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The Declaration of Independence- document in American history used by the 13 British
North American colonies to proclaim their independence from Great Britain. The
Declaration of Independence was adopted in final form on July 4, 1776.
The Northwest Ordinance- 1787 The ordinance provided for the formation of not less
than three, nor more than five, states. It defined the boundaries of these states, forbade
slavery in the territory
The Constitutional Convention- meeting during the summer of 1787 at which delegates
from 12 states wrote the Constitution of the United States. At the convention in
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the delegates abandoned the Articles of Confederation, the
first constitution of the United States, and created a stronger form of government
The Constitution- system of fundamental laws of the United States of America. The
Constitution was drawn up by 55 delegates to the Constitutional Convention in
Philadelphia during the summer of 1787 and ratified by the states in 1788. The
Constitution defines distinct powers for the Congress of the United States, the president,
and the federal courts.
The 10th Amendment- The Tenth Amendment restates a fundamental constitutional rule:
If a particular power was not assigned to the federal government by the Constitution
itself, then the states may exercise the power, unless the Constitution also prohibits the
states from exercising it. The Tenth Amendment also states that people are free to act,
without permission of the federal government, in areas outside the scope of the federal
government's powers.
Alien " Sedition Acts - The Sedition Act made it a criminal offense to print or publish
false, malicious, or scandalous statements directed against the U.S. government, the
president, or Congress - The Alien Act, empowering the president to arrest and deport
any alien considered dangerous.
Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions- drawn up by James Madison -resolutions adopted in
1798 by the legislatures of Kentucky and Virginia to protest the enactment by the federal
government of the Alien and Sedition Acts.
XYZ Affair - U.S. diplomatic incident involving a commission sent to France in 1797 to
negotiate outstanding differences between the two countries. These differences arose
largely out of the refusal by the United States to come to the aid of France, then at war
with Great Britain.
Marbury vs. Madison- landmark court case of 1803 in which the Supreme Court of the
United States established its authority to review and invalidate government actions that
conflict with the Constitution of the United States. In Marbury, Chief Justice John
Marshall, speaking for a unanimous Court, expressed for the first time the concept of
judicial review at the federal level.
The Missouri Compromise- legislative measures enacted by the United States Congress
in 1820 that regulated the extension of slavery- it prohibited the entry of slaves into
Missouri and provided for the gradual emancipation of those already there.
Nat Turner's Rebellion- August 22, 1831, he and seven other slaves killed their master
and his family and, joined by about 60 blacks from neighboring plantations, started a
general revolt
The Liberator- Garrison launched The Liberator in Boston in 1831; the newspaper
became one of the most influential journals in the United States.
The Nullification Crisis- 1832, South Carolina called a state convention that declared
"null, void, and no law" the high protective tariff of that year. President Andrew Jackson
threatened to send troops to enforce the tariff in the port of Charleston.
The Annexation of Texas- a rebellion in late 1835 and early 1836 by residents of Texas,
then a part of northern Mexico, against the Mexican government and military. The
rebellion led to the establishment of the independent Republic of Texas. The short-lived
republic was annexed by the United States as a state in 1845. These events were among
the causes of the Mexican War (1846-1848) between the United States and Mexico, after
which Mexico relinquished all claims to Texas and much of the present-day southwestern
United States.
Manifest Destiny- jingoistic tenet holding that territorial expansion of the United States is
not only inevitable but divinely ordained.
The Mexican American War- a conflict between the United States and Mexico, lasting
from 1846 to 1848. The war resulted in a decisive U.S. victory and forced Mexico to
relinquish all claims to approximately half its national territory.
California Gold Rush- the massive movement of people to California following the
discovery of gold there in 1848.
Uncle Tom's Cabin- In 1852 Harriet Beecher Stowe, the daughter of a Connecticut
clergyman, published Uncle Tom's Cabin, a forceful indictment of slavery. The book
quickly became one of the most popular works of the time, and it was important in
spreading antislavery sentiment in the North.
The Gadsen Purchase- land purchased by the United States from Mexico in 1853. - U.S.
proponents of a southern transcontinental railroad considered the best route to the Pacific
to be in the disputed area, through the Mesilla Valley
The Kansas Nebraska Act- (1854), U.S. law authorizing the creation of Kansas and
Nebraska, west of the states of Missouri and Iowa and divided by the 40th parallel. It
repealed a provision of the Missouri Compromise (1820) that had prohibited slavery in
the territories north of 36° 30', and stipulated that the inhabitants of the territories should
decide for themselves the legality of slaveholding.
Bleeding Kansas - The Kansas-Nebraska Act resulted in a struggle between U.S. citizens
from Southern states who were eager to extend slavery into the new territory and those
from Northern states who were determined to stop the spread of slavery (called freesoilers).
Sumner-Brooks Incident- (1856) Charles Sumner, an antislavery senator from
Massachusetts, gave an impassioned antislavery speech in which he insulted a number of
Southern senators. - Congressman Preston Brooks of South Carolina was Butler's
nephew. He was determined to punish Sumner's attack upon his family's honor. He
walked onto the floor of the Senate, found Sumner at his desk, and beat him unconscious
with a cane.
Dred Scott vs. Sanford- 1850s in which the Supreme Court of the United States declared
that African Americans were not U.S. citizens. The Court also determined that the portion
of the Missouri Compromise of 1820 that banned slavery in U.S. territories north and
west of the state of Missouri was unconstitutional.
Lincoln-Douglas Debates- series of seven formal meetings during the Illinois senatorial
campaign of 1858, in which Republican Abraham Lincoln argued the issue of slavery
with the Democratic incumbent, Stephen A. Douglas.
Raid of Harper's Ferry- In 1859 the arsenal and armory were seized in a famous raid by
the abolitionist John Brown.
1860 Presidential Election- In December, with the Republican victory final, South
Carolina seceded. By February, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and
Texas had followed.
Firing of Fort Sumter- On April 12, 1861, Confederate artillery shelled Fort Sumter in
Charleston Harbor.
Republican Party - one of the two major United States political parties, founded by a
coalition in 1854. The coalition was composed of former members of the Whig, FreeSoil, and Know-Nothing parties, along with Northern Democrats who were dissatisfied
with their party's conciliatory attitude on the slavery issue (see Free-Soil Party; KnowNothings; Whig Party). The early Republicans were united in their opposition to
extending slavery into the Western territories.
declaration independence document american history used british north american
colonies proclaim their independence from great britain declaration independence
adopted final form july northwest ordinance ordinance provided formation less than three
more than five states defined boundaries these states forbade slavery territory
constitutional convention meeting during summer which delegates from states wrote
constitution united convention philadelphia pennsylvania delegates abandoned articles
confederation first constitution united created stronger form government constitution
system fundamental laws united america drawn delegates constitutional convention
philadelphia during summer ratified defines distinct powers congress president federal
courts amendment tenth amendment restates fundamental constitutional rule particular
power assigned federal government itself then exercise power unless also prohibits from
exercising tenth amendment also that people free without permission federal government
areas outside scope powers alien sedition acts sedition made criminal offense print
publish false malicious scandalous statements directed against president congress alien
empowering president arrest deport alien considered dangerous virginia kentucky
resolutions drawn james madison resolutions adopted legislatures kentucky virginia
protest enactment sedition acts affair diplomatic incident involving commission sent
france negotiate outstanding differences between countries these differences arose largely
refusal come france then with great britain marbury madison landmark court case which
supreme court established authority review invalidate actions that conflict with marbury
chief justice john marshall speaking unanimous court expressed first time concept
judicial review level missouri compromise legislative measures enacted congress that
regulated extension slavery prohibited entry slaves into missouri provided gradual
emancipation those already there turner rebellion august seven other slaves killed their
master family joined about blacks neighboring plantations started general revolt liberator
garrison launched liberator boston newspaper became most influential journals
nullification crisis south carolina called state declared null void high protective tariff year
andrew jackson threatened send troops enforce tariff port charleston annexation texas
rebellion late early residents texas then part northern mexico against mexican military
rebellion establishment independent republic texas short lived republic annexed state
these events were among causes mexican between mexico after which mexico
relinquished claims much present southwestern manifest destiny jingoistic tenet holding
territorial expansion only inevitable divinely ordained mexican american conflict
between lasting resulted decisive victory forced relinquish claims approximately half
national territory california gold rush massive movement people california following
discovery gold there uncle cabin harriet beecher stowe daughter connecticut clergyman
published uncle cabin forceful indictment slavery book quickly became most popular
works time important spreading antislavery sentiment north gadsen purchase land
purchased proponents southern transcontinental railroad considered best route pacific
disputed area through mesilla valley kansas nebraska authorizing creation kansas
nebraska west missouri iowa divided parallel repealed provision compromise prohibited
territories north stipulated inhabitants territories should decide themselves legality
slaveholding bleeding kansas nebraska resulted struggle citizens southern were eager
extend into territory those northern were determined stop spread called free soilers
sumner brooks incident charles sumner antislavery senator massachusetts gave
impassioned antislavery speech insulted number southern senators congressman preston
brooks south carolina butler nephew determined punish sumner attack upon family honor
walked onto floor senate found desk beat unconscious with cane dred scott sanford
supreme declared african americans citizens also determined portion compromise banned
territories west state unconstitutional lincoln douglas debates series seven formal
meetings during illinois senatorial campaign republican abraham lincoln argued issue
democratic incumbent stephen douglas raid harper ferry arsenal armory seized famous
raid abolitionist john brown presidential election december republican victory final south
carolina seceded february mississippi florida alabama georgia louisiana followed firing
fort sumter april confederate artillery shelled fort sumter charleston harbor republican
party major political parties founded coalition coalition composed former members whig
free soil know nothing parties along northern democrats dissatisfied their party
conciliatory attitude issue soil party know nothings whig early republicans opposition
extending into western
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