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IB Geography I
End of Year Exam: Paper 1 Study Guide
Advice for studying: Below you will find an outline of topics you should study for each of the Core Themes
we have studied throughout the year. Use this to guide your studying. Sources to review include: PPTs, Case
Study Sheets, notes, notecards, handouts and articles.
I. Populations in Transition
A. Population Change
a. Demographic Transition Model
b. Population Pyramids and Population Projections
c. Child Mortality, Infant Mortality, Life Expectancy
B. Responses to High and Low Fertility
a. Pro-natalist policy, Anti-natalist Policy
b. Dependency Ratio
c. Impacts of Aging and Youthful Populations
C. Migration
a. Voluntary v. Forced
b. Push and Pull Factors
c. Immigration v. Emigration
d. Internal v. International Migration (Case Studies: China/US-Mexico)
e. Refugees, Internally Displaced Person, Asylum Seeker
f. Remittances
D. Gender
a. Gender v. Sex
b. Gender Gap Index
c. Gender Inequalities in Culture, Education, Health, Income, Employment
II. Disparities in Wealth and Development
A. Measurements of Disparities
b. Human Development Index (HDI)
c. LEDCs v. MEDCs v. NICs
d. The Development Gap
B. Origin of Disparities
a. Gini Coefficients and Lorenz Curves
b. Slums/Urbanization of Poverty
C. Disparities and Change
a. Theories Used to Explain the Development Gap: Dependency Theory, World System Theory,
Rostow’s Model
b. Patterns and Trends in Education, Income, and Life Expectancy
c. The Millennium Development Goals
D. Reducing Disparities
a. Effectiveness of Strategies Designed to Reduce Disparities
i. Free and Fair Trade
ii. Aid
iii. Microcredit
b. Sustainable Development
III. Patterns in Environmental Quality and Sustainability
A. Atmosphere
a. Greenhouse Gas Effect
b. Causes of Climate Change
i. Greenhouse Gases (Carbon Dioxide, Methane, Nitrous Oxides, Ozone)
ii. Positive Feedback
c. Consequences of Climate Change
d. Solutions to Climate Change: Low Carbon Economy, Community Energy
B. Water
a. Physical v. Economic Water Scarcity
b. Water Footprint
c. Factors Affecting Access to Safe Drinking Water
C. Soil
a. Causes of Soil Degradation
b. Consequences of Soil Degradation
c. Management Strategies: Reforestation, Afforestation, Sustainable Agriculture
D. Biodiversity
a. Biodiversity in Tropical Rainforests (Biodiversity hotspots)
i. Ecological Value, Economic Value, Culture Value
E. Environmental Sustainability
a. Carrying Capacity, Business as Usual
b. Environmental Sustainability Index
IV. Patterns in Resource Consumption
A. Resource Consumption
a. Ecological Footprint
b. Patterns and Trends in Ecological Footprint
c. Population Resource Debate
i. Thomas Malthus
ii. Neo v. Anti-Malthusian Views
iii. Esther Boserup, Julian Simon, Paul Ehrlich
d. The Green Revolution
B. Changing Patterns of Energy Consumption
a. Oil: patterns and trends in consumption/production
b. Peak Oil
c. Geopolitics
d. Environmental Impact of Oil
C. The Changing Importance of Other Energy Sources
a. Fossil Fuels
b. Nuclear Power (advantages/disadvantages)
c. Renewable Energy (Hydroelectric, Solar, Tidal, Wind, Geothermal, Biomass/Biofuel)
D. Conservation Strategies
a. 3 R’s: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
b. Quotas, Subsidies, Substitution, Rationing, Product Stewardship
c. Overfishing
d. Kyoto Protocol and Copenhagen Climate Summit