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Asbury Park Middle School
Human Body :Control, Support & Movement
Department: Science
Course: 6
Unit designation: #6
Anticipated timeframe: approx 4 weeks
Desired Outcomes
Standards addressed: NJCCCS: 5..3.6
5.3 Life Science: All students will understand that life science principles are powerful conceptual tools for making sense of the complexity, diversity, and interconnectedness of
life on Earth. Order in natural systems arises in accordance with rules that govern the physical world, and the order of natural systems can be modeled and predicted through the
use of mathematics.
Organization and Development: Living organisms are composed of cellular units (structures) that carry out functions required for life. Cellular units are composed of molecules,
which also carry out biological functions. (5.3.A) Model the interdependence of the human body’s major systems in regulating it internal environment (5.3.6.A.1).
Also: Standards for Literacy in Science: RST:1,3,8,9 WHST:1a,1c,1e,2
Transfer Goals: To select and use strategies to: Students will understand how tissues and organs work together, as well as how muscles and bones work together. They will
understand that the brain is the command center for the body.
Enduring Understandings: The learner will understand that: Essential Questions:
 The nervous system consists of the brain which is the
 What is the nervous system?
control center of the body.
Reflexes are automatic and not all reflexes involve the
The skeleton supports and gives the body its shape.
The bones of the skeletal system also protect organs
and make red blood cells.
Cartilage is a tough, flexible connective tissue that
makes up parts of the skeletal system.
A joint is where two bones meet.
Muscles are tissues that can shorten along their
length. Muscles usually work in pairs to move the
What is the skeletal system?
What is the muscular system?
How do the skeletal and muscular systems work together to cause movement?
Learners will know:
Learners will be able to:
 The parts and functions of the nervous system and
 Identify tissues and organs that work together in systems.
Explain how the nerves carry the brain’s message throughout the body.
Reflexes are cause by stimuli.
Study the parts and processes of the skeletal and muscular systems.
Humans have an internal skeleton made up of bone and
Describe the functions of the skeletal system and its parts.
Describe the parts of bone.
Identify the motions and locations of the four kinds of movable joints.
Describe how muscles work, identify different kinds of muscle and identify where they are located in
the body.
Examine how muscles and bone work together to cause movement.
The skeleton acts as a flexible framework that supports
the body and allows for a variety of movement.
Joints and the muscles attached to the bones allow
different types of movement, such as stretching,
twisting and turning.
Vocabulary: tissue, epithelial, connective tissue,
ligaments, tendon, organ, organ system, skeletal
system, vertebrae, cartilage, periosteum, compact bone,
spongy bone, marrow, fracture, joint, flexor, extensor,
striated muscle, skeletal muscle, smooth muscle,
cardiac muscle
Assessment Evidence
Performance Tasks:
 Unit openers
 Unit projects
 Journal writing on each unit
 “Cooperative learning” assignments
 Pre and post assessments per each unit
 Open ended questions
 Constructed response questions
Other Evidence:
 Informal observations
 Lab completion
 Homework assignments
 Classroom discussions
Authentic Assessment:
You have been hired by an advertising agency to develop and present an informational presentation. The content of your informational presentation
deals with the nervous, skeletal and muscular systems. The advertising agency would like you to include the following items into your presentation.
Give an overall sense of the organization and function of the nervous, skeletal and muscular systems. This is to include the organ systems’
purpose, the relationship of this system to other body systems and how specifically these body systems work together.
Visual aids are encouraged and may include drawings, computer graphics, and photographs of actual organs. (You can even create a body
system costume that can be worn and displayed when presenting the information to the advertising agency executive and panel.
A written poem, rap, or song presented to the group about the body system.
Learning Plan
Anticipated daily sequence of activities:
 Investigations
 Informal or Formal assessments
 Labs
 Reflections
 Journal writing
Anticipated resources:
 Concepts and Challenges Life Science Text
 Achieve 3000
 Brain Pop
Notes and definitions:
Standards are obtained from the Common Core standards adopted by NJDOE in June 2010.
Transfer goals are long term reasons why students should learn the information for use in their lives as adults.
Enduring Understandings are generalized, big picture ideas beyond specific content that describe the realizations learners are to take from this unit into their lives
functioning as adults. Begins with “The learner will understand that . . .”.
Essential Questions are to be motivational for students, derived from the Enduring Understandings, and provide a basis for closure at the end of the unit.
Learners will know describes the concepts to be learned in the chapter
Learners will be able to describes the skills the learners will perform to be successful
Performance Tasks are the activities learners will undertake to demonstrate proficiency, e.g. tests, quizzes, projects, Do Nows, homework . . .
Other Evidence may describe self assessments, homework review, employment of rubrics for scoring, other similar practices.
Authentic Assessment is a description of the authentic assessment activity students will undertake in the unit. “Authentic” describes an application of the skills and
concepts learned to that point in the unit that gives the learner a real life task they would face in a work or life related role.
Anticipated daily sequence of activities describes the progression of daily topics that will be further detailed in the daily lesson plans. Included in each item/day
should be, at least, new material to be learned and previously learned material to be reviewed.
Anticipated resources list those that are expected to be useful or required for the learning activities during the unit.