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Washington to Madison
History Test
Review Sheet
George Washington
o Cabinet members
o Judiciary Act
o Washington D.C.
o Whiskey Rebellion
o Battle of Fallen Timbers
o Treaty of Greenville
o Farewell Address
o Neutrality
o Jay’s Treaty
James Madison
o Election of 1808
o Charles C. Pinckney
o Tecumseh
o Battle of Tippecanoe
o William Henry Harrison
o War Hawks
o Nonintercourse Act
o War of 1812 *
John Adams
o Federalist Party
o Election of 1796
o ZXY Affair
o Alien Act
o Sedition Act
*War of 1812
o Privateers
o Invasion of Canada
o Lake Erie- Naval attack
o Battle of Thames
o Washington D.C.
o Fort McHenry
o Battle of Plattsburgh
o Treaty of Ghent
o Battle of New Orleans
Thomas Jefferson
o Democratic- Republicans
o Election of 1800
o 12th Amendment
o Laissez-faire
o Marbury v. Madison
o Judicial Review
o Louisiana Purchase
o Lewis and Clark Expedition
o Hamilton/Burr Duel
o Impressment
o Attack on the Chesapeake
o War with Tripoli
o Embargo Act
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