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Student Study Guide for the American Pageant
CHAPTER 6 The Duel for North America, 1608–1763
Chapter Summary
Like Britain, France entered late into the American
colonial scramble, eventually developing an extensive
though thinly settled empire economically based on
the fur trade. During much of the seventeenth and
eighteenth centuries, Britain and France engaged in a
bitter power struggle that frequently erupted into
worldwide wars. In North America these wars
constituted an extended military duel for imperial
control of the continent.
The culminating phase of this struggle was
inaugurated by young George Washington’s venture
into the sharply contested Ohio country. After early
reversals in the Seven Years’ War (French and Indian
War), the British under William Pitt revived their
fortunes and won a decisive victory at Quebec, finally
forcing the French from North America.
The American colonials, who had played a large part
in Britain’s imperial wars with France, emerged with
increased confidence in their own abilities. The
removal of the French and Spanish threat to British
control of North America kindled increasing tensions
between the colonists and Britain. The Ottawa chief
Pontiac’s unsuccessful uprising in 1763 convinced the
British of the need to continue stationing troops in
America. But with foreign threats gone, the colonists
were unwilling to pay taxes for British protection and
increasingly resented Britain’s authority over them.
GLOSSARY - To build your social science vocabulary, familiarize yourself with the following terms:
domestic - Concerning the internal affairs of a country.
minister - In politics, a person appointed by the head of state to take charge of some department or agency of
autocratic - Marked by strict authoritarian rule, without consent or participation by the populace.
peasant - A farmer or agricultural laborer, sometimes legally tied to the land.
coureurs des bois - French-Canadian fur trappers; literally, "runners of the woods."
voyageurs - French-Canadian explorers, adventurers, and traders.
flotilla - A fleet of boats, usually smaller vessels.
ecological - Concerning the relations between the biological organisms and their environment. mutinous
Concerning revolt by subordinate soldiers or seamen against their commanding officers.
strategic Concerning the placement and planned movement of large-scale military forces so as to gain advantage,
usually prior to actual engagement with the enemy.
guerilla warfare Unconventional combat waged by small military units using hit-and-run tactics.
sallies (sally) In warfare, very rapid military movements, usually by small units, against an enemy force or position.
siege A military operation of surrounding and attacking a fortified place, often over a sustained period.
regulars Trained professional soldiers, as distinct from militia or conscripts.
commissions An official certification granting a commanding rank in the armed forces.
Locate the following places by reference number on the map:
____ Quebec
____ New Orleans
____ Great Lakes
____ Montreal
____ Hudson Bay
____ Newfoundland
____ Louisiana
____ Nova Scotia (Acadia)
The soldier and explorer whose leadership earned him the title “Father of New France” was (pg. 107) _____________
France was finally able to join in the scramble for colonies in the New World as a result of the (pg. 106)
A) Protestant takeover of the French government. B) end of the religious wars. C) revocation of the Edict of Nantes.
D) St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre. E) Seven Years' War.
What type of government was practiced in New France (Canada)? (pg. 107) __________________________________
Unlike the English colonies in America, in New France (pg. 107)
A) there were no popularly elected assemblies. B) the crown refused to promote the welfare of French colonization.
C) the population grew very rapidly. D) no valuable resources for exploitation existed. E) the colonists practiced
religious toleration.
Study the map on page 107: What generalizations can be drawn from the map? _________________________________
Study the picture on page 107: What is revealed in the graphic? (read the caption) ______________________________
The primary economic pursuit of early settlers in New France was (pg. 108) ___________________________________
What was the main motivating factor for the French in gaining control of Louisiana? (pg. 109) ____________________
King William’s War and Queen Anne’s War were fought between the ________________________ and the __________
In what way did the 1713 Treaty of Utrecht contribute to the colonial cause for independence? (pg. 110) _____________
Study the map on page 110 and compare it with the one on page 107: How did control of North America change after
these first two “World Wars”?
For what strategic reason were the New England colonists outraged when British diplomats returned Louisbourg to France
in 1748? (pg. 111)
Why was the Ohio Valley a point of contention between France and the British? (pg. 112) _______________________
The Seven Years' War was also known in America as (pg. 113) _____________________________________________.
Why is the Seven Years' War considered to be a World War? _______________________________________________
What was the immediate purpose of the Albany Congress of 1754? (pg. 113) __________________________________
The long-range purpose of the Albany Congress in 1754 was to (pg. 113) _____________________________________
Why was Benjamin Franklin's plan for colonial home rule rejected by the individual colonies? (pg. 113) ____________
As a result of General Braddock's defeat a few miles from Fort Duquesne, (pg. 114)
A) the British controlled the frontier. B) George Washington was left without a military command. C) the frontier from
Pennsylvania to North Carolina was open to Indian attack. D) General Braddock was forced to leave the military.
E) the British called off their planned invasion of Canada.
What was the result of the British invasion of Canada in 1756 during the Seven Years' War? (pg. 114-115) ________
The 1759 Battle of Quebec (pg. 115)
A) had little impact on the Seven Years' War. B) was a key turning point in Queen Anne's War. C) was a dramatic
victory for the French. D) ended the war of French succession. E) ranks as one of the most significant victories in
British and American history.
In the peace arrangements that ended the Seven Years' War, (pg. 115)
A) France surrendered all of its territorial claims to North America. B) England turned Florida over to Spain.
C) Spain ceded all of Louisiana, including New Orleans, to Britain. D) France lost all its valuable sugar islands in the
West Indies. E) the British got all of Canada except Nova Scotia.
As a result of the Seven Years' War, Great Britain (pg. 115)
A) gained control of Louisiana. B) became the dominant power in North America. C) annexed the island of Cuba.
D) gained exclusive control of the slave trade. E) all of the above.
For the American colonies, the Seven Years' War (pg. 118)
A) ended the myth of British invincibility. B) left them in need of experienced officers. C) offered the opportunity to
grow closer to the British. D) gave them the opportunity finally to gain control of Mississippi. E) helped improve
relations between Britain and the colonies.
During the Seven Years' War, (pg. 118)
A) colonial militiamen were impressed with the seeming invincibility of the British regulars.
B) British officers roundly praised the skillful fighting ability of colonial troops.
C) British officials were disturbed by the lukewarm support of many colonials.
D) the colonists lost confidence in their own military capability.
E) all American trade with Spain and France ended.
The disunity that existed in the colonies before the Seven Years' War can be attributed to (pg. 119)
A) the enormous distances between the colonies. B) geographical barriers like rivers. C) conflicting religions.
D) varied nationalities. E) all of the above.
When the Acadians left Canada, they went to (pg. 116) __________________________________________________
What brought about an end to the isolation of Louisiana's Cajun communities? (pg. 117) ________________________
The primary thing that the Acadians and Quebecois believed that bound them together was their (pg. 117) _________
How did victory in the Seven Years' War affect the colonial cause for independence? (pg. 120) ___________________
What motivated Chief Pontiac to try to drive the British out of the Ohio Valley? (pg. 120) _______________________
What was the purpose of the Proclamation of 1763? (pg. 121) _______________________________________________