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Dryland Swimming
Warm-up muscles of the shoulders, particularly the upper back and
the rotator cuff, using a swimming-like motion.
1. Attach the resistance band to a stationary object.
2. Lean forward at the waist so the upper body is parallel to the
3. Perform arm pulls that mimic the swimming stroke, taking care to
maintain proper pulling technique throughout.
Build strength in the gluteal muscles, as well as the muscles
throughout the lower body.
1. Stand on the resistance band so the feet are shoulder-width apart.
2. Lower yourself into a squat position so your knees are bent to 90
3. Grasp the handles and hold at shoulder level.
4. Drive with the legs to a standing position, there should be a strong
tension in the resistance band.
5. Hold this position for a 2-count before returning to the starting
6. Make sure you maintain a normal curvature of the spine, push the
chest out and up, and don’t let the knees come forward past the toes.
Core Chest Press
Improve strength in the chest muscles while developing core stability.
1. Attach the resistance band to a stationary object at shoulder height.
2. Grab the handles while facing away from the stationary object.
3. Hold the resistance band at chest level and walk away from the
attachment point so there is tension in the resistance band.
4. Contract the core muscles and lock down the pelvis by contacting the
abdominal, lower back, and gluteal muscles.
5. Push the right hand straight forward; don’t lean into the exercise or
use the legs – keep a stable posture!
6. Slowly return the right hand to the starting position, and repeat with
the left hand.
Upright Row
Develop strength in the muscles of the upper back, particularly the
trapezius muscle, which helps to stabilize the shoulder blade.
1. Step of the resistance band and grasp the handles; there should be
some tension even when your arms hang straight down.
2. Squeeze the shoulder blades together and pull the shoulders back
3. Leading with the elbows, pull the hands up together toward your chin;
keep elbows pointed outward and lift the hands only until the upper
arm reaches shoulder level.
4. Hold this position for a 2-count and slowly return to the starting
5. Variation: Alternate right and left arms.
Standing Internal Rotation
Develop strength in the internal rotators – muscles that contribute to
the catch and propulsion in most strokes.
1. Attach resistance band to a stationary object at waist level.
2. Stand with your body sideways to the attachment point so the right
arm is closer to it.
3. Grasp 1-handle of the resistance band with your right hand and step
away for the attachment point so there is moderate tension in the
resistance band.
4. The right elbow is at your side and your hand is pointing forward,
away from your body.
5. Rotating only the shoulder, move the right hand until it lies across
your body.
6. Hold this position for a 2-count and slowly return to the starting
7. Repeat with the left hand.
8. Variation: Alternate right and left arms with 1-handle or 2-handles.
Triceps Extension
Strengthen the triceps muscles in the back of the upper arm to help
with the finish phase of the stroke.
1. Stand on the resistance band and grab both handles behind your head.
2. Make sure the resistance band runs up the middle of your back.
3. Position your arms so your elbows point toward the sky/ceiling and
are bent 90 degrees or more in the starting position.
4. Without moving the upper arm, straighten the elbows so the hands
now point to the sky/ceiling.
5. Hold this position for a 2-count and slowly return to the starting
6. Variation: Alternate right and left arms.
Standing Biceps Curl
Strengthen the biceps muscle in the front of the upper arm to help
with the finish phase of the stroke.
1. Stand on the resistance band with feet shoulder-width apart, and knees
slightly bent.
2. Grab both handles with an underhand grip, palms facing forward with
arms hanging down at sides and elbows close to your side.
3. Flex at the elbows and curl the resistance band up to approximately
the shoulder level; keep elbows close to your side throughout
4. Hold this position for a 2-count and slowly return to the starting
5. Remember to keep back and head in a neutral position throughout
movement; shoulders should be stabilized by squeezing should blades
together slightly – only the elbow joint should be moving.
6. Variation: Alternate right and left arms.
Lateral Rows
Develop strength in the muscles of the upper back, particularly the
trapezius muscle, which helps to stabilize the shoulder blade.
1. Stand on the resistance band with feet shoulder-width apart, and knees
slightly bent.
2. Grab both handles with a neutral grip, palms facing each other with
arms hanging down at sides and elbows slightly bent.
3. Move both arms away from your side so they are now at 90 degrees to
your body.
4. Hold this position for a 2-count and slowly return to the starting
5. Variation: Alternate right and left arms; move arms forward, to the
side, then down.