Quantum Transport through Single and Double Quantum Dots
Quantum Transport in Nanoscale Devices
Quantum transport and spin effects in lateral semiconductor nanostructures and graphene Martin Evaldsson
Quantum Theory: Concepts and Methods
Quantum theory of many − particle systems
Quantum Theory of Light, PY4T02 Problem Set 2 Paul Eastham
Quantum Theory of Condensed Matter (260 Pages)
Quantum Theory of Atomic and Molecular Structures and Interactions
Quantum Theory Cannot Hurt You
Quantum Theory and Relativity
Quantum Theory
Quantum State Engineering and Information Processing with
Quantum spin liquids
Quantum Spin Hall Effect and Topological Phase Transition in HgTe
Quantum Spin Hall Effect and Topological Insulator
QUANTUM SPIN GLASSES Heiko Rieger and A. Peter Young
Quantum reflection and interference of matter waves from
Quantum Qualities - University of South Florida
Quantum Point Contacts
Quantum Plasmas - Bucharest Brahms Page