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Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________
Study Guide: 2 Semester Final
7. Leader of Nazi Germany during World War II
9. A Chinese Communist program from 1958 to 1960 to boost farm and industrial output that failed miserably
14. Forcible overthrow of the government
15. Nonreligious
18. Refusal to obey unjust laws
20. Occurs when one ethnic group forces another to move or be killed
21. Centralized authoritarian and nationalistic government that is not communist and whose policies glorify the state over the
22. State of tension, especially between the U.S. and the Soviet Union, after WWII
23. Motivational leader of Great Britain during World War II
24. International organization establishments with the goal of maintaining peace and cooperation in the world
25. The U.S. strategy of keeping communism within its existing boundaries and preventing its further expansion
27. “Restructuring” in Russian, refers to a Soviet policy of democratic and free-market reforms introduced by Mikhail Gorbachev in
the late 1980’s
30. Religious leaders that call for a return to what they see as the fundamental, or basic values of their faith
32. City that is the center of Arab-Israeli conflict
1. The government takeover of natural resources
2. Organization that included former Soviet allies by the 1990’s
3. Spreading ideas to promote a cause or to damage an opposing one
4. Division
5. The carrying out of genocide on European Jews
6. A movement of people from rural areas to cities
8. Payments for war damage, or damage caused by imprisonment
9. Process by which national economics, politics, cultures, and societies become integrated with other nations around the globe
10. A terrorists group that was organized to expel U.S. businesses and military power from Saudi Arabia
11. Giving into the demands of an aggressor
12. A policy of segregation in South Africa
13. People who were forced to move because of poverty, war, or natural disasters
16. Leader of the Soviet Union during World War II
17. A system in which the government controls part of the economy and individuals do not own property or operate business
19. Rebels that have targeted foreigners and others in Iraq
24. Revoked Jews’ German citizenship in 1935
25. A Chinese Communist program in the late 1960’s to purge China of non-revolutionary tendencies that caused economic and
social damage
26. Man who became the first black South African president
28. Leader of fascist Italy during World War II
29. “Openness” in Russian, refers to a Soviet policy of greater freedom of expression introduced by Mikhail Gorbachey in the late
31. Islamic fundamentalists that refused to surrender Osama bin Laden to the United States
Short Answer:
Chapter 14:
Which nations made up the Triple Alliance during WWI?
What was the major cause of rising international tensions in the early 1900’s?
Why did Russia join the WWI?
What countries battled each other on the Eastern Front during WWI?
What boosted Allied morale in 1917?
What did the Treaty of Versailles do?
How did women help in the WWI war effort?
Chapter 15:
In the early 1900’s, who held the power in Latin America?
What was the cause of conflict between Arabs and Jews?
What was Gandhi’s main weapon against injustice?
Describe the Communists’ relations with China’s peasants.
What was one result of the Great Depression in Japan?
With what countries did Japan ally itself with in 1936?
Chapter 16:
Describe the mood of much of the world at the end of WWI.
What country emerged from World War I in the best financial shape?
What was one important cause of the Great Depression?
What did Italy become under Mussolini’s rule?
What was one appeal of fascism to Italians?
In what ways did fascism differ from communists?
What was the goal of the Nazi’s?
Chapter 17:
What is one reason for the development of the policy of appeasement?
What event marked the beginning of World War II?
How did Germany’s location affect its chance to win the war?
What is one reason given for dropping the atomic bombs on Japan?
Describe Germany in the late 1940’s and 1950’s.
Chapter 18:
In the period after WWII, which two sides faced off?
China’s Communists finally won the long civil war under whose leadership?
Describe North and South Korea in the late 1980’s.
Why did the United States enter the war in Vietnam?
What role did the arms race play in the downfall of the USSR?
At the end of the Cold War, how did the world respond?
Chapter 19:
Why did India become two countries after independence in 1947?
How did former colonial rulers remain influential in some independent African nations?
Describe Arab nations’ attitude toward Islam.
Chapter 20:
What was South Africa’s apartheid system designed to do?
What happened in South Africa after the end of apartheids?
What is a major stumbling block to Middle East peace?
What event triggered the 1991 Gulf War?
Chapter 21:
What are problems faced by developed nations?
What is a major health challenge for both China and India?
Why did most Latin American countries see little improvements in their standard of living?
Why has the United States intervened militarily many times in Latin America?
Chapter 22:
While developed nations control much of the world’s capital, what do they depend on developing countries for?
What do supporters of globalization argue it has done?
What do most expects on global poverty agree?
What is one possible result of global warming?
What are nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons all examples of?
What is one reason why the United States invaded Iraq in 2003?
Communication, observation, and navigation are three uses of what?
Who created the Internet?
Map on Back--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Map: Locate on World Map
In Europe/Middle East:
 Germany
 England
 Russia
 Iran
 Iraq
In Asia:
 China
 Japan
 North Korea
 India
 Vietnam
In Latin America:
 Brazil
 Cuba
 Mexico
 Panama
 Columbia