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Culture alid Society in the Roman World
DIRECTIONS: Fill in the blanks below as you read Section 3.
During the third and (1)
adopted many features of the (2)
the Romans
style of art. While Greek
rs produced
sculptors aimed for ideal appearance in their figures, Roman sculpto
statues. in their architecture, the Romans used Greek styles,
lines: the arch, vault, and dome.
but also forms based on (4)
on a
The Romans were the first people in antiquity to use (5)
kept a population
massive scale. In Rome, almost a dozen (6)
of 1 million supplied with water.
The most distinguished poet of the Augustan Age was (7)
; he
The Roman historian Livy had a serious weakness as a (8)
Teachers in
was not always concerned about the factual accuracy of his stories.
s had to
Roman households were often Greek slaves because upper-class Roman
to prosper in the empire.
learn Greek as well as (9)
to Italy as
Large numbers of foreign peoples captured in war were brought back
Greek slaves were in much demand as tutors,
famous slave revolt in Italy
, doctors, and artists. The most
occurred in 73 B.C., led by the gladiator (12)
existed between rich and poor in
An enormous (13)
, while the poor lived in
Rome. The rich had comfortable (14)
their time outapartment blocks called insulae. Many poor Romans spent most of
Beginning with (16)
doors in the (15)
received free
the emperors provided food for the city poor. About 200,000 people
Public spectacles were provided by the emperor as part of
festivals celebrated by the state.
the great (18)
Guided Reading Activity 4-3
Classical Greece
DIRECTIONS: Fill in the blanks below as you read Section 3.
In 490 B.c., the Persians landed on the plain of (1)
26 miles (41.8 km) from Athens. There, an outnumbered (2)
army attacked and defeated the Persians decisively. According to legend, an
brought news of Persia’s defeat by
Athenian runner named (3)
racing 26 miles (41.8 km) from Marathon to Athens. The Persian king,
, vowed revenge and planned to invade Greece. Early in 479
the Greeks formed the largest Greek army up to that time and defeated the
Persian army at (5)
In 478
the (6)
the Athenians formed a defensive alliance against the Persians called
Under the rule of the dominant figure
Athens expanded its new empire abroad. This period saw
the height of Athenian power and (8)
In Athens, every (9)
participated in the governing assem
bly and voted on all major issues. Meetings of the assembly were held every 10 days
By paying
on a hillside east of the (10)
and making lower-class male citizens eligible for public
office, Pericles made it possible for poor citizens to take part in public affairs. A
members of the
person named as undesirable by at least (12)
assembly could be banned from the city for 10 years.
Disputes between Sparta and Athens led to the outbreak of the Great
War in 431 B.C. This struggle lasted for about 27 years
until 405 B.c., when the Athenian fleet was destroyed at (14)
the Hellespont. In continuing their petty wars, the Greeks ignored the growing
to their north.
power of (15)
Early Chinese Civilizations
DIRECTIONS: Fill in the blanks below as you read Section 3.
Historians of China have traditionally dated the beginning of Chinese civiliza
tion to the founding of the (1)
dynasty over 4,000 years ago.
was replaced by a second dynasty, the Shang, ruled by an
An aristocracy is an upper class whose wealth is based on
land and whose power is passed on from one
to arother.
To communicate with the gods, rulers made use of
bones. Priests scratched questions on the bones, stuck heated
into the bones, and discerned answers from the resulting
cracks. Remains of human (6)
found in royal tombs are evi
dence of the Chinese people’s efforts to win the favor of the gods.
The Zhou dynasty lasted for almost 800 years, making
dynasty in Chinese history. The king
he could be
in the Zhou dynasty was seen as the link between
it (7)
If the king failed to rule effectively,
and replaced by a new ruler.
the nature of warfare had changed
in China.
Members of the cavalry were now armed with the powerful
sixth century B.C.,
a Chinese invention of the seventh century B.C.
By the
in wide use. Filial
refers to the duty of members of the family to defer to the
needs and desires of the male head of the family. Toward the end of the Zhou
dynasty, three major
and the universe emerged
about the nature of human beings
in China—Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalism.