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Domain: Expressions and Equations
Cluster: Use properties of operations to generate equivalent expressions.
Standards: Apply properties of operations as strategies to add, subtract, factor, and expand linear expressions with rational
Essential Questions
How does rewriting an
expression help you think
about a situation in a new
How can we use properties
of operations to add,
subtract, factor, and expand
linear expressions?
Enduring Understandings
Content Statements
Simplify algebraic
Use the Distributive
Property to expand a linear
expression with rational
Apply the Distributive
Property to factor a linear
expression with rational
Identify like terms
Use operations to
simplify expressions
Factoring an expression
changes a combination of
terms to a multiplication
of terms.
Expanding an algebraic
expression allows you to
simplify the expression
after identifying like
A common factor helps
you rewrite an algebraic
expression into a product
of two or more terms.
Adding and subtracting
algebraic expressions
allows you to create
equivalent expressions in
simplified form.
Activities, Investigation, and Student Experiences
Hand out index cards to all students with various “terms” on
them. Have students find their “match” which would be a
student with a “like term.” Students should combine their like
Identify the GCF of two given composite numbers. Write an
addition expression using the two given numbers. Demonstrate
how to rewrite the expression a product of common factors.
Ex. A find the GCF of 16 and 24. Students respond 8. Write
expression 16 + 24 on board. Show 16 + 24 is equivalent to
(8 x 2) + (8 x 3). Model rewriting expression as 8(2+3) and
relate directly to the distributive property of equality a(b+c) = ab
+ ac. Expand to the example 5x and 3x… 5x + 3x…(5 x x) + (3
x x)…x(5+3)…8x
Create 3 sets of cards… one set has several expanded
expressions, another has the factored form, and last set is
Ex. 2a + 3b + 3a…a(2+3) + 3b…5a + 3b
***Be mindful that all activities should include examples with
fractional, decimal, and integer coefficients.***
What is the perimeter of a triangle with sides the following
lengths: 2a + 4c, 3c + 7, and 6a – 4. Simplify the expression.
Equipment Needed:
Teacher Resources:
Index cards with expressions
Holt McDougal Lessons: 1-5, 11-1 Lab, 11-1