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(J.R.H. 155)
Offered by: Representatives Larson of Burlington, Brooks of Montpelier,
Driscoll of Burlington, Kiss of Burlington, Rogers of Castleton
and Schaefer of Colchester.
Whereas, slavery was banned in Vermont pursuant to Chapter 1, § 1 of the
Vermont Constitution, as it was originally adopted on July 2, 1777 in Windsor,
Whereas, unlike in the enlightened republic, and later state of Vermont,
many other jurisdictions permitted and encouraged slavery until the practice
was finally abolished during the Civil War, and
Whereas, on January 1, 1863, President Abraham Lincoln signed the
“Emancipation Proclamation” that abolished slavery throughout the
Confederacy, but which was only enforced in those Confederate states that
were under the control of the Union Army, and
Whereas, it was only upon enactment of the 13th Amendment to the United
States Constitution, and the receipt of the news on June 19, 1865 (known as
Juneteenth Day), that the last enslaved African Americans, in the states of
Arkansas, California, Louisiana, Oklahoma and Texas finally gained their
freedom and basic human dignity, and
Whereas, the final elimination of slavery in the United States is an event
surely worthy of commemoration, and
NO. R-193
Page 2
Whereas, observing Juneteenth Day in Vermont would provide an
opportunity to commemorate the abolishment of slavery in our nation, now
therefore be it
Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives:
That the General Assembly designates June 19, 2001 as Juneteenth Day,
and be it further
Resolved: That the Secretary of State be directed to send a copy of this
resolution to Roy Hill in Essex.