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This document is designed to help North Carolina educators teach the Common Core and Essential Standards (Standard Course of Study). NCDPI staff
are continually updating and improving these tools to better serve teachers.
Essential Standards: Eighth Grade Social Studies ł Unpacked Content PLUS SCOS 2006
For the new Essential Standards that will be effective in all North Carolina schools in the 2012 -13 school year.
What is the purpose of this document?
To increase student achievement by ensuring educators understand specifically what the new standards mean a student must know, understand and be able
to do.
What is in the document?
Descriptions of what each standard means a student will know, understand and be able to do. The “unpacking” of the standards done in this document is
an effort to answer a simple question “What does this standard mean that a student must know and be able to do?” and to ensure the description is helpful,
specific and comprehensive for educators.
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We intend the explanations and examples in this document to be helpful and specific. That said, we believe that as this document is used, teachers and
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Note on Numbering: H–History, G–Geography and Environmental Literacy, E–Economic and Financial Literacy, C&G–Civics and Governance, C–
Eighth Grade Social Studies ł Unpacked Content
Current as of March 29, 2011
Essential Standard:
8.H.1 Apply historical thinking to understand the creation and development of North Carolina and the United States.
Concept(s): Historical Thinking, Historical Narratives, Historical Inquiry, Historical Context & Decision-making
Clarifying Objectives
What does this standard mean a student will know, understand and be able to do?
8.H.1.1 Construct charts, graphs, and
The student will be able to:
historical narratives to explain particular
 Create charts, graphs, and historical narratives to explain events or issues.
events or issues.
For example: Students may create a timeline depicting events leading to the American
2006 SCOS: The following objectives were taken
from the K-12 Skills Competency Goals
Revolutionary War, during the Revolution, and following the Revolution in order to explain
1.06 Recognize and use social studies terms
its causes and effects.
in written and oral reports.
2.05 Transfer information from one medium
to another such as written to visual and
statistical to written.
2.06 Create written, oral, musical, visual, and
theatrical presentations of social studies
8.H.1.2 Summarize the literal meaning of The student will be able to:
historical documents in order to establish
 Abstract a general theme or point of a historical document by articulating its word for
word, nonfigurative meaning.
2006 SCOS: The following objectives were taken
from the K-12 Skills Competency Goals
1.01 Read for literal meaning.
1.02 Summarize to select main ideas.
1.06 Recognize and use social studies
terms in written and oral reports.
1.08 Use context clues and appropriate
sources as glossaries, texts, and
dictionaries to gain meaning.
For example: A student may summarize, in his or her own words, the literal meaning of this
quote from The Declaration of Independence – “all men are created equal.” In this instance,
the student will note that the quote literally refers to just men and that all men, regardless of
their lot in life, are created, from birth, to be equal to one another.
Note: Once students are able to establish the literal meaning of a document, they will be able to
apply this meaning to multiple situations/time periods to establish the context for the use of that
document. Additionally, students will be able to see if that literal meaning stood the test of time.
Eighth Grade Social Studies ł Unpacked Content
Current as of March 29, 2011
8.H.1.3 Use primary and secondary
sources to interpret various historical
2006 SCOS: The following objectives were taken from the K12 Skills Competency Goals
1.02 Summarize to select main ideas.
1.03 Draw inferences.
1.04 Detect cause and effect.
1.05 Recognize bias and propaganda.
1.06 Recognize and use social studies terms in written and oral
1.07 Distinguish fact and fiction.
1.08 Use context clues and appropriate sources as glossaries,
texts, and dictionaries to gain meaning.
2.01 Use appropriate sources of information.
2.02 Explore print and non-print materials.
3.01 Use map and globe reading skills.
3.02 Interpret graphs and charts.
3.03 Detect bias.
3.04 Interpret social and political messages of cartoons.
3.05 Interpret history through artifacts, arts, and media.
The student will know:
 The difference between a primary and a secondary source.
 Where to find credible sources of information.
 Appropriate questions to ask themselves in order to interpret various historical perspectives
The student will be able to:
 Use different sources of information (both primary and secondary) from multiple perspectives
(e.g., race/ethnic groups, gender, socioeconomic status, political affiliation, time periods) to
understand a particular event or issue.
For example: When students are studying the Vietnam war, students may read an account of
the conflict in their textbook or from online sources. However, in order to obtain a broader
perspective, they should also include primary sourced documents from multiple perspective to
include that of the U.S. Presidents over the course of the war; the perspective of those actively
involved in the war and/or veterans of; those that oppose the war effort; those that supported
the war effort; both the North Vietnamese and South Vietnamese perspectives on the war.
8.H.1.4 Use historical inquiry to evaluate the
validity of sources used to construct historical
narratives (e.g. formulate historical questions,
gather data from a variety of sources, evaluate and
interpret data and support interpretations with
historical evidence).
The student will know:
 Historical inquiry is the research or investigation of past events.
 A set of criteria for determining whether or not a source is valid.
The student will be able to:
2006 SCOS: The following objectives were taken from the K Use a set of criteria to judge the extent to which a source of information is valid or not.
12 Skills Competency Goals
 Formulate historical questions.
1.05 Recognize bias and propaganda.
2.01 Use appropriate sources of information.
 Gather data from a variety of sources (both primary and secondary).
2.02 Explore print and non-print materials.
2.03 Utilize different types of technology.
 Interpret data.
2.04 Utilize community-related resources such as field trips,
 Support interpretations with historical evidence.
guest speakers, and interviews.
3.01 Use map and globe reading skills.
3.02 Interpret graphs and charts.
3.03 Detect bias.
3.04 Interpret social and political messages of cartoons.
3.05 Interpret
history through
arts, Studies
and media.
ł Unpacked Content
Current as of March 29, 2011
Essential Standard:
8.H.2 Understand the ways in which conflict, compromise and negotiation have shaped North Carolina and the United States.
Concept(s): Conflict, Compromise, Negotiation, Leadership, Citizen Action, Debate, Cooperation
Clarifying Objectives
What does this standard mean a student will know, understand and be able to do?
8.H.2.1 Explain the impact of economic, The student will understand:
 Conflicts as well as their causes and implications are multifaceted.
political, social, and military conflicts
 Conflict most often results in societal change.
(e.g. war, slavery, states’ rights and
 National and global conflicts do not always have the same implications for all involved.
citizenship and immigration policies) on
the development of North Carolina and
The student will know:
the United States.
 North Carolina’s role in a variety of local state, national and global conflicts.
For example: Internal and external wars; sectional and regional perspectives on the issue of
slavery; economic policies both past and present; the immigration debate over time, etc.
The United States’ role in global conflicts as well as the reasons for involvement or noninvolvement.
For example: Students will know the impact that The Great Depression had on various
groups within North Carolina and the United States it affected different populations and
regions in various ways. Also, students will know the impact that Jim Crow laws had on
various populations and regions such as segregated housing, access to resources, etc. as well
as the demographic make-up of towns, cities, states and regions due to migration and
settlement patterns.
8.H.2.2 Summarize how leadership
and citizen actions (e.g. the founding
fathers, the Regulators, the Greensboro
The student will understand:
 Leadership and citizen actions can affect the outcome of conflicts.
 Citizen action is sometimes contrary to established laws and the ideas of leadership.
Four, and participants of the
Eighth Grade Social Studies ł Unpacked Content
Current as of March 29, 2011
2006 SCOS for ESSENTIAL STANDARD Clarifying Objective 8.H.2.1
2.01 Trace the events leading up to the Revolutionary War and evaluate their relative significance in the onset of hostilities.
2.04 Examine the reasons for the colonists’ victory over the British, and evaluate the impact of military successes and failures.
3.01 Describe the causes of the War of 1812 and analyze the impact of the war on North Carolina and the nation.
3.04 Describe the development of the institution of slavery in the State and nation, and assess its impact on the economic, social, and political
3.08 Examine the impact of national events such as the Louisiana Purchase, the Lewis and Clark Expedition, the War with Mexico, and the
California Gold Rush, and technological advances on North Carolina.
4.01 Identify and analyze the significance of the causes of secession from the Union, and compare reactions in North Carolina to reactions in
other regions of the nation.
4.03 Assess North Carolina’s role in the Civil War and analyze the social and economic impact of the war on the state.
4.05 Analyze the political, economic, and social impact of Reconstruction on the state and identify the reasons why Reconstruction came to an end.
5.05 Assess the influence of the political, legal, and social movements on the political system and life in North Carolina.
5.06 Describe North Carolina’s reaction to the increasing United States involvement in world affairs including participation in World War I, and
evaluate the impact on the state’s economy.
6.02 Describe the significance of major events and military engagements associated with World War II and evaluate the impact of the war on
North Carolina.
7.05 Evaluate the major changes and events that have affected the roles of local, state, and national governments.
9.01 Describe contemporary political, economic, and social issues at the state and local levels and evaluate their impact on the community
2006 SCOS for ESSENTIAL STANDARD Clarifying Objective 8.H.2.2
2.02 Describe the contributions of key North Carolina and national personalities from the Revolutionary War era and assess their influence on the
outcome of the war.
2.04 Examine the reasons for the colonists’ victory over the British, and evaluate the impact of military successes and failures.
3.03 Identify and evaluate the impact of individual reformers and groups and assess the effectiveness of their programs.
4.03 Assess North Carolina’s role in the Civil War and analyze the social and economic impact of the war on the state.
4.04 Evaluate the importance of the roles played by individuals at the state and national levels during the Civil War and Reconstruction Period.
6.03 Examine the significance of key ideas and individuals associated with World War II.
7.02 Evaluate the importance of social changes to different groups in North Carolina.
9.02 Identify past and present state and local leaders from diverse cultural backgrounds and assess their influence in affecting change.
9.03 Describe opportunities for and benefits of civic participation.
Eighth Grade Social Studies ł Unpacked Content
Current as of March 29, 2011
Wilmington Race Riots, 1898)
influenced the outcome of key conflicts
in North Carolina and the United
8.H.2.3 Summarize the role of debate,
compromise, and negotiation during
significant periods in the history of
North Carolina and the United States.
2006 SCOS: 2.03 Examine the role of North
Carolina in the Revolutionary War.
3.05 Compare and contrast different perspectives
among North Carolinians on the national policy
of Removal and Resettlement of American Indian
3.07 Explain the reasons for the creation of a new
State Constitution in 1835, and describe its impact
on religious groups, African Americans, and
American Indians.
4.01 Identify and analyze the significance of the
causes of secession from the Union, and compare
reactions in North Carolina to reactions in other
regions of the nation.
Leadership can take many different forms from heads of state-to-state and local officials to
ordinary citizens.
Citizens play a key role in the governance of democratic societies.
The student will know:
 Various types of leadership (e.g., proprietors, governors, presidents and other heads of state,
legislators and other government officials, business and community leaders, citizens).
 How different types of citizen action influenced the outcome of conflicts (e.g., boycott,
protest, letter writing).
 The ways in which leaders may have influenced the outcome of conflicts (both positively and
negatively) through actions and decision-making such as negotiation, compromise, and deal
The student will understand:
 Democracies depend on debate, compromise, and negotiations to maintain their existence.
The student will know:
 Some historical and contemporary economic, political, and cultural debates that have taken
place in North Carolina and the United States.
For example: Presidential debates, the debates over slavery, the debates in the North
Carolina General Assembly and the United States Congress regarding the budget,
4.04 Evaluate the importance of the roles played immigration laws, etc., economic debates over the benefits of New Deal programs, cultural
by individuals at the state and national levels
debates over fashion changes in various ears (1 920s/1 950s), or debates over civil rights issues
during the Civil War and Reconstruction Period.
such as the Greensboro sit-ins.
7.04 Compare and contrast the various political
 Various compromises that
and the29,
of theStudies
post World
ł Unpacked Content
6 have taken place in North
as of March
2011 States.
For example: United States Constitutional compromises such as the Great Compromise, the
War II era.
Three-Fifths Compromise, the Missouri Compromise, the Compromise of 1877, etc.
Various instances of negotiation that have taken place in North Carolina and the United States.
2006 SCOS for ESSENTIAL STANDARD Clarifying Objective 8.H.3.1
1.05 Describe the factors that led to the founding and settlement of the American colonies including religious persecution, economic opportunity,
adventure, and forced migration.
3.04 Describe the development of the institution of slavery in the State and nation, and assess its impact on the economic, social, and political
3.05 Compare and contrast different perspectives among North Carolinians on the national policy of Removal and Resettlement of American
Indian populations.
3.06 Describe and evaluate the geographic, economic, and social implications of the North Carolina Gold Rush.
3.08 Examine the impact of national events such as the Louisiana Purchase, the Lewis and Clark Expedition, the War with Mexico, and the
California Gold Rush, and technological advances on North Carolina.
5.03 Describe the social, economic, and political impact of migration on North Carolina.
8.01 Describe the changing demographics in North Carolina and analyze their significance for North Carolina’s society and economy.
8.04 Assess the importance of regional diversity on the development of economic, social, and political institutions in North Carolina.
9.01 Describe contemporary political, economic, and social issues at the state and local levels and evaluate their impact on the community.
2006 SCOS for ESSENTIAL STANDARD Clarifying Objective 8.H.3.2
3.08 Examine the impact of national events such as the Louisiana Purchase, the Lewis and Clark Expedition, the War with Mexico, and the
California Gold Rush, and technological advances on North Carolina.
4.02 Describe the political and military developments of the Civil War and analyze their effect on the outcome of the war.
5.01 Identify the role played by the agriculture, textile, tobacco, and furniture industries in North Carolina, and analyze their importance in the
economic development of the state.
5.04 Identify technological advances, and evaluate their influence on the quality of life in North Carolina.
6.01 Identify the causes and effects of the Great Depression and analyze the impact of New Deal policies on Depression Era life in North
7.03 Assess the influence of technological advances on economic development and daily life.
7.05 Evaluate the major changes and events that have affected the roles of local, state, and national governments.
8.02 List economic and technological advances occurring in North Carolina since 1970, and assess their influence on North Carolina’s role in the
nation and the world.
9.01 Describe contemporary political, economic, and social issues at the state and local levels and evaluate their impact on the community.
Eighth Grade Social Studies ł Unpacked Content
Current as of March 29, 2011
For example: The negotiations that took place in North Carolina that eventually lead to
the state’s support of the United States Constitution.
Essential Standard:
8.H.3 Understand the factors that contribute to change and continuity in North Carolina and the United States.
Concept(s): Change, Individuals, Groups, Migration, Immigration, Technology, Innovation, Continuity
Clarifying Objectives
8.H.3.1 Explain how migration and
immigration contributed to the
development of North Carolina and the
United States from colonization to
contemporary times (e.g. westward
movement, African slavery, Trail of
Tears, the Great Migration and Ellis
and Angel Island).
8.H.3.2 Explain how changes brought
about by technology and other
innovations affected individuals and
groups in North Carolina and the
United States (e.g. advancements in
transportation, communication
networks and business practices).
What does this standard mean a student will know, understand and be able to do?
The student will understand:
 Migration and immigration helps to shape the development of a state and nation by
contributing new ideas, culture, and a workforce.
 Migration and immigration patterns may change due to environmental and societal changes.
The student will know:
 Reasons why people immigrate to the United States.
 Reasons for migration within the United States with specific emphasis on the reasons for
migration to and from North Carolina. This includes both forced and voluntary migration.
 Changing demographics of North Carolina and the United States as a result of immigration to
the United States and migration within the United States and North Carolina.
The student will understand:
 Technology encompasses many different types of innovation.
 Technology and innovation can lead to societal changes and economic growth.
The student will know:
 Identify technological advances in United States/North Carolina history (e.g., cotton gin,
canals, railroads , W right Brother’s airplane, Research Triangle Park, Dismal Swamp Canal).
 How the various innovations came to fruition as well as their impact on individuals and
Eighth Grade Social Studies ł Unpacked Content
Current as of March 29, 2011
groups in various regions of North Carolina and the United States.
8.H.3.3 Explain how individuals and
groups have influenced economic,
political and social change in North
Carolina and the United States.
The student will understand:
 Both individuals and groups can be powerful forces for societal change.
The student will know:
 The beliefs, feelings and actions of people who affected change in North Carolina and the
United States.
For example: John White, Penelope Barker, Henry Berry Lowery, Ella Baker, Terry
Sanford, Jim Hunt, Jesse Helms, James K. Polk, and other governors, congressional leaders,
presidents, civil rights leaders, activists, citizens, etc.
How groups have affected change in the North Carolina and the United States.
For example: The Regulators, Abolitionists, Greensboro Four, and the women of the
Edenton Tea Party all affected change in North Carolina and the United States.
8.H.3.4 Compare historical and
contemporary issues to understand
continuity and change in the
development of North Carolina and the
United States.
The student will understand:
 Current events may build upon past events; however, the circumstances surrounding the
events as well as the outcomes may differ.
 Historical events play a role in the change and stability of a society.
2006 SCOS: 5.01 Identify the role played by the
agriculture, textile, tobacco,
and furniture industries in North Carolina, and
analyze their importance in the economic
development of the state.
5.02 Examine the changing role of educational,
religious, and social institutions in the state and
analyze their impact.
5.03 Describe the social, economic, and political
impact of migration on North Carolina.
The student will know:
 The circumstances surrounding particular current events and issues in North Carolina, the
United States and the world and how these events mirror and are shaped by past events.
 History is comprised of reoccurring themes.
Eighth Grade Social Studies ł Unpacked Content
Current as of March 29, 2011
2006 SCOS for ESSENTIAL STANDARD Clarifying Objective 8.H.3.3
2.03 Examine the role of North Carolina in the Revolutionary War.
3.02 Investigate the conditions that led to North Carolina’s economic, political, and social decline during this period and assess the
implications for the future development of the state.
3.03 Identify and evaluate the impact of individual reformers and groups and assess the effectiveness of their programs.
3.06 Describe and evaluate the geographic, economic, and social implications of the North Carolina Gold Rush.
3.07 Explain the reasons for the creation of a new State Constitution in 1835, and describe its impact on religious groups, African Americans, and
American Indians.
4.04 Evaluate the importance of the roles played by individuals at the state and national levels during the Civil War and Reconstruction Period.
5.01 Identify the role played by the agriculture, textile, tobacco, and furniture industries in North Carolina, and analyze their importance in the
economic development of the state.
5.02 Examine the changing role of educational, religious, and social institutions in the state and analyze their impact.
5.05 Assess the influence of the political, legal, and social movements on the political system and life in North Carolina.
6.01 Identify the causes and effects of the Great Depression and analyze the impact of New Deal policies on Depression Era life in North
8.01 Describe the changing demographics in North Carolina and analyze their significance for North Carolina’s society and economy.
9.02 Identify past and present state and local leaders from diverse cultural backgrounds and assess their influence in affecting change.
9.03 Describe opportunities for and benefits of civic participation.
2006 SCOS for ESSENTIAL STANDARD Clarifying Objective 8.G.1.1
1.01 Assess the impact of geography on the settlement and developing economy of the Carolina colony.
1.06 Identify geographic and political reasons for the creation of a distinct North Carolina colony and evaluate the effects on the government and
economics of the colony.
2.04 Examine the reasons for the colonists’ victory over the British, and evaluate the impact of military successes and failures.
3.06 Describe and evaluate the geographic, economic, and social implications of the North Carolina Gold Rush.
3.08 Examine the impact of national events such as the Louisiana Purchase, the Lewis and Clark Expedition, the War with Mexico, and the
California Gold Rush, and technological advances on North Carolina.
4.02 Describe the political and military developments of the Civil War and analyze their effect on the outcome of the war.
8.02 List economic and technological advances occurring in North Carolina since 1970, and assess their influence on North Carolina’s role in the
nation and the world.
8.04 Assess the importance of regional diversity on the development of economic, social, and political institutions in North Carolina.
Eighth Grade Social Studies ł Unpacked Content
Current as of March 29, 2011
Geography and Environmental Literacy
Essential Standard:
8.G.1 Understand the geographic factors that influenced North Carolina and the United States.
Concept(s): Location, Place, Challenge, Movement, Region, Physical Characteristics, Human Characteristics, Human-Environment
Interaction, Quality of Life, Settlement Patterns
Clarifying Objectives
8.G. 1.1 Explain how location and
place have presented opportunities and
challenges for the movement of people,
goods, and ideas in North Carolina and
the United States.
What does this standard mean a student will know, understand and be able to do?
The student will understand that:
 The physical landscape of a place may limit the mobility of people.
 The ability to move goods and ideas may be limited by the physical landscape of a place.
 Access to transportation and communication networks allows for the movement of people,
goods, and ideas.
 The physical and human characteristics of a place may determine whether individuals and
groups can or have the desire to migration within or immigrate to another location.
The student will know:
 How to describe the various regions of North Carolina and the United States in terms of
physical environment (both natural and man-made).
 How to describe North Carolina and the United States in terms of its location relative to other
states and nations.
 The geographic challenges/barriers to the movement of people, goods, and ideas that are
specific to North Carolina (e.g., lack of navigable ports, lack of infrastructure).
geographic challenges/barriers to the movement of people, goods, and ideas that were
specific to the United States (e.g., mountain ranges, weather, waterways).
 Policies, practices and laws that may prevent or deter individuals and/or groups from
immigrating to North Carolina and/or the United States or migrating within North Carolina
and/or the United States.
Eighth Grade Social Studies ł Unpacked Content
Current as of March 29, 2011
8.G. 1.2 Understand the human and
physical characteristics of regions in
North Carolina and the United States
(e.g. physical features, culture, political
organization and ethnic make-up).
2006 SCOS: 4.01 Identify and analyze the
significance of the causes of secession from the
Union, and compare reactions in North Carolina
to reactions in other regions of the nation.
5.03 Describe the social, economic, and political
impact of migration on North Carolina.
8.01 Describe the changing demographics in
North Carolina and analyze their significance for
North Carolina’s society and economy.
8.04 Assess the importance of regional diversity
on the development of economic, social, and
political institutions in North Carolina.
The student will understand:
 Geographic areas differ according to distinct regional characteristics such as physical
features, culture, political organization, economic activity and ethnic make-up.
 The designation of places according different regions may change over time.
 Regions may experience differing rates of change based on the change in geography.
 Societies may experience differing rates and types of growth due to their varied geographical
The student will know:
 The various types of regions such as formal, functional or vernacular.
 The characteristics that define a particular region in North Carolina and the United Sates.
 How and why regions may change.
8.G. 1.3 Explain how human and
The student will understand:
environmental interaction affected
 Human and natural disasters may cause a population of people, wildlife, and resources to be
quality of life and settlement patterns in
North Carolina and the United States
 Natural and human disasters may influence settlement patterns of places.
(e.g. environmental disasters,
 Humans may modify the environment in a way that produces economic growth and stability,
infrastructure development, coastal
thus improving the quality of life.
restoration and alternative sources of
 Human modification of the environment may lead to unintended consequences.
2006 SCOS: 1.01 Assess the impact of
geography on the settlement and developing
economy of the Carolina colony.
3.06 Describe and evaluate the geographic,
economic, and social implications of the
North Carolina Gold Rush.
9.01 Describe contemporary political,
economic, and social issues at the state and
local levels and evaluate their impact on the
The student will know:
 Various ways in which North Carolinians have modified and adapted to the environment.
 Various ways in with the United States has been changed to meet the needs of the people.
 Various ways in which nature has impacted the quality of life and settlement patterns in North
Carolina and the United States.
Eighth Grade Social Studies ł Unpacked Content
Current as of March 29, 2011
Economics and Financial Literacy
Essential Standard:
8.E.1 Understand the economic activities of North Carolina and the United States.
Concept(s): Conflict, Cooperation, Competition, Economic Indicators, Personal Financial Choices, Quality of Life
Clarifying Objectives
8.E. 1.1 Explain how conflict,
cooperation, and competition
influenced periods of economic growth
and decline (e.g. economic depressions
and recessions).
What does this standard mean a student will know, understand and be able to do?
The student will understand:
 Capitalist societies experience cyclical periods of economic prosperity and decline.
 Competition for scarce resources can lead to conflict in society.
 Cooperation and collaboration among citizens during periods of economic decline may lead
to economic growth and stability.
 Overuse of scare resources may lead to economic instability, recession or depression.
 Lack of agreement on economic goals of a nation leads to internal and external conflict.
 Nations lacking clear economic goals may exhibit instability.
The student will know:
 The various times in which North Carolina and the United States has experiences periods of
economic growth and decline (e.g., the Rip Van Winkle years in North Carolina, the
economic boom of the 1920s, the Great Depression, North Carolina and California Gold
Rush) and how people either competed for scarce resources, cooperated to achieve an end or
had conflicting view points over an economic issue.
 The groups that experienced economic growth and who’s economic growth either remained
the same or worsened.
 The extent of poverty experienced during times of economic downturn.
8.E. 1.2 Use economic indicators (e.g.
GDP, inflation and unemployment) to
evaluate the growth and stability of the
economy of North Carolina and the
The student will understand:
 As unemployment and inflation increase, economic growth may become stagnant, making the
economy unstable.
 As gross national product increases, so does the stability of a nation’s economy.
Eighth Grade Social Studies ł Unpacked Content
Current as of March 29, 2011
2006 SCOS for ESSENTIAL STANDARD Clarifying Objective 8.E.1.1
1.06 Identify geographic and political reasons for the creation of a distinct North Carolina colony and evaluate the effects on the government and
economics of the colony.
3.02 Investigate the conditions that led to North Carolina’s economic, political, and social decline during this period and assess the implications
for the future development of the state.
3.04 Describe the development of the institution of slavery in the State and nation, and assess its impact on the economic, social, and political
3.06 Describe and evaluate the geographic, economic, and social implications of the North Carolina Gold Rush.
4.03 Assess North Carolina’s role in the Civil War and analyze the social and economic impact of the war on the state.
4.05 Analyze the political, economic, and social impact of Reconstruction on the state and identify the reasons why Reconstruction came to an end.
5.06 Describe North Carolina’s reaction to the increasing United States involvement in world affairs including participation in World War I, and
evaluate the impact on the state’s economy.
6.01 Identify the causes and effects of the Great Depression and analyze the impact of New Deal policies on Depression Era life in North
8.02 List economic and technological advances occurring in North Carolina since 1970, and assess their influence on North Carolina’s role in the
nation and the world.
9.01 Describe contemporary political, economic, and social issues at the state and local levels and evaluate their impact on the community.
Eighth Grade Social Studies ł Unpacked Content
Current as of March 29, 2011
United States.
2006 SCOS: 7.01 Analyze the extent and
significance of economic changes in
North Carolina.
9.01 Describe contemporary political,
economic, and social issues at the state
and local levels and evaluate their impact
on the community.
The quality of a nation’s productive resources is a good predictor of economic growth and
The student will know:
 How gross national product (GDP), inflation and unemployment are determined.
8.E.1.3 Explain how quality of life is
impacted by personal financial choices
(e.g. credit, savings, investing,
borrowing and giving).
2006 SCOS: 6.01 Identify the causes and
effects of the Great Depression and analyze
the impact of New Deal policies on
Depression Era life in North Carolina.
9.01 Describe contemporary political,
economic, and social issues at the state and
local levels and evaluate their impact on the
The student will understand that:
 Responsible use of credit and borrowing as well as consistency in saving and investing
increases the likelihood of a higher standard of living and better quality of life in the future.
 Bad economic decisions may negatively affect an individual’s ability to achieve their personal
The student will know:
 How to save and invest wisely to achieve future goals.
 The wise and unwise use of credit and borrowing.
 The benefit of charitable giving.
 How to devise and plan to improve quality of life for now and in the future.
Eighth Grade Social Studies ł Unpacked Content
Current as of March 29, 2011
Civics and Governance
Essential Standard:
8.C&G. 1 Analyze how democratic ideals shaped government in North Carolina and the United States.
Concept(s): Democratic Ideals, Government, Governmental Scope, Governmental Power, Democratic Rights, Freedoms
Clarifying Objectives
8.C&G. 1.1 Summarize democratic
ideals expressed in local, state, and
national government (e.g. limited
government, popular sovereignty,
separation of powers, republicanism,
federalism and individual rights).
What does this standard mean a student will know, understand and be able to do?
The student will understand:
 Governmental systems are based on various ideals and principal that tie a nation and people
 The political and social behaviors of a society are governed by its values and beliefs.
The student will know:
 How democratic ideals are reflected in local, state, and national governments.
2006 SCOS: 3.07 Explain the reasons for
 The concept and intent of democratic principles e.g. limited government, popular sovereignty,
the creation of a new State Constitution in
separation of powers, republicanism, federalism and individual rights.
1835, and describe its impact on religious
 How democratic ideas reflect the values and beliefs of citizens of North Carolina and United
groups, African Americans, and
American Indians.
 Similarities and differences among the various levels of government in terms of structure and
8.C&G. 1.2 Evaluate the degree to
which democratic ideals are evident in
historical documents from North
Carolina and the United States (e.g. the
Mecklenburg Resolves, the Halifax
Resolves, the Declaration of
Independence, the Articles of
Confederation, the Bill of Rights and
the principles outlined in the US
The student will understand:
 Historical documents reflect differing degrees of democratic ideals.
The student will know:
 The literal meaning of various historical documents as it relates to democratic ideals.
 How various historical documents have been interpreted over time.
 The degree to which various historical documents do/do not reflect adherence to democratic
Eighth Grade Social Studies ł Unpacked Content
Current as of March 29, 2011
Constitution and North Carolina
Constitutions of 1776, 1868 and 1971).
2006 SCOS: 2.05 Describe the impact of documents
such as the Mecklenburg
Resolves, the Halifax Resolves, the Albany Plan of
Union, the Declaration of Independence, the State
Constitution of 1776, the Articles of Confederation, the
United States Constitution, and the Bill or Rights on the
formation of the state and national governments.
3.07 Explain the reasons for the creation of a new State
Constitution in 1835, and describe its impact on
religious groups,
African Americans, and American Indians.
4.04 Evaluate the importance of the roles played by
individuals at the state and national levels during the
Civil War and Reconstruction Period.
The student will understand that:
8.C&G. 1.3 Analyze differing
 In a democratic society, the scope and power of the national government may be greater than
viewpoints on the scope and power of
other governmental structures within that nation.
state and national governments (e.g.
viewpoints on the scope and power of state and national governments can lead to
Federalists and anti-Federalists,
debates and armed conflict.
education, immigration and healthcare).
The student will know:
 The debate over the scope and power of the state and national government is on-going.
 The various viewpoints (e.g., regional perspectives, liberal and conservative, federalist and
anti-federalists) on economic, political and social issues past and present.
 How differing viewpoints on the scope and power of the state and national government affect
current issues.
8.C&G. 1.4 Analyze access to
democratic rights and freedoms among
various groups in North Carolina and
The student will understand that:
the United States (e.g. enslaved people,
 Citizenship in a democratic society affords its members equal access to certain rights, liberties, and protections
under the law.
women, wage earners, landless farmers,
Assess to democratic rights and freedoms among a nation’s citizens may change over time.
American Indians, African Americans
 Access to democratic rights and freedoms may be denied or granted to various groups in society based on race,
and other ethnic groups).
ethnicity, gender, ableness, physical location, cultural beliefs, and socio-economic status.
Denied access to democratic rights and freedoms are often granted to various groups after periods of struggle.
Unequal distribution of power may lead to inequalities in society.
Distribution of power in society may be determined by distribution of resources, individual
and group motivation, and access to political decision-makers.
The student will know:
 The various groups who have struggled for access to democratic rights and freedoms and why
they were denied access.
Eighth Grade Social Studies ł Unpacked Content
Current as of March 29, 2011
2006 SCOS for ESSENTIAL STANDARD Clarifying Objective 8.C&G.1.3
3.08 Examine the impact of national events such as the Louisiana Purchase, the Lewis and Clark Expedition, the War with Mexico, and the
California Gold Rush, and technological advances on North Carolina.
4.01 Identify and analyze the significance of the causes of secession from the Union, and compare reactions in North Carolina to reactions in
other regions of the nation.
4.02 Describe the political and military developments of the Civil War and analyze their effect on the outcome of the war.
4.04 Evaluate the importance of the roles played by individuals at the state and national levels during the Civil War and Reconstruction Period.
6.01 Identify the causes and effects of the Great Depression and analyze the impact of New Deal policies on Depression Era life in North
7.04 Compare and contrast the various political viewpoints surrounding issues of the post World War II era.
7.05 Evaluate the major changes and events that have affected the roles of local, state, and national governments.
8.03 Describe the impact of state and national issues on the political climate of North Carolina.
9.01 Describe contemporary political, economic, and social issues at the state and local levels and evaluate their impact on the community.
2006 SCOS for ESSENTIAL STANDARD Clarifying Objective 8.C&G.1.4
3.04 Describe the development of the institution of slavery in the State and nation, and assess its impact on the economic, social, and political
3.05 Compare and contrast different perspectives among North Carolinians on the national policy of Removal and Resettlement of American
Indian populations.
3.07 Explain the reasons for the creation of a new State Constitution in 1835, and describe its impact on religious groups, African Americans, and
American Indians.
4.02 Describe the political and military developments of the Civil War and analyze their effect on the outcome of the war.
4.05 Analyze the political, economic, and social impact of Reconstruction on the state and identify the reasons why Reconstruction came to an end.
5.05 Assess the influence of the political, legal, and social movements on the political system and life in North Carolina.
7.04 Compare and contrast the various political viewpoints surrounding issues of the post World War II era.
7.05 Evaluate the major changes and events that have affected the roles of local, state, and national governments.
9.01 Describe contemporary political, economic, and social issues at the state and local levels and evaluate their impact on the community.
Eighth Grade Social Studies ł Unpacked Content
Current as of March 29, 2011
The outcome of various struggles for civil rights and equality by citizens of North Carolina
and the United States.
Essential Standard:
8.C&G.2 Understand the role that citizen participation plays in societal change.
Concept(s): Societal Change, Citizen Participation, Human Rights, Civil Rights,
Clarifying Objectives
8.C&G.2.1 Evaluate the effectiveness
of various approaches used to effect
change in North Carolina and the
United States (e.g. picketing, boycotts,
sit-ins, voting, marches, holding elected
office and lobbying).
2006 SCOS: 3.03 Identify and evaluate the impact of
individual reformers and
groups and assess the effectiveness of their programs.
4.04 Evaluate the importance of the roles played by
individuals at the state and national levels during the
Civil War and Reconstruction Period.
5.02 Examine the changing role of educational,
religious, and social institutions in the state and analyze
their impact.
6.01 Identify the causes and effects of the Great
Depression and analyze the impact of New Deal
policies on Depression Era life in North Carolina.
9.02 Identify past and present state and local leaders
from diverse cultural backgrounds and assess their
influence in affecting change.
9.03 Describe opportunities for and benefits of civic
8.C&G.2.2 Analyze issues pursued
through active citizen campaigns for
change (e.g. voting rights and access to
education, housing and employment).
What does this standard mean a student will know, understand and be able to do?
The student will understand:
 Citizen participation takes many different forms in a democratic society.
 Political leaders respond to citizen action, although change is often slow.
 The effectiveness of an action may be evaluated in different ways.
The student will know:
 Democratic political systems are based on the general assumption that the majority of citizens
are entitled to make the choice as to what is best for the society, thus all forms of political
participation are open to everyone.
 The various forms that citizen participation can take.
 Instances when citizen action produced societal change.
 Criteria to evaluate the effectiveness of various approaches used to effect change (e.g.,
whether the actors received desired outcomes such as change in laws, access to opportunities
otherwise denied).
The student will understand:
 Maintenance of a democratic system is dependent upon the efforts and quality of participation
of its citizens.
 Attempts to change society may produce unintended consequences.
 Change often requires sacrifice.
Eighth Grade Social Studies ł Unpacked Content
Current as of March 29, 2011
2006 SCOS: 4.05 Analyze the political, The student will know:
economic, and social impact of
 The causes, circumstances surrounding and outcomes of various issues that promoted citizen
Reconstruction on the state and identify
the reasons why Reconstruction came to
an end.
5.05 Assess the influence of the political,
legal, and social movements on the
political system and life in North
8.C&G.2.3 Explain the impact of human The student will understand:
and civil rights issues throughout North
 Participation in a democratic society affords citizens certain human and civil rights.
Carolina and United States history.
 Differing viewpoints on the extent of human and civil rights often results in conflict.
2006 SCOS: 4.02 Describe the political and
 Human and civil rights issues may have local, national, and international consequences.
military developments of the Civil
War and analyze their effect on the outcome
of the war.
4.05 Analyze the political, economic, and
social impact of Reconstruction on the state
and identify the reasons why Reconstruction
came to an end.
5.05 Assess the influence of the political,
legal, and social movements on the political
system and life in North Carolina.
7.02 Evaluate the importance of social
changes to different groups in North
7.05 Evaluate the major changes and events
that have affected the roles of local, state,
and national governments.
8.03 Describe the impact of state and
national issues on the political climate of
North Carolina.
9.01 Describe contemporary political,
economic, and social issues at the state and
local levels and evaluate their impact on the
The student will know:
 The ways in which various human and civil rights issues have impacted North Carolina, the
United States and the world.
 Various human and civil rights issues that continue to impact North Carolina and the United
States (e.g., equal access to a sound basic education, issues of equity and fairness in the
workplace, equality of living conditions).
Eighth Grade Social Studies ł Unpacked Content
Current as of March 29, 2011
Essential Standard:
8.C.1 Understand how different cultures influenced North Carolina and the United States.
Concept(s): Cultural Influence, Cultural Beliefs, Cultural Practices, Traditions
Clarifying Objectives
8.C. 1.1 Explain how influences from
Africa, Europe, and the Americas
impacted North Carolina and the
United States (e.g. Columbian
exchange, slavery and the decline of
the American Indian populations).
What does this standard mean a student will know, understand and be able to do?
The student will understand:
 Cultural diffusion may alter a society’s way of life.
 Cultures change in varying degrees when they come into contact with other cultures.
 As nations become more interdependent, cultural diffusion increases.
 When the values and beliefs held by some individuals and groups are in conflict with those of
other individuals and groups, problems may result.
 Values, beliefs, customs and traditions of the past influence future cultural norms and
2006 SCOS: 1.02 Identify and describe
American Indians who inhabited the
regions that became Carolina and assess The student will know:
their impact on the colony.
 The various cultural practices, values and belief systems that Africans and Europeans brought
1.04 Evaluate the impact of the
to the Americas.
Columbian Exchange on the cultures of
 How the cultural practices, values and belief systems of Africans and Europeans impacted
American Indians, Europeans, and
American life.
 The various cultural practices, values and belief systems of the American Indians before
1.07 Describe the roles and contributions
contact with other cultural groups.
of diverse groups, such as American
the cultural practices, values and belief systems of American Indians influence the way
Indians, African Americans, European
of life of Africans and Europeans.
immigrants, landed gentry, tradesmen,
American Indians, Africans, and Europeans influenced each other after contact.
and small farmers to everyday life in
colonial North Carolina, and compare
them to the other colonies.
Eighth Grade Social Studies ł Unpacked Content
Current as of March 29, 2011
8.C. 1.2 Summarize the origin of beliefs,
The student will understand that:
practices, and traditions that represent various
 Geographic location contributes to the diversity of human culture.
groups within North Carolina and the United
States (e.g. Moravians, Scots-Irish, Highland The student will know:
Scots, Latino, Hmong, African, and American
 Information about different immigrant groups’ beliefs, practices and traditions.
2006 SCOS: 1.02 Identify and describe American
Indians who inhabited the regions that became
Carolina and assess their impact on the colony.
1.04 Evaluate the impact of the Columbian
Exchange on the cultures of American Indians,
Europeans, and Africans.
8.01 Describe the changing demographics in
North Carolina and analyze their significance for
North Carolina’s society and economy.
8.C. 1.3 Summarize the contributions
of particular groups to the development
of North Carolina and the United States
(e.g. women, religious groups, and
ethnic minorities such as American
Indians, African Americans, and
European immigrants). 2006 SCOS:
Geographic regions and countries for which groups immigrated.
The student will understand that:
 The diversity of human thought and behavior contributes to the unique development of a state
and nation.
The student will know:
 The cultural, political, and economic impact of various immigrant groups (e.g., Quakers,
Highland Scots, African, Chinese, Irish) on North Carolina and the United States.
 The specific contributions of various groups to the development of North Carolina and the
United States.
 The contributions of various demographic groups (e.g., women, religious groups, ethnic
1.02 Identify and describe American Indians who inhabited the
1.07 Describe the roles and contributions of diverse groups,
such as American Indians, African Americans, European
immigrants, landed gentry, tradesmen, and small farmers to
everyday life in colonial North Carolina, and compare them to
the other colonies.
3.03 Identify and evaluate the impact of individual reformers
and groups and assess the effectiveness of their programs.
3.06 Describe and evaluate the geographic, economic, and
social implications of the North Carolina Gold Rush.
4.05 Analyze the political, economic, and social impact of
Reconstruction on the state and identify the reasons why
Reconstruction came to an end.
5.01 Identify the role played by the agriculture, textile,
tobacco, and furniture industries in North Carolina, and
analyze their importance in the economic development of the
5.03 Describe the social, economic, and political impact of
migration on North Carolina.
6.04 Assess the impact of World War II on the economic,
political, social, and military roles of different groups in North
Carolina including women and minorities.
8.04 Assess the importance of regional diversity on the
development of economic, social, and political institutions in
North Carolina.
9.02 Identify past and present state and local regions that
became Carolina and assess their impact on the colony.
leaders from diverse cultural backgrounds and assess their
influence in
affecting change.
Grade Social Studies ł Unpacked
Current as of March 29, 2011