinogen+thrombin+XIII factor), a biological tissue adhesive. It initiates the
final stages of coagulation, when a solution of human fibrinogen is activated by thrombin.
Prepared during surgery by combining equal volumes of cryoprecipitate (usually one or two
bags) and thrombin solution containing CaCl2 (and sometimes antifibrinolytic agents).
Commercial preparation: Tisseel VH, etc.
Indications: Potential leaks in dura mater, lrge traumatized bleeding surfaces in lifethreatening conditions, leaking vascular suture lines, middle ear or microsurgical
procedures, plastic surgery.
Problems: use of bovine thrombin (human thrombin is used in Europe) may cause
immunization to thrombin.
Thrombocyte suspension
Aprotinine (serine protease inhibitor)
Synthetic lysine analogues: epsilon-aminocaproic acid (EACA, Amicar), tranexamic acid:
competitive antagonists of plasmin-fibrin binding. Replacement of blood in surgery (for details: see transfusiology)
1665: Dog-to-dog experiments conducted by Richard Lower, an Oxford physician. Started as experiments and
proceeded to animal-to-human over the next two years.
1818: James Blundell, a British obstetrician, performed the first successful transfusion of human blood to a
patient for the treatment of postpartum hemorrhage.
End of 19th century: anesthesia and asepsis made surgery a viable branch of medicine, control of blood loss
still a problem.
1901: Karl Landsteiner (1868 -1945) documented the first three human blood groups - blood types discovered.
1916: World War I: plasma first used.
1932: The first facility functioning as a blood bank was established in a Leningrad hospital.
1936: first blood bank established in the USA (Cook County Hospital, Chicago). Intraoperative bleeding – Auto(logous) transfusion
Autologous transfusion means the use of the patients own blood:
- very useful in elective surgery
- reduces the need for allogeneic blood transfusion
- reduces the risk of postoperative complications (e.g. infection, HIV, hepatitis B, C, CMV,
tumour recurrence).
Three main techniques: predeposit transfusion, intraoperative acute normovolaemic
hemodilution and intraoperative cell salvage. Preoperative autologous donation = predeposit transfusion
Indications: in surgical procedures with large amount of blood loss, in delayed
interventions, if the patient is suitable for blood transfusion or blood is adequate for
retransfusion. Contraindications: anemia (Hgb < 11 g/l), infections, circulatory
insufficiency, cerebral or coronary sclerosis, cachectic patient, organizational difficulties.
Autotransfusion – whole blood transfusion
Blood collection: 3-5 weeks preoperatively, once a week, 1 unit of blood (400 ml) (1-1 unit
of concentrated red blood cell+FFP).
Autotransfusion – plasmapheresis
Plasma is separated from blood by centrifugation or filtration, and then frozen. The
concentrated red blood cell is immediately returned to the patient to prevent O2 transport
disorders. During removing blood crystalloid and colloid solutions are infused
Acute normovolaemic hemodilution
Blood (1 to 3 units) is collected at start of operative procedure, and simultaneously replaced
with crystalloid solution in a ratio of 1:3 or with plasma volume expander in a ratio of 1:1.
During surgery diluted blood is removed and it must be replaced at the end of procedure.
Advantages: microcirculation is improved by maintaining normovolemia, and autologous
blood replacement is occurred. Disadvantages: O2 transport is decreased, and clotting factors
are diluted. Contraindications: coronary and cerebral vascular diseases, decompensated
circulatory insufficiency, serious respiratory disease, anemia, hypovolemia. Blood salvage
Blood (with anticoagulant!) is collected in a sterile container and returned to the patient
through a microfilter. Contraindications: blood is mixed with harmful agents (intestinal
content, pancreatic fluid, cancer tissue, contaminated fluids). Dangers: Hbg concentration is
increased in salvaged blood, and contains large amount of clotting factors, fibrinolytic
enzymes, damaged platelets, and anticoagulants. It is necessary to control hemostasis
because of hemophylia or serious blood lost. Advantage: simple, cheap. Autotransfusion – adjuvant therapy
Erythropoietin (EPO) therapy
The EPO induced erythropoiesis is not related to the patient’s age and gender, but depends
on the patient’s iron stores. First iron must be added intravenously, the number of red blood
cell starts to increase after 3 days treatment. During treatment one unit of blood/week is
produced, in 28 days 5 units can be removed from the patient. Indication: the method can be
used if the patient is not anemic, but blood loss in large volumes is expected. Disadvantage:
expensive. Artificial blood
Can not be used in clinical practice (as of 2005 – see later). Research pathways: cell free,
chemically modified hemoglobin, synthetic perfluorocarbon solutions, liposomeencapsulated hemoglobin. Expectations: good O2 binding capacity and delivery, be in
sufficient time in the circulation, is similar to blood in some characteristics (viscositiy,
oncotic, osmotic pressure, rheology), can be stored and sterilization, do not have toxic and
antigenous characteristic, can be produced in large amount and at little cost.
4.5.3. Postoperative bleeding
Ineffective local hemostasis, complication of blood transfusion, previously undetected
hemostatic defect, consumptive coagulopathy, fibrinolysis (prostate, pancreas, liver
Causes of postoperative bleeding starting immediately after operation
- unligated vessel;
- hematologic problem developed as a result of the operation;
Therapy: if the circulation is unstable: immediate reoperation. Stable circulation:
reassessment of history, medications given. Transfusion should stop, sample should be sent
to blood bank. Body temperature should be checked, if low, the patient should be warmed.
Laboratory coagulation tests, platelet function test should be performed.
4.5.4. Local signs and symptoms of incomplete hemostasis
Visible (skin) signs, hematoma formation, suffusion, ecchymosis, compression, suffocation,
dyspnoe (thorax, neck), myocardial insufficiency (pericardium), intracranial pressure
(head), compartment syndromes (muscle), dysfunction, hyperperistalsis in the intestines.
4.5.5. General symptoms of incomplete hemostasis
Shock symptoms: cold skin, pale mucous membranes, sweating, cyanosis, hypotension,
tachycardia, dyspnoe, hypothermia, mental status, hemodynamics, laboratory alterations
(see Chapter 6.).