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Chemistry Topic Sequence / Waterford School District
Chapter 1: Introduction to Chemistry
 Definition of chemistry
 Scientific method
Chapter 2: Matter and Change
 States of matter
 Chemical & physical changes
 Mixtures & separation techniques
 Pure substances
Chapter 5: Atomic Structure and the Periodic Table
 Dalton’s Atomic Theory
 Early experiments
 Structure of the atom
 Isotopes and ions
 Periodic table basics
Chapter 13: Electrons in Atoms
 Bohr model
 Electron configuration (atoms and ions)
 Orbital box diagrams
 Orbital shapes and energies
 Quantum numbers
 Emission spectra
 Electromagnetic radiation (c=λυ, E=hυ)
Chapter 6: Chemical Names and Formulas
 Ionic compounds
 Chemical formulas
 Laws of Definite & Multiple Proportions
 Monatomic and polyatomic ions
 Naming metal-nonmetal compounds
 Naming polyatomic compounds
 Naming binary nonmetal compounds
 Naming binary & oxyacids
Chapter 3: Scientific Measurement
 Qualitative vs. quantitative
 Scientific notation
 Accuracy vs. precision
 Percent error
 SI units
 Density
 Temperature conversions
Chapter 4: Problem Solving in Chemistry
 Metric conversions
 Squared and cubic metric conversions
 English-metric conversions
Chapter 7: Chemical Quantities
 Counting by weighing
 Mole-atom/molecule conversions
 Mole-mass conversions
 STP and molar volume of a gas
 Density and molar mass of a gas
 Percent composition
 Empirical & molecular formulas
Chapter 8(a): Chemical Reactions
 Balancing equations
 Writing chemical equations
 5 reaction types
 Predicting products of reactions
Chapter 9: Stoichiometry
 Mole-mole calculations
 Mass-mass calculations
 Volume and particle calculations
 Limiting reactants
 Percent yield
Chapter 10(a): States of Matter
 Kinetic energy
 Kinetic molecular theory
 Pressure units and conversions
 Kelvin temperature scale (absolute zero)
Chapter 12: The Behavior of Gases
 Gas Laws (PV, VT, PT, Combined)
 Avogadro’s Hypothesis
 Ideal Gas Law
 Gas stoichiometry
 Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressures
 Diffusion
 Graham’s Law of Effusion
Chapter 10(b): States of Matter
 Phase diagrams
 Changes of state
 Normal boiling point
 Crystal structure
 Normal melting point
Chapter 11: Thermochem – Heat and Chemical Change
 Endo- and exothermic
 Heat capacity and specific heat
 Enthalpy and calorimetry
 Heat of reaction (energy stoich)
 Heat of fusion, vaporization, and solution
 Hess’s Law
 Heat of formation
Chapter 14: Chemical Periodicity
 Trends in e- configuration
 Atomic size (radius) vs. ionic size
 First vs. second ionization energy
 Electronegativity
Chapter 15: Ionic Bonding & Compounds
 Valence electrons
 Electron dot diagrams
 Formation of cations & anions
 Properties of ionic compounds
 Metallic bonding and properties
 Electron sea model
 Alloys
Chapter 16: Covalent Bonding
 Covalent Lewis structures
 Double and triple bonds
 Bond length and dissociation energy
 Resonance
 Octet exceptions
 VSEPR geometry
 Orbital hybridization
 Polarity
 Intermolecular forces
 Network solids
Sections 17.3, 8.3 & 18.2
 Solvents and solutes
 Electrolytes
 Net ionic equations
 Solubility rules
 Precipitation reactions
 Molarity calculations
 Dilution calculations
Chapter 20: Acids & Bases
 Review naming
 Writing acid-base reactions
 Acid-base stoichiometry
 Kw and ion concentration
 pH and pOH
 Indicators
 Arrhenius acids and bases
 Brønsted-Lowry acids and bases
 Lewis acids and bases
 Amphoterism
Chapter 22: Oxidation-Reduction Rxns
 Oxidation
 Reduction
 Oxidizing and reducing agents
 Corrosion
 Oxidation number
Chapter 28: Nuclear Chemistry
 Types of radiation
 Nuclear vs. chemical change
 Stability and decay modes
 Half-life
 Transmutations
 Fission and fusion
 Uses of radiation
Chapter 25: Hydrocarbon Compounds
 Properties of hydrocarbons
 Naming alkanes, alkenes, and alkynes
 Isomerism
 Naming cyclic and aromatic compounds
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