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Marcus K. Buffington
World War II Lesson Plan #5
Origins of the Cold War
25 11th grade students in a 65 minute U.S. History Class
Lesson Objective #8 TLWBAT describe how the Yalta Conference creates animosity
between the eastern and western spheres of influence by participating in a group
simulation. (H3.1, 5.2)
Lesson Objective #9 TLWBAT identify actions taken before, during and after World War
II by both the U.S. and the Soviet Union that contributed to the Cold War by participating
in an interactive lecture. (H1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 3.2, 4.3; E 3.1; C 1.5)
Lesson Objective #10 TLWBAT identify the origins of the Cold War through the reading
of the text and creating a graphic organizer. (H 1.3, 5.3, 5.4; G 1.1; L 2, 4)
Movie Clip: Enemy at the Gates, Battle of Stalingrad-1,100,000 Soviet casualties, in
order to understand why Stalin and the Soviet Union were unwilling to make certain
concessions to the U.S. and Great Britain at the Yalta Conference. (10 min.)
Student Activity: Stalin group simulation-students break up into groups of 4 and conduct a
simulation deciding what they would do if they were the leader of the Kremlin at Yalta.
Each student of the group will have a role; one will be Stalin while the other three will act
as his General, Foreign Minister, and Politburo Member respectively giving their advice
to Stalin. The Stalin of the group will then make a decision on whether to accept the
terms of the Yalta Conference or deny it. (15 min.) (Objective 8)
Teacher Activity: Divide the class into groups of four and handout the simulation
exercise. Explain what Stalin did in the end and why he did so. (15 min.) (Objective 8)
Student Activity: Listen to interactive lecture on the conflicting forms of government and
fill in outline. (20 min.) (Objective 9)
Teacher Activity: Interactive Lecture: note: teacher questions to the students are in italic
Alexis de Tocqueville quote: taken from teacher’s copy of We Now Know, by
John L. Gaddis
A. Two successful countries with different ideologies destined to clash
What is Communism?
A. Communism: You have two cows. The government takes them both and
provides you with some milk.
B. Capitalism: You have two cows. You sell one and buy a Bull.
C. Nazism: You have two cows. The government shoots you and takes them
What is appealing about communism?
A. No lower, middle or upper class…everyone is equal
B. Great Depression
C. Stalin-“man of steel” turned Soviet Union into world power
What are the Origins of the Cold War?
A. Bolshevik revolution-Lenin overthrows czarist regime (Reds Scare)
B. Allied intervention in Russia during World War I
C. Stalin’s unification with Hitler through nonaggression pact
D. Suspicion of Stalin tyranny towards own countrymen
E. Yalta conference
1. Fate of Germany and satellite nations
a. Roosevelt wants self determination
b. Stalin wants communist regimes and German war reparations
2. Potsdam conference
a. Truman objects to German reparations
1.) Why? How did he want it done?- within own occupation
b. Stalin’s justification- 20+ million Soviet deaths
3. What was agreed upon- fate of Germany, keep split/weak
F. Blockade of West Berlin map pg. 811 only enough food for five weeks
1. U.S. British response-Berlin Airlift-327days planes flew in 2.3mil
tons of supplies
2. Result-U.S. prestige, Soviets lift blockade
What kept U.S./Soviet Union from clashing until this point?
F. Geography
G. Common enemy
H. Separation of world power
(20 min.) (Objective 9)
Student Activity: Read chapter 26 section 1 in text The Americans and create graphic
organizer showing the U.S. and Soviet actions taken to create the Cold War (15 min.)
(Objective 10)
Teacher Activity: Do pre-reading exercise with students. Go over important vocabulary
and study Marshall Plan graph and NATO political cartoon. (15 min.) (Objective 10)
Vocabulary list:
Berlin Airlift
iron curtain
Truman Doctrine
United Nations
Marshall Plan
satellite nations
Closure: Go over graphic organizers with students and explain what essential points
should be included in theirs (5 min.)
Assessment: Graphic organizers. Twelve point assignment, 2 points per point made.
Materials: T.V. with DVD access