Download Macbeth: Act II - Guided questions and Video Clips

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Act II
Scene i The castle at Inverness… outside
text page 130
1. To open the scene, who is with Banquo outside after midnight?
2. Why might Banquo be restless? He hints at it.
3. Who also joins Banquo and his son Fleance?
4. Banquo says “I dreamt last night of the three weird sisters” Do you believe
he really did dream of them?
5. What is Macbeth’s response to this purported dream? Do you believe him?
6. Macbeth says “if you shall cleave to my consent, when tis, it shall make honor
for you.” (Stick with me when my time comes and I will provide honor
for you). What is Banquo’s response to this offer?
7. Upon the departure of Banquo and Fleance, Macbeth hallucinates and sees…
8. He mentions his eyes are made the fools of the other sense or.. “worth all the _____”
9. When Macbeth sees the dagger a second time it now has…
Video of Act II Scene i - Encountering Banquo then to air drawn daggers
Ian McKellen – 1976 version produced by Trevor Nunn "Is this a dagger which I see before me?"
Macbeth, as played by Alexander Barnett, "Is this a dagger which I see before me?"
Scene ii
The castle at Inverness ..inside
text page 132
1. The drink that made the guards drunk has made Lady Macbeth b_____
What has quenched them has given her F______
2. A noise startles her.. what was it?
3. She would have killed Duncan herself except…
4. Has Macbeth “done the deed?”
5. What color are Macbeth’s hands?
6. Who sleeps in the chamber next to King Duncan?
7. Did they awaken upon the act of the murder?
8. Macbeth is haunted by voices that cry out “s_____ n__ m____”
9. Macbeth has botched part of the plan…what did he do wrong?
10. Who must set this straight?
11. Will all great N______’s ocean wash this filthy witness from my hands?
No, rather my hands will the multitudinous s____ incarnadine,
making the green one red.
12. Lady Macbeth returns with bloodied red hands like her husband’s but claims
she’d be ashamed to wear a heart so w_______.
13. She claims “A little w______ will clear us of this deed, how easy it is then.”
14. At the very end, does it seem that Macbeth regrets his action?
Video of Act II, Scene ii
After the deed.
Ian McKellen 1979 TV version of the Trevor Nunn production by the Royal Shakespeare Company
Continues to Judy Dench as Lady Macbeth and the Murder Scene.
Roman Polanski version 1971. Jon Finch/ Macbeth; Francesca Annis/ Lady Macbeth
Orson Wells’ classic B & W Production (1947) Starring: Orson Wells/Macbeth Jeanette Nolan/ Lady.
Toby Stephens and Cherry Jones (you may recognize her as the President in TV’s 24 )
Act II scene 2 from Macbeth. An acting/ teaching seminar reading
A unique version in rehearsal… Circle Players of Piscataway, NJ presents Macbeth
The McMaster Thespian Company is non-profit theatre organization which specializes in
developing and performing classical plays. You may find it to be some weak acting.
A wildly unique English Opera version o fMACBETH from ANTONIO BIBALO
Dagger and murder scene LOUIS GENTILE as MACBETH ANNE GJEVANG as
LADY MACBETH Musical direction -Atonio Pappano Stage direction - WILLY
DECKER 1990 - den Norske Opera Os... Try this one… emotional.
Scene iii
The castle at Inverness ..inside
text page 134
What kind of jokes does the Porter present to the knocking at the door?
How late was this porter up drinking?
Who does he let in? Why is Macduff here so early?
Lennox and Macbeth make small talk of the weather while Macduff runs his errand.
How was the weather this past night?
5. With Macduff screaming of murder, who is told to go and see it for themselves? This sight
Will turn them to stone, just as the sight of the mythical G_____, Medusa, might.
6. What noise maker assists in waking up all the late night revelers of the castle?
7. Who gets the immediate blame for the stabbing death of Duncan? Why?
8. Will they be interrogated? Why/why not?
9. Upon expressing his deep love form Duncan, a love that would kill his killers, what
distracts the thanes from any further questioning of Macbeth?
10. Will Malcolm and Donalbain join the others in the investigation?
11. Where will Donalbain go? How about Malcolm.
12 “Where we are there’s _______ in men’s smiles”
“The nearer in blood, the nearer _________”.
Video of Act II, Scene iii
- Porter and Discovery
Orson Wells’ classic B & W Production (1947) Starring: Orson Wells/Macbeth Jeanette Nolan/ Lady.
Orsone Wells as per usual mixes lines from scene to scene
Scene iv
Old man, Ross, and Macduff
text page 139
1. How far back can the Old man remember?
2. Odd things occur in Nature –
Unnatural things in nature reflecting unnatural acts of Man
*What is the day itself like?
*What killed a falcon?
*What happens to Duncan’s most docile horses?
3. Who is being blamed for the actual, physical stabbing of Duncan?
4. Who seems to have put them up to it? Why does this seem likely?
5. Who is most likely to become the new sovereign?
6. Where do coronations take place?
7. Where is the traditional burial site for kings of Scotland?
8. Will Macduff attend the Coronation? If not, where will he go?
9. Will Ross attend?
10. Macduff has fears the old rule will be better than the new one.. .
he employs a metaphor for this involving sartorial matters, fill it in.
“Well may you see things well done there, Adieu
Lest our old ______ sit easier than our new”