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The Truth of the Tabernacle
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The Truth of the Tabernacle
Scriptures: Chapters Ex 25-28, 35-40; Dt 1-4, 7-10, 17; Heb 4-10; I Pt 2
I. Tabernacle- Its name and significance
A. “The Tabernacle of the Lord” or “The Temple of the Lord” (I Kg 2:28;
I Ch 9:23; I Ch 6:48)
B. “The Tent of Meeting" or "The Tent of Revelation”
(Ex 25:22; 29:42, 43; 33:7, 11; Num 11:16; 12:4; 17:4; Dt 31:14)
C. “The Dwelling Place of the Lord” or “The House of the God” (Ex
25:8; Jg 18:31)
D. “The Tabernacle of Testimony” or “The Tabernacle of the Ark” (Ex
38:21; Num 9:15; 10:11)
E. “The Sanctuary of the Lord” or “The Earthly Sanctuary”
(Ex 25:8; 19:20; Lev 10:17; Num 19:20; Hb 9:1; Ex 29:43, 44)
II. The History of Building the Tabernacle
A. The Time - Its construction began 6 months after the Israelites
departed from Egypt and completed at the end of that year. Erected on
the first day of the first month of the following year (Ex 40:17).
B. The Place - At the foot of Mt. Sinai. (Ex 19:1)
III. The Journey of Tabernacle
A. Established first at the foot of Mt. Sinai. (Ex 40:1-33)
B. Traveled in the wilderness 40 years along with the Israelites (Ex 40:3438; Num 9:15-23; 10:11, 12, 35, 36)
C. Entered Canaan and placed at Gilgal (Josh 4:19; 5:10; 9:6; 10:6, 43)
D. Later relocated to Shiloh until the time of Judges (Josh 18:1; 19:51;
18:31, I Sam 1:3, 9)
E. Moved to Nob (I Sam 21:1-6)
F. Moved to Gibeon (I Kg 3:4; I Ch 21:29; II Ch 1:3)
G. Moved into the Temple after the Temple was constructed (I Kg 8:4; II
Ch 5:4, 5; 35:3)
H. It took about 491 years from the first erection of the Tabernacle to the
completion of the Temple of God (I Kg 6:1, 37, 38)
IV. The Progression of the Tabernacle and Its Pre-figuration
A. The Alter of Sacrifice. (Gen 8:20)
o Abraham who regarded God as the center of his life (Gen
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12:7, 8; 13:18)
The Tabernacle within the Camp. (Ex 25:8, 9; Nm 2:1, 2)
The Tabernacle outside the Camp (Ex 33:7-11)
The Temple of God (I Kg 6:38; 8:1-11)
The body of believers (I Cor 6:16; II Cor 5:1-4)
The True Church (Hb 8:1-6; 9:11; Rev 21:1-13)
V. The Construction of the Tabernacle.
A. The outer court
1. The gate
2. The hangings
3. The bronze altar
4. The laver
B. The inner court (the Sanctuary or the holy place)
5. The curtains
6. The table of showbread
7. The golden altar of incense
8. The golden lampstand
9. The coverings
C. The most holy place (the holy of holies)
10. The veil
11. The ark of covenant
12. The holy garment of the high priest
The Truth of the Tabernacle
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VI. The Materials of the Tabernacle, Its Spiritual Teachings, and
* There were a total of 25 kinds of materials (Ex 25:1-7; 28:16-20)
Pref -- Lord's divine virtue, beauty and indispensable quality of the servant of
A. Gold -- the major holy vessels in the holy and the most holy places
(Ex 25:10-40)
o The major material of the priests' holy garment (Ex 28:1-42)
o Pref-- the glory and the divine nature of the Lord (Mt 2:11; Hb
1:1-3; Rev 19:16)
o Excellency, purity, steadfastness and tested faith (Prov 17:3; I
Pet 1:7)
B. Silver-- the sockets under the board for the tennons (Ex 26:15-25).
The hooks of the pillars and their fillets (Ex 27:9-11)
o Pref - cleansed (Ps 12:6; 66:10; Col 3:9; Mal 3:3)
o Price of redemption (Nm 3:44-51; I Pet 1:18, 19)
C. Brass- altar and all of its vessels, taches, the sockets of the pillars,
the laver, the socket of the door (Ex 26:11, 37; 27:2-19; 30:18;
o Pref - brightness, holiness, solidity, affliction (Rev 1:15, 2:18;
Ph 2:15, 16; Eph 5:8, 9)
D. Blue-- the curtain, the covers, the veil (Ex 26:1, 31; 27:16)
o Pref -- heavenly, spiritual (Ex 24:10; Jn 3:13; 18:36; Ph 3:20)
E. Purple- the curtain, the covers, the veil (Ex 26:1, 31; 27:16)
o Pref -- kingship and honor (Es 8:15; Dn 5:7; Lk 16:19)
Scarlet- the curtain, the covers, the veil (Ex 26:1, 31; 27:16)
o Pref - shedding of blood, sacrifice of life and redemption (Josh
2:18; Hb 9:12, 22; Rev 5:9, 10)
G. Fine twined linen- the curtain, the covers, the veil (Ex 26:1, 31;
o Pref -- holy, sanctified (Hb 7:26: Rev 15:6; 19:8)
H. Goats' hair- the curtains (Ex 26:7)
o Pref -- neatness, endurance and obedience (Mt 11:29; Is 53:7; I
Pt 2:21-23)
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The Truth of the Tabernacle
Ram skins- covers (Ex 26:14)
o Pref - shedding blood, sacrifice of life and redemption (Gen 3:21;
22:13; Jn.1:29; Lk 3:27; Is 61:10)
Badgers' skins- covers (Ex 26:14)
1. The marine life of the Red Sea. Has large size skin, can reach
572' sq., extremely durable in the wilderness, very precious.
Used to embroider cloth, fine linen. Strong, used for leather
sandals (Ez 16: 10). .
2. Pref -- no outward beauty but is long lasting & durable (Is
53:2; Song 1:5, 6; I Cor 1:26-29; 4:13)
K. Shittim wood- the ark, the table of showbread, the boards, the altar, the
staves, bars for the boards, pillars (Ex 25:10, 23, 28; 26:15, 26, 32; 27:1)
o The only tree that can grow well in the wilderness (Is 41:19).
Has strong life, fine grained, brown color and insect repelling.
o Pref -- insect repelling, resistant to sin and prevents corruption
(Rom 12:2; Heb 4:15; I Pet 4:1, 2; I Jn 3:9; 14:13)
Olive oil -- golden lampstand (Ex 27:20)
o Pref – 1. The Holy Spirit (Acts 10:38; Hb 1:9)
o 2. Total self-sacrifice (Mt. 26:36-39)
M. Sweet incense - anointing oil and incense (Ex 25:6)
o Pref - the fragrance of Christ, self-sacrifice, divine love and
prayer (Mt 2:11; Eph 5:2; Rev 5:8; 8:3, 4)
N. 12 Kinds of Precious Stones- garment of the high priest (Ex 25:7;
o Pref - perfect and excellent spiritual virtue (I Pet 2:4, 5; 3:1-5;
II Pet 1:5-8)
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The Truth of the Tabernacle
VII. The Important Spiritual Teachings of the Tabernacle.
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Pet 4:12, 13).
* Every compartment and holy vessel of the Tabernacle has hidden precious
spiritual teachings.
(I Cor 2:10-13; II Cor 3:6; Heb 10:1; Rev 2:17)
A. The Outer Court- only chosen people (the Israelites) are allowed to enter
1. The gate (Ex 27:13-16)
Pref - Lord Jesus (Jn 10:9; 14:6) and his body- the True Church (Eph 1:23; Rev
21:1-3, 25; Ps 100:4)
a. Facing toward the East (Ex 27:13, 14) - The True Church will appear
in the East (Ez 43:1, 2; Mt 24:27; Rev 7:1-3)
b. The entrance of Salvation- the regeneration of water baptism and the
renewing of the Holy Spirit (Gal 3:27; Jn 3:5; Ac 2:38; Titus 3:5)
2. Hangings 150’ L x 75’ W x 7.5’ H (Ex 27:9-19)
a. Hangings were made of fine twined linen to separate the court and
the world.
Inside dwells holiness while outside is filthiness -- The church is the
holy new lump (II Cor 5:6-8)
Must separate from the world (Lev 20:24, 26; Num 23:9; I Cor 5:6-8)
Believers must not imitate the world and live in sin; they must live a
holy life which belongs to God. Their thoughts, words, deeds,
adornments, clothing, hobby, habit and leisure living must be
different from the sinful world (Rom 12:2; II Cor 6:14-18; Col 3:510; I Pet 1:13-16)
b. The hooks of the pillars and their fillets are made of silver (Ex 27: 11)
- The church desperately needs the steadfast and tested faith as her
pillars (II Ch 3:15-17; Gal 2:9; Is 28:16)
c. Cords were used to connect and support the hangings (Ex 35:18)
Only the cords of love can truly unite and support the church (Hos
11:4; Eph 4:1-3, 14-16; Heb 3:12-14)
3. The altar. (Ex 27:1-8)
a. The altar of burnt offering- by way of total sacrifice people's sins is
redeemed (Ex 30:28; Lev 1:1-17)
Pref - Lord Jesus laid down his life and broken his body upon the
cross in order to redeem the sins of the world (Heb 10:5-8; 13:10-13)
b. The altar was made of shittim wood and covered by brass (Ex 27:1, 2;
Ps 66:18)
Pref - Lord Jesus’ perfection and holiness even sinless within (Jn
14:30). He experienced bitter trial and afflictions for us (Mt 16:21; I
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c. The altar has four comers (Ex 27:1) - The salvation of the cross
is giving to all nations, all tribe and all tongues (from north, east,
south, west) (Rev 7:9)
The abundant love of the Lord is bestowed on all humanity (Eph
3:16-20). He died for the sins of the whole world (I Tim 2:5, 6; I
Jn 2:1, 2). The four horns (Ex 27:2) - The cross is the mighty
power of God (Lk 1:69; I Cor 1:18)
d. The altar was hollow (Ex 27: 8) - The humble and lowly Lord (Ph
e. The altar was laid outside the gate of the sanctuary (Ex 41:6, 29)
Christ will be crucified outside the gate of the city of Jerusalem (Hb 13:1113)
f. The altar of Abraham and his sacrifice (Gen 12:7-8; 13:4; 18:18;
The sacrifice of Solomon (II Ch 7:1-7)
The sacrifice of Elijah (I Kg 18:30-40)
The altar of the cross (Heb 10:4-7)
g. Heavenly fire and unauthorized fire (Lev 10:1-7; I Kg 18:38).
Heavenly fire and human fire.
4. The laver (Ex 30:17-21; 38:8)
* The word of God as a mirror - reflect the true faith of the inner man; makes
us examine and cleanse ourselves (Js 1:21-25; I Pet 1:22-23; Ps 119:9-11).
The Truth of the Tabernacle
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* The spirit of God as a mirror – quicken the inner man 'and makes us
see our own weakness, insufficiency and debt so that we will have
strong self-reproof and renewal (Jn 16:8; Rm 8:26-27; Tit 3:5)
a. Priests must wash their body, hands and feet prior to entering the
sanctuary or to serve God before the altar (Ex 29:4; 30:17-21) -Believers must sanctify themselves before they serve God (Is 52:11,
12; Zech 3:1-7; II Tim 2:20-22).
b. It was made of brass (the mirror for the women who serve before the
sanctuary) (Ex 38:8) The word of God is our mirror for self-examination and cleansing
(Jam 1:21-25, Ps 119:9-11)
5. The curtains. (Ex 26:36, 37; 36:37, 38)
* The beautiful hanging of the door of the tent (Ex 26:36)
The spiritual beauty of the Lord (Songs 1:16, 17; 2:1, 2; Mk 9:2, 3)
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B. The Sanctuary- only priests and the Levites on duty may enter (II Chron 23:6)
6. The table of showbread (Ex 25:23-30; 26:35; Lev 24:5-9)
a. There shall be the bread of presence on the table always (Num 4:7) Believers should receive the words of God daily through attending
service, bible study and constant meditation on the words of God.
They should eat the bread of life constantly (Mt 4:4; Jn 6:63).
The Truth of the Tabernacle
b. It should be presented before the Lord every Sabbath. Aaron and his
descendants must eat it in the sanctuary (Lev 24:8, 9). We should
receive the word of God especially on the Sabbath day (Is 58:13, 14).
c. Table was covered with pure gold (Lev 24:6) - The word of God is
extremely precious and more valuable than fine gold (Ps 19:9, 10;
d. The showbread was baked upon the fire, and the pure frankincense
was laid upon it. There were 12 bread (Lev 24:5, 7) - The word of
God is pure and refined. It will stand in all circumstances and
generations. It is the unchangeable perfect troth (Ps 18:30; Heb 13:8;
II Tim 1:13, 14)
7. The Golden Altar of Incense (Ex 30:1-10, 34-38; 37:25-29)
* Pref - The Lord shall live forever and intercedes for the saints (I Tim
2:4, 5; He 7:25). The prayer of the saints profound spiritual
communion with God (Ps 141:2; Rev 5:8; 8:3, 4; I Cor 14:2)
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a. It has four squares (Ex 30:2) -- to intercede for all nations, tribes,
races and tongues (I Tim 2:1)
b. Burn incense in the early morning (Ex 30:7), evening (Ex 30:8)
and generations after generations (Ex 30:8)
i. Burning incense-- pray deeply and constantly (Eph 6:18) and
unceasingly (I Thess 5:17)
ii. Live a praying life. (Ps 55: 16, 17)
The praying life of Jesus (Mk 1:35; Mt 14:22-25)
The praying life of Daniel (Dan 6:10, 11)
The praying life of Peter (Acts 3:1; 10:9)
The praying life of Anna (Lk 2:36-37)
c. The altar of incense in the church (Acts 4:30; 6:4)
d. The altar of incense in the family (Acts 10:1-7)
8. Golden Lampstand (Ex 25:31-40; 27:20-21; 31:8; Lev 24:1-4; Num 8:1-4;
Zech 4:2)
Pref -- The Lord Jesus (Jn 8:12; Lk 1:78-79; Rev 21:3)
The True Church (Rev 1:20)
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The Truth of the Tabernacle
The spiritual believer (Mt 5:14-16; Phil 2:15-16)
a. Made of a piece of solid pure gold (Ex 25:31, 36; Num 8:4). It
resembles an almond tree (Ex 25:31-35), has a knop and a flower in
each branch.
i. The fruit of almond is highly nutritious; can benefit people (I Cor
10:23-24, 33; Gal 5:22-23)
ii. The faith of pure gold - the best material and the most precious
faith (I Cor 2:11, 12). It was obtained through a high price of
affliction and trial (I Pet 1:6, 7)
b. The source of light--pure olive oil (Lev 24:1, 2), refers to Holy Spirit
(Acts 10:38)
Its brightest spot is in the center (Mt 6:22, 23) - brightness in heart
(Dan 5:11, 14)
Be filled with the Holy Spirit (Eph 5:18; Acts 11:24). Constantly
adding the oil (Ex 27:20).
Go and purchase the oil now (Mt 25:1-13; Lk 11:8, 13)
c. The pipe of the lampstand must be often cleansed, managed (Lev
24:3, 4; Ex 7:21; 30:7), so that the oil may flow through it freely.
Constantly watchful and self-cleansing: keep our eyes, hearts and
body holy to remove all the obstacles and impurities (Pro 4:23-27; I
Pet 1:13-16).
d. Seven candle lights shine toward each other, day and night must not
be quenched (Ex 25:37) -Both physically and spiritually (Mt 5:28; I Pet 4:12)
There is no darkness in our hearts and daily life.
Walk perfectly with the Lord, like the light in the dark world (Mt
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5:48; I Pet 2:12)
e. Only those who live in a praying and self-cleansing life are able to
reflect the glory and divine nature of the Lord (Ex 34:29; Dan
6:10-11; II Cor 3:17, 18)
9. The Coverings (Ex 26:1-14)
This is the top cover for the tabernacle. Total of 4 layers.
* The first layer (innermost) -- was made of blue, purple, scarlet, fine, twined
linen embroidered with cherubim of intricate work on them.
Total of 10 curtains (42’ x 6’ each).
* The second layer was made of goats’ hair. Total of 11 curtains (45'
x 6' each)
* The third layer - dyed red goat skin
* The fourth layer (outermost) -- badger skins
a. Prefigure there's no external beauty (wealth, position, worldly
knowledge, background and appearance) (Is 53:2, 3; Mt 13:5357; Jn 1:46; II Cor 5:16) in Christ and the church.
But filled of the true substance and inner beauty (truth, spiritual
virtue and love) (Mt 11:28, 29; Jn 6:15; 11:36)
b. God looks upon our hearts and the reality of our faith (I Sam
Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain (Prov 31:30). "Hypocrisy"
is the most abominable in the eyes of God (Mt 6:1-18; 23:13-28).
Only the inward beauty is most precious and incorruptible (I
Tim 2:8-11; II Pet 3:1-5)
C. The Most Holy Place Only the high priest may enter with the blood of the goats and the calves once
a year on the day of Atonement to redeem the sins of the Israelites (Hb 9:7)
10. The veil. (Ex 26:31-33) - The separation between the holy place and the
most holy place (Ex 26:33).
Pref -- The body of the Lord (He 10:19-20)
a. The veil was tom apart from the top to the bottom (Mt 27:51) -- The
Lord has broken his body for our sins (Lk 22:19) through his blood
and the sacrifice of life has destroyed the wall of sin between men
and God (Eph 2:13-18), so that all believers (the spiritual priests) (I
Pet 2:9; Rev 5:9, 10) may enter boldly to the holy of holies to meet
God face to face, and to receive mercy and grace before the throne
of grace (He 4:16; I Jn 5:14)
b. The veil was made of blue, purple, scarlet, fine twined linen and
embroidered with cherubim of intricate work on them.
The Truth of the Tabernacle
The blue-heavenly, son of God (Jn. 3:13; Hb 1:3-5)
The purple-- the King (Jn 18:36-37; Rev 19:16)
The scarlet- laying down his own life (Jn 15:13)
The fine linen- holy and perfect (Heb 4:14, 15)
c. The four faces of cherubim (the angels) (Ez 10:14)
The face of the angel- God's messenger, totally submissive to God's will
(Jn 4:34)
The face of man- the image of God, divine spirituality (Gen 1:7; I Cor
15:45; Eph 4:24)
The face of lion- the king of kings and the lord of lords (Phil 2:9-11)
The face of eagle-- spiritual wisdom and power (Lk 2:40, 52; I Cor 2:14,
15; Is 40:31; Lk 4:14)
11. The Ark (Ex 25:10-22)
a. The other names:
The Ark of Covenant (Ex 26:34)
The Holy Ark (II Cor 35:3)
The Ark of God (I Sam 3:3; 4:11; 5:1)
The Ark of Thy Strength (Ps 132:8)
b. Material: Shittim wood covered by pure gold (Ex 25:10, 11)
c. The mercy seat (Ex 25:17-22)
The blood of goat and calves were sprinkled on the east, front and the
top of the mercy seat (Lev 16:14-15).
Where the blood of Jesus covered the sins of man, there is the mercy and
grace of God (Heb 9:5; 4:15-16).
d. Cherubim (Ex 25:18; 37:7)
Prefigure the perfect believers.
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i. The mercy seat is their resting place -- (Ps 27:4; 84:1-4)
The temple of God is their home.
ii. Made of pure gold -- excellent and refined faith (II Tim 2:20-21)
iii. Two joined together- work in one mind, one accord (Ecc 4:9-12)
Their faces looked at one another and toward the mercy seat Constantly looking upon the grace of the Lord (Ps 25:15; II Cor
12:9). Remember the blood and sacrifice of the Lord always (II Cor
5:14-15; Gal 2:20)
iv. Their wings shall stretch forth on high covering the mercy seatAlways meditate the things above (Col 3:1-4).
God meet and speak with people between two cherubims - God's
abidance and revelation and union in spirit with the saints (I Cor
6:17; 14:2)
e. Three precious things in the ark of covenant. (Hb 9:4)
i. A golden pot of manna
• Manna- it was like coriander seed, little round and white. Has the color
of bdwellium. Tastes like wafers made with honey (Ex 16:13-16, 35;
Num 11:7). Imply the perfection, purity and preciousness of spiritual
food- the words of God (I Cor 10:1-4; Jn 6:48-49, 63; Ps 18:30; 19:8,
9; Mt 7:6; 13:45-46)
• Golden Jar- refers to a trialed faith (I Pet 1:7); to receive the word of
God with faith (listen, read, Bible study). Only a golden jar of faith
can contain the word of God (Heb 4:1-2) fully within one's heart. (Ps
119:11; Col 3:16)
• Gathering the manna- Must be collected every morning (Ex 16:13-14;
Ps 119:147; 143:8; Is 50:4)
Bend down to pick up (humility) (Is 61:1; Jms 1:21). Everyone must
collect according to their daily need (Ex 16: 16-18, 21; Mk 4:33).
Must not be tiresome of manna - the only food to sustain their 40
years of life in the wilderness (Num 11:4-6; 21:5; II Tim 4:3-4)
ii. The tables of the covenant. (Ex 32:15, 16)
• The negative expression-- the Ten Commandments (Ex 20:3-17)
• The positive expression- the Two Commandments (Mt 22:37-40)
• Written on the tablets of stone by the hands of God in the O.T. (Ex
• Written on the tablets of heart in the N.T.(Jer 31:33; Mt 5:21-32)
• Written by God's own finger which shall never be changed or
abolished (I Jn 3:9; 5:1-3)
• Engraved on both sides of the tablets -- We must observe them both
in private and public life (Ex 32:15, 16; Ps 119: 37, 80; Gal 4:18; Phil
The Truth of the Tabernacle
iii. The budded rod of Aaron (Num 17:1-9)
• Sign of the chosen. (Deut 7:6-7; Jn 15:16, 19)
• Budded-Spiritual life; dead rod living rod
The word of God rooted in heart, grows spiritually and bears fruit (Mt 13:19; Ezek 37:9, 10, 14)
The spirit of God bestows life and bear spiritual fruit.
Blossom- the spiritual beauty (Mt 6:29)
The inner beauty, the excellent spirituality (Dan 6:3)
The beautiful character and virtue (I Pet 3:1-5; II Cor 5:16)
Produce fragrance-love, to attract others (Acts 11:24)
• Bear ripened almond -- edify others (I Cor 10:23, 24, 33)
Edify others in speech and in deeds (Eph 4:29)
Bear the fruit of love and saving souls (Phil 4:15-17; I Cor 9:22-23)
• The rod of power (Num 20:8)
Dry, lifeless and valueless rod becomes living and powerful rod (I Cor
15:9, 10)
* Tabernacle is the center of living of the Israelites. The ark of Covenant is the
center of the tabernacle.
The ark of God's abidance (Ex 25:8, 22)
The ark of mercy and grace (II Sam 6: 11, 12)
The ark of power (Josh 3:3-6, 13-17; 6:1-21)
12. The Holy Garment of the High Priest (Ex 28:1-43)
The chosen people in the New Testament era are the spiritual priests (Rev 5:9-10)
a. Breastplate (15-30)
i. 12 precious stones (17-21; I Pet 3:3-5)
* God treasures the chosen people who are to be saved (Rev 14:3-5, 12-13)
God treasures the righteous and the Saints (Ps 34:15; 37:23-24; 116:15)
* Engraved on the heart to be remembered forever (Is 49:14-16)
* Constantly remember the Lord's sheep like a father (I Cor 4: 14-15), like
a mother (I Thes 2:7).
* Cannot be separated form Ephod (28)
* Cannot separate brotherly love and serving God (I Jn 4:20-21)
ii. Urim and Thummim (30; I Sam 28:6; Prov 16:33)
* Made from 2 gems. One side written Urim (meaning Cursed & No), the
other side written Thummim (meaning Perfect, Yes)
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* O.T. - no abidance of the promised Holy Spirit; relied upon Urim
and Thummim to determine and judge matters (I Sam 14:41; Josh
7:16; Ac 1:24-26)
N.T. - with the promised Holy Spirit as teacher and guide, there is
no need for Urim and Thummim; only relying on prayer and the
Holy Spirit to teach, determine and judge (Jn 14:26; 16:13; Ac 13:13)
b. The Ephod (31-35)
i. blue color - belong to heaven (Ex 24:10), offer of spiritual sacrifice (I
Pet 2:5), serving the Lord, responsible to the Lord and pleasing Him
(Col 3:23-24)
ii. Hem consists of color blue, purple, and scarlet fashioned in the shape
of pomegranate (33, 34)
Often remind ourselves of our noble status and offices and ought to
bear more fruit to glorify God and edify others (Jn 15:8, 16)
* The Ephod of little Samuel - serving God from childhood (I Sam 2:18)
c. The embroidered coat and breeches of fine linen (39, 42) - cover our
shame and filthiness with the holiness and beauty of Christ
d. Girdle of needlework (39-40) - to restrain our thoughts, words, and deeds
by the perfect words of God (Ps 19:7-10; Eph 6:14), to gird ourselves
with the beautiful virtue of Christ -- humility (I Pet 5:6)
e. The mitre of fine linen and the bonnet (39-40)
The most glorious office and the highest rewards (Mt 19:28; II Tim 4:8;
Rev 2:10)
* A plate of pure gold and engraved upon it like the engraving of a signet
“HOLINESS to the LORD” (36)
And put it on a blue lace upon the forefront of the mitre (37)
Forever remember we belong to God and no longer to ourselves. We
must unconditionally offer our body, spirit and soul to God to become
a perfectly holy and righteous instrument (Rm 6:12-13; I Cor 6:18-20)
The Truth of the Tabernacle
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o The standard of thoughts and motive (Prov 21:2)
o The standard of words (Mt 12:36)
o The standard of deeds (Rom 2:6)
o The standard of love (I Jn 4:17-18)
o The standard of living (Ps 139:1-4)
B. The three compartments of the tabernacle.
Outer Court Sanctuary The most holy place
Israelites Priests and Levites on duty high priest, once a year
1. The three steps of faith, three degrees of spiritual cultivation, three
levels of prayer, three kinds of relationship with God (Ex 24:1-18).
a. At the foot of Mt. Sinai -- worldly faith, living according to fleshly
desires (Rom 8:5-8; 12; I Jn 2:15-17) (population - 2,000,000)
b. Middle of the mountain - lukewarm, loves God and also the world,
only see the outer rim of God's glory (Ex 24:9-10; Jms 4:4) (73
c. Top of Mt Sinai- spiritual breakthrough to the third heaven and
would not be affected by the world (Ex 24:16-18; II Cor 12:1-4;
Phil 3:8), 40 days & nights without food and water, reduced the
lust of flesh to nothing (Ex 34:28; Gal 5:24; 6:14); reflects
God's glory (Ex 34:29; II Cor 3:18)
VIII. The Design and Construction of the Tabernacle
A. God's measurement and standards
1. The tabernacle and all the holy instrument must be made according to
God's design (Ex 25:9, 40)
2. The measurement of the ark of Noah (Gen 6:14-22)
3. The design of the holy temple. (I Chron 28:11, 12)
4. The measurement of the spiritual temple (Ezek 43:10-12). The holy city,
New Jerusalem (Rev 21:10-21)
5. The measurement of the true church (Eph 2:19-22; Gal 1:6-10; I Jn 9; Mt
The correct explanation of the truth and its right spiritual meaning (II
Tim 2:15; II Pet 1:20-21)
6. The perfect gospel. The pure word of God (II Tim 1:13-14)
7. God shall measure the church with his standard and measurement and he
shall also measure every worshipper (Rev 11:1)
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2. The three levels of prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane (Mt 26:36-46;
Mk 14:32-42; Lk 22:39-46)
i. Outside the garden (8 disciples) - worldly and superficial prayer (Mk
12:40; 14:32, 33; Lk 22:41; Mt 6:5-8)
ii. Inside the garden (3 disciples) - Not sober, the spirit defeated by the
flesh (Mt 26:40-41; Lk 21:34-36)
iii. The depth of the garden. (Lord Jesus) - The spiritual communion in
the inner room, meet God in the depth of the heart; total obedience
and submission (Jer 29:13; Ps 91:1; 130:1; Mt 26:39; Rom 8:5-8);
sweat like blood drops and tears of supplication (Lk 22:44; Heb 5:7)
* We should grow in faith and draw nearer and nearer to God and often
come boldly before the throne of grace to meet the Lord and to find
mercy and help in time of need (Ps 73:28; Jms 4:8)
C. The Design and Construction of the Tabernacle
Bezaleel was filled by the spirit of God and full of wisdom, understanding
and equipped with all manners of workmanship (31:1-5)
The Truth of the Tabernacle
1. He is the grandson of Hur (31:1; 17:10-12) - 3 generations' faith (II Tim 1:5)
2. The worker of God must pursue for the fullness of Holy Spirit and be
abundant in wisdom, good virtues and gifts (Act 6:3; I Tim 4:12, 16; II Cor
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B. The marching in the wilderness.
IX. The Tabernacle in the Army of Israel. (Num 1:1-2:34)
A. The encampment in the wilderness.
1. When encampment, tabernacle is placed in the center with Moses, Aaron
and priests in the front, the Levites surrounded the tent, the other eleven
tribes surround them (Num 2:1, 2; 9:15-23).
i. Everything must follow regulation and be well organized (I Cor 14:40;
Mk 6:39-40). Everyone must faithfully perform their duty according to
their entrustment (I Pet 4:10-11)
ii. Christ is the center of living. He is the first and the greatest (Lk 1:46;
Col 1:18)
iii. Church is the center of living (Neh 1:1-6; 2:3; Ps 122:1-9; 137:1-6; Dan
6:10; 9:1-3; Lk 1:41-46). Church is our home (Ps 15:1, 2; 27:4; 61:4;
84:1-4, 10).
2. When marching, every tribe in its own place and by their standards
(Num 2:17).
They divided into 4 groups. Every 3 tribes as one group. The
tabernacle will lead. Prefigures Christ is the commander of our faith
and daily living. We all march as spiritual Christian soldiers to fight for
him (II Cor 2:14, He 12:2; Josh 5:13-15; II Tim 4:7, 8)
X. The Enlargement of the Tabernacle of God- The True
Church. (Is 54:2)
A. The tent of Shem (Gen 9:26-27; He 8:1-2)
B. Enlarge the tent of God to cover the whole world (Mt 24:14; Rev 7:9; Is
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The Truth of the Tabernacle
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Servant of the Lord
Scriptures: Chapters Is 42, 49, 50, 52, 53; Zech 9, 11-13; I Pet 2; Ph 2; II
Tim 2
I. Definition of a Servant of the Lord
A. Servant means:
Household slave
Helper or assistant
Hired laborer
Steward (Gen 24:2)
Soldier (Jer 52:8; II Tim 2:4)
Officer (I Sam 8:14)
Vassal king (II Kg 17:3)
B. People chosen by God (Is 42:1; 49:1; Jn 15:6; Rm 9:21-24)
C. One who is filled with the spirit of God (Is 42: 1; 61: 1; Act 6:3)
D. And is purchased by the Lord with the highest price--His blood (Ex
12:44; Act 20:28; I Cor 6:20; 7:23; Rev 5:9; 14:3-4)
No longer belongs to himself but entirely belongs to the
Lord. Is the Lord's possession (Dt 4:20; Ps 33:12)
The Lord owns the time, wealth, body, gift, strength,
love, and life of his servant (Is 43:1; Jn 17:15-16; Rm
E. The servant of all servants (Mt 20:25-28; Jn 13:13-17; I Cor 9:19; II
Cor 4:5)
F. The righteous servant and the holy servant--the Lord Jesus (Is 53:11;
Ac 4:27, 30)
II. The Mission of the Servant of the Lord--to accomplish the
entrustment of the Lord.
A. To lead the rebellious people back to God – Pastoring (Is 49:5, 6; Lk
1:16, 17; Jn 21:15-17)
B. Preach the salvation of the Lord to the end of the world Evangelism (Is 49:5, 6; Lk 1:16, 17; Jn 21:15-17).
III. The Spirit, Character, and Spiritual Armor of the Lord's
A. Works in quietness (Is 42:2-3; I Thess 4:11)
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B. Humble, meek and gentle (Lk 17:10; Mt 11:29; Jn 1:23; Ac 4:25-26; I
Tim 1:15)
C. Hopes and relies upon the Lord in all things. (Ps 37:5; 71:56; 127:12;
Ps 3:5)
D. Responsible to the Lord, pleases the Lord, does everything for the
Lord (Col 3:22-24; II Cor 5:9-10)
E. Fears the Lord (Dt 4:10; 5:29; Heb 12:28). Completely submits to the
Lord (Is 50:4-5; Jn 6:38-40; Lk 6:46). Is active and delights in
observing the Lord's commandment. (Ps 40:8; 119:33)
F. Diligent and responsible (Lk 17:7-10; Rom 12:11). Faithful unto
death (Mt 24:45-51; 25:21-23; Lk 16:10; Rev 2:10; 17:14)
G. Determines to suffer and be disgraced for the Lord's sake (Is 50:6;
52:14; 53:3, 8-10; I Thess 3:3; II Tim 3:12; I Pet 2:21-24; 4:1-2)
H. Endures in all circumstances is not timid to accomplish the Lord's
entrustment (Is 42:4; 17:6; 2:24-26; Heb 10:36; II Cor 12:12; Eph 4:2;
Col 3:12)
I. Lead an excellent example in everything. (Acts 20:35; I Tim 3:1-13;
4:12, 16)
J. Holy and righteous servant. (I Thes 4:3-5, 7, 8; 5:23-24; I Jn 3:7)
K. Full of the Lord's wisdom, power and gifts. (Is 51:1-2; 49:1-6; Jn 1:14,
16; Acts 10:38)
L. Has strong love toward the Lord, the church and all people (Is 42:3; I
Jn 3:16; 4:11-12; I Pet 1:8; Jn 13:34-35; I Thes 3:12)
IV. The Roles of the Lord’s Servant
A. The steward – faithfully perform duties. Body, wealth, children, gifts
are entrusted by the Lord for us to care for. We will definitely be
accountable to God in the final judgment (I Cor 4:1-2, II Tim 1:12;
Lk 12:42)
B. Farmer-- diligent, hard-working, laboring with patience awaiting upon
the Lord (I Cor 3:6-7; Is 5:7-8)
C. Soldier-- discipline, tribulation, must not be entangled b) the world,
be pleasing to the master, restrained by the Words, fully armed with
spiritual weapons, fights a beautiful fight (II Tim 2:3-4; Eph 6:10-19;
I Tim 4:8; 6:12)
D. Shepherd-- knows the sheep, walks before them, leads them to green
pastures and still waters, gives them abundant life, sets an example
The Truth of the Tabernacle
for them, seeks the lost, heals the sick, cares and guards, lays down
his life for them (Jn 10:3, 4, 10, 11, 13-15; Ps 23:1, 2; Eze 34:1-6, 15,
16; I Pet 5:2-4)
E. Parent-loves, patient, self-sacrificing, guardian of souls (I Cor 4:1315; II Cor 12:14, 15; I Thess 2:6-8, 11)
V. The rewards and punishments of the Lord's Servant I
A. “Unto whosoever much is given, unto him shall be much required”
(Lk 12:48)
B. We shall definitely render an account on the Day of Judgment (Heb
13:17; Mt 25:19; Lk 19:15).
C. For unto everyone that hath shall be given, and he shall have
abundance; but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that
which he hath." (Mt 25:26-30; Lk 19:20-26)
D. * We shall receive rewards according to our labors (I Cor 3:8; Mt
25:20-23; 34-40; Lk 19:16-18; II Tim 4:7, 8, 18)
VI. The Servant of the Lord in All Generations
A. Moses (Deut 34:5; Ma1 4:4: Rev 15:3) –
o Meek, faithful, self-sacrificing, magnanimous, possessing
tremendously the power of God, old servant serving the
Lord until he departed from the world, praying servant of
the Lord, the mend of God, and the man of God.
B. Caleb (Josh 14:10-15) –
o Became stronger, even at an advanced age, followed God
with all his heart, consistent in faith
C. David (II Kings 19:34; Eze 34:23; 37:24) –
o Relied upon God all his life, regarded the Lord as his
greatest delight, desired only the temple of God, willingly
offered all his wealth to God, humbly repented with a
contrite heart, faithful and courageous, sensitive conscience,
repaid God's grace, writer of beautiful songs for Israel.
E. Zerubabel (Haggai 2:23) –
o Rebuilt the holy temple, listened to God and relied upon
His spirit, steadfast and bold, helped and was pleased by the
F. Hezekiah (II Chron 32:16) –
o Walked in God's word with a perfect heart, relied upon God
in great tribulation, committed himself to God amid great
peril of death
G. Job (Job 42:8) –
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Perfectly upright and departed from evil. Offered sacrifice
every early morning, Loved the words of God more than
his daily food, loved others as himself. Praise and thanked
God in great tribulation. Understood God's will and
patiently waited upon God with strong faith. God's intimate
H. Isaiah (Is 23) –
o The prophet of the Messiah, the spirit of boldness, strong
love towards his nation, gentle and merciful in heart, the
message of salvation.
I. Daniel (Dan 6:20) –
o Made great determination to live a sanctified life. Prayed
three times a day unceasingly, possessed an excellent spirit
and rightness in heart, full of spiritual wisdom, humble and
returned the glory to God, respected co-workers, greatly
beloved, perfect in virtue and character, long-lasting faith
and unceasing praying life.
J. Paul (Rom 1:1; Phil 1:1) –
o Repaid the love of the Lord, lived and died for the Lord,
sacrificed everything for the sake of the Lord and the souls
of the world. Gladly forbore suffering and affliction, man of
great determination and full of gifts and power. The apostle
of the Gentiles, a world evangelist, comprehended the
profound mysteries of Christ, the fighter of faith, the most
precious vessel, set an excellent example in everything,
beautiful footsteps.
K. Peter (II Pet 1:1) –
o Full of power of the Holy Spirit and gifts. Humble in heart.
A growing faith unto maturity. The pillar of the church.
Suffered and died for the Lord.
L. James (Jas 1:1)
o A living faith, full of spiritual wisdom, a praying elder, a
pillar of the church, bridled the tongue, perfect in
M. John (Rev 1:1) o Loved the most by the Lord and loved the Lord the most.
Total transformation in character, most intimate friend of
Christ, understood Christ the most, and overcame his
surroundings - Patmos Island. Shouldered great
responsibility to take care of Mary, the mother of Jesus. A
pillar of the church.