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1. Islamic empire that began in 1300 and was centered in modern-day Turkey? Ans. =
2. The West African empire that conquered Mali and controlled trade from the 1400’s to
1591? Ans. = Songhai
3. What nation claimed land in France and fought a war there from 1337-1453? Ans. =
4. What western European nation claims Joan of Arc provided its nationalistic spirit?
Ans. = France
5. What western European nation geographically commands the Strait of Gibraltar,
separating Europe from Africa & Mediterranean from Atlantic? Ans. = Spain
6. What empire was located in India in 1500? Ans. = Mughal
7. What Mesoamerican civilization thrived in Central America with the major urban
centers of Chichen Itza and Tikal? Ans. = Mayan
8. What Mesoamerican civilization controlled central Mexico and built a great empire?
Ans. = Aztec
9. What Mesoamerican civilization created a mountain empire in South America? Ans. =
10. What does Renaissance mean? Ans. = Rebirth of classical knowledge
11. What historical era marks the beginning of the modern world? Ans. = Renaissance
12. What knowledge was “reborn” during the Renaissance? Ans. = Classical knowledge
of Greece & Rome
13. The Renaissance spread from northern Italy to where? Ans. = Northern Europe
14. Who are the 2 main painters from the Renaissance? Ans. = Da Vinci &
15. What is the philosophy which emphasized classical knowledge and a worldly life?
Ans. = Humanism
16. Who wrote sonnets and plays during the Renaissance? Ans. = Shakespeare
17. What poetry form was used during the Renaissance? Ans. = Sonnet
18. What Dutch humanist helped to spread the ideas of humanism? Ans. = Erasmus
19. Where did the Renaissance begin? Ans. = Italy
20. What are the 5 major world religions? Ans. = Judaism, Christianity, Islam,
Buddhism & Hinduism
21. In what hemisphere did the 5 begin? Ans. = Eastern
22. Where was Judaism concentrated in 1500? Ans. = Europe & Middle East
23. Where was Christianity concentrated in 1500? Ans. = Europe & Middle East
24. Where was Islam concentrated in 1500? Ans. = Parts of Asia, Africa, Middle East
& Southern Europe
25. Where was Hinduism concentrated in 1500? Ans. = India
26. Where was Buddhism concentrated in 1500? Ans. = East & SE Asia
27. By 1500, trade linked what continents? Ans. = Africa, ME, Asia & Europe
28. What was the trade route between Asia & the Med. Basin? Ans. = Silk Rd.
29. What was the trade route across N. Africa? Ans. = Trans-Saharan Route
30. What kind of trade routes crossed the Indian Ocean? Ans. = Maritime
31. What area was linked by trade to the Black Sea? Ans. = N. Europe
32. Why were these trade routes important? Ans. = allowed exchange of goods &
ideas/cultural diffusion
33. Name 3 products from China. Ans. = paper, compass, silk & porcelain
34. Name 2 advancements from India & ME. Ans. = textiles & numeral system
35. What scientific advancements were transferred along the trade routes? Ans. =
medicine, astronomy & mathematics
36. What was the main Christian church in Europe in 1500? Ans. = RCC
37. Which Christian church refused to change bringing on the Reformation? Ans. =
38. What was the practice of lending money at a high rate of interest called? Ans. =
39. What group protested and challenged the Church’s view of business? Ans. = wealthy
40. The nobles of what 2 countries disliked Italian domination of the Church? Ans. =
England & Germany
41. The Church had not only religious power but also __________ power. Ans. =
42. What was the Reformation? Ans. = A 16th C movement for religious reform
leading to the founding of Christian churches that rejected the Pope’s authority
43. Name 2 problems in the Catholic Church that helped to cause the Reformation. Ans.
= corruption & the sale of indulgences
44. What was sold by the Catholic Church to release a soul from Purgatory? Ans. =
45. Who began the Lutheran Church? Ans. = Martin Luther
46. Name 2 beliefs of the Lutheran Church. Ans. = salvation can be achieved through
faith alone, the Bible is the ultimate authority & all humans are equal before
47. Whose actions began the Reformation? Ans. = Martin Luther
48. What was posted on the church door at Wittenberg? Ans. = 95 Theses
49. Who posted the theses? Ans. = Martin Luther
50. Name 2 beliefs of John Calvin. Ans. = predestination, your faith would be
revealed through living a righteous life & a strong work ethic
51. What is predestination? Ans. = Calvin’s belief that God knows who will be saved
& who will not
52. Who expanded the Protestant movement? Ans. = John Calvin
53. Who began the Anglican Church in England? Ans. = Henry 8th
54. Who broke with the Catholic Church because he wanted a divorce? Ans. = Henry 8th
55. What happened to the wealth & lands of the RCC in England? Ans. = seized by H
56. True or False – the Reformation led to political & economic changes in Europe? Ans.
= True
57. What caused war and destruction in the 1500’s & 1600’s in Europe? Ans. = religious
differences & hatred
58. In what area of Germany did the princes support the Reformation? Ans. = North
59. Why did the German princes support the Reformation? Ans. = they wanted to end
the authority of the Pope
60. What is a Protestant? Ans. = a member of the Christian Church founded on the
principles of the Reformation
61. What was the ruling dynasty of the HRE? Ans. = Hapsburg Family
62. What church did the Hapsburgs support? Ans. = RCC
63. The conflict in Germany between the Catholics and Protestants became what war?
Ans. = 30 Years’ War
64. What became the national church of England? Ans. = Anglican Church
65. Under whose reign did the Anglican Church become the national church of England?
Ans. = Elizabeth I
66. The Reformation contributed to the rise of what economic system? Ans. =
67. What religion did the French kings belong to? Ans. = Catholicism
68. A French Protestant is called what? Ans. = Huguenot
69. The Edict of Nantes granted what? Ans. = freedom of worship
70. What later happened with the Edict of Nantes? Ans. = revoked
71. Who changed the focus of the 30 Years’ War from religious to political? Ans. =
Cardinal Richelieu
72. The series of reforms in the Catholic Church was known as what? Ans. = Catholic
73. The Society of Jesus is also known as what? Ans. = Jesuits
74. What was the purpose of the Jesuits? Ans. = spread Catholic doctrine around the
75. What was established to reinforce Catholic doctrine? Ans. = Inquisition
76. Yes or No – was there always religious toleration in Europe? Ans. = No
77. What grew as religious toleration emerged? Ans. = democratic thought
78. Who had the power in most European states? Ans. = monarchs
79. True or False – the Reformation only changed religious beliefs in Europe? Ans. =
80. The movement to enjoy life on earth and its rewards is called what? Ans. =
81. The movement that believes every person is important is called what? Ans. =
82. This invention spread the ideas of the Renaissance & Reformation? Ans. = printing
83. Who is the inventor of the printing press? Ans. = Gutenberg
84. What basic skill did the printing press improve? Ans. = literacy
85. The Bible was 1st printed in what 3 languages? Ans. = English, German & French
86. The loss of what Christian city in 1453 encouraged the search for new trade routes?
Ans. = Constantinople
87. What goods were in high demand in Europe in the mid-15th century? Ans. = gold,
spices & other natural resources
88. Name 3 things that contributed to the European discovery of lands in the western
hemisphere. Ans. = 3 G’s or Gold, God & Glory (+ Guns) or
 Demand for gold, spices & other natural resources
 Support for the diffusion of Christianity
 Political & economic competition between European empires
 Innovations in navigational arts (Euro & Islamic origins)
 Pioneering role of Prince Henry the Navigator
89. In the Age of Exploration the center of trade shifted from the Med. Basin (Italy,
Greece, Egypt, etc.) to what nations? Ans. = Portugal, Spain, England & France
90. Name 2 navigational inventions. Ans. = compass & astrolabe
91. What was the role of Prince Henry? Ans. = established school for sailors
92. What Portuguese explorer was the 1st to reach India by way of Africa? Ans. = Vasco
da Gama
93. Who was the 1st European to discover the Western Hemisphere? Ans. = Columbus
94. What Spaniard conquered the Aztecs? Ans. = Cortez
95. What Spaniard conquered the Incas? Ans. = Pizarro
96. Whose expedition was the 1st to circumnavigate the world? Ans. = Magellan
97. Who was the 1st major explorer to circumnavigate the world? Ans. = Drake
98. What explorer reached the St. Lawrence River and claimed Canada for France? Ans.
= Cartier
99. What 3 nations established empires in the Western Hemisphere? Ans. = Spain,
England & France
100.What religion was spread to Latin America & Canada? Ans. = Christianity
101.What was the 1st religion brought to the Americas from Europe? Ans. =
102.Native Americans of the Western Hemisphere are often called ____________
people. Ans. = indigenous
103.Specifically, what religion did the English and Dutch bring to the Americas? Ans. =
Protestant Christianity
104.Who were European missionaries trying to convert in the Americas? Ans. = Native
105.How did Europeans diffuse Christianity in the New World? Ans. = by establishing
106.Name 3 empires destroyed by the Spanish. Ans. = Aztec, Inca & Maya
107.Name 2 legacies of Spanish rule in Latin America. Ans. = rigid class system,
dictatorial rule, Catholicism, Spanish language
108.True or False – Most colonies took on the social and cultural patterns of their parent
country. Ans. = True
109.What racial group was forced into slavery in the New World? Ans. = Black
110.What did Europeans set up on the west coast of Africa? Ans. = trading posts
111.Name 2 things the Europeans wanted from Africa. Ans. = slaves & gold
112.Throughout the world what 2 things did the Europeans want from their colonies?
Ans. = natural resources & a market for their goods
113.What was typically the 1st group to colonize an area? Ans. = merchants
114.The Portuguese, Dutch & British all set up what to gain wealth from their colonies?
Ans. = trading companies
115.What was the exchange of products and resources between the Eastern & Western
Hemispheres? Ans. = Columbian Exchange
116.What agricultural products did the Western Hemisphere “give” to Europe? Ans. =
corn, tobacco & potatoes
117.How did these products impact Europe? Ans. = changed lifestyles
118.What European animals changed the lives of American Indians? Ans. = horses &
119.What killed most American Indians? Ans. = diseases like smallpox
120.What resulted from the labor shortage in the Western Hemisphere? Ans. =
Europeans brought African slaves for labor
121.What is a product grown to be sold, not immediately consumed for sustenance? Ans.
= cash crop
122.Western Hemisphere slavery was based on what primary factor? Ans. = Race
123.Where was the plantation system strongest? Ans. = Caribbean & Americas
124.What were 2 results of the plantation system? Ans. = destroyed indigenous
economies & damaged the environment
125.Who did triangular trade link? Ans. = Europe, Africa & Americas
126.What main products were involved in the triangular trade? Ans. = slaves, sugar &
127.What empire conquered Constantinople? Ans. = Ottoman
128.What areas did the Ottomans conquer? Ans. = SW Asia, SE Europe, Balkan
Peninsula & N Africa
129.Where was the Ottoman Empire originally located? Ans. = Asia Minor/Turkey
130.What was Constantinople renamed? Ans. = Istanbul
131.What was the unifying force in the Ottoman Empire? Ans. = Islam
132.What were 2 trade items of the Ottomans? Ans. = coffee & ceramics
133.Who were the descendants of the Mongols? Ans. = Mughals
134.Where was the Mughal Empire located? Ans. = India
135.What religion did the Mughals spread to India? Ans. = Islam
136.What is the architectural gem of Mughal India? Ans. = Taj Mahal
137.What 3 European nations traded in India? Ans. = Portugal, England &
138.How did they compete for Indian Ocean trade? Ans. = by establishing ports on the
Indian Subcontinent
139.What 2 nations tried to limit the influence of European merchants? Ans. = China &
140.What country established foreign enclaves to control trade? Ans. = China
141.What Chinese goods were in high demand in Europe? Ans. = tea & porcelain
142.How much power did the Japanese emperor have? Ans. = practically none
143.The military leader of Japan was the ___________. Ans. = shogun
144.What country used isolationism to limit foreign influence? Ans. = Japan
145.What type of goods did Africa import from Europe? Ans. = manufactured
146.What were 2 new foods imported into Africa from America? Ans. = corn &
147.Name 2 things European maritime nations were competing for. Ans. = overseas
markets, colonies & resources
148.An economic practice adopted by European colonial powers was? Ans. =
149.Why did the European colonial powers adopt mercantilism? Ans. = nations wanted
to become self-sufficient
150.A new economic system which included new money and banking systems was what?
Ans. = The Commercial Revolution
151.The economic needs of the mother country limited the success of the ___________.
Ans. = colony
152.What did the Scientific Revolution emphasize? Ans. = reasoned observation &
systematic measurement
153.Who developed the heliocentric theory? Ans. = Copernicus
154.What is the heliocentric theory? Ans. = states earth revolves around the sun
155.Who discovered planetary motion? Ans. = Kepler
156.Who used a telescope to prove the heliocentric theory? Ans. = Galileo
157.Who discovered the laws of gravity? Ans. = Newton
158.Who discovered circulation of the blood? Ans. = William Harvey
159.What research method was developed during the Scientific Revolution? Ans. =
scientific method
160.During what age did European monarchs increase the power of the central
government? Ans. = Age of Absolutism
161.Name 2 characteristics of absolute monarchs. Ans. = centralized power & believed
in divine right
162.What is divine right? Ans. = theory that a ruler’s power comes from God and is
only accountable to God
163.Who was the king of France who built Versailles? Ans. = Louis 14th
164.Who was the absolute ruler of Prussia? Ans. = Frederick the Great
165.How did Prussia’s rulers enforce absolutism? Ans. = emphasized their military
166.Who was the absolute ruler of Russia who modernized the country? Ans. = Peter
167.Democracy rests on the principle that power comes from where? Ans. = consent of
the governed
168.Name 2 foundations of English democracy. Ans. = trial by jury, Magna Carta &
common law
169.Name 2 events which furthered the development of English democracy. Ans. =
English Civil War & Glorious Revolution
170.Who led the Roundheads during the English Civil War? Ans. = Oliver Cromwell
171.Who was king during the English Civil War? Ans. = Charles I
172.What happened to Charles during the Civil War? Ans. = executed/beheaded
173.The period when Charles II came to the throne was called what? Ans. = The
174.What developed after the English Civil War to express beliefs? Ans. = political
175.What event showed the power of Parliament over the king resulting in William &
Mary coming to the throne? Ans. = Glorious Revolution
176.Which 2 sides competed for power during the Glorious Revolution? Ans. =
monarchy & parliament
177.What document was the result of the Glorious Revolution? Ans. = English Bill of
178.What movement believed progress was possible through the application of scientific
knowledge and reason to human problems? Ans. = Enlightenment
179.Who wrote the Leviathan? Ans. = Thomas Hobbes
180.What philosopher believed the state must have central authority to manage behavior?
Ans. = Thomas Hobbes
181.Who wrote Two Treatises on Government? Ans. = John Locke
182.What philosopher believed the people are sovereign and rulers are not chosen by
God? Ans. = John Locke
183.Who wrote The Spirit of Laws? Ans. = Montesquieu
184.What philosopher believed the best form of government includes separation of
powers? Ans. = Montesquieu
185.Who wrote The Social Contract? Ans. = Rousseau
186.What philosopher believed government is a contract between rulers and the people?
Ans. = Rousseau
187.What philosopher believed religious toleration should triumph over religious
fanaticism? Ans. = Voltaire
188.What philosopher believed in separation of church and state? Ans. = Voltaire
189.What influenced revolutions in the Americas and France? Ans. = political
philosophies of the Enlightenment
190.What American incorporated Enlightenment beliefs into the Declaration of
Independence? Ans. = Thomas Jefferson
191.What 3 American documents were influenced by Enlightenment ideas? Ans. =
Declaration of Independence, Constitution & Bill of Rights
192.What influenced the people of Latin America to establish independent nations? Ans.
= American & French revolutions
193.What fortress was attacked marking the official beginning of the French Revolution?
Ans. = Bastille
194.The most extreme period of the French Revolution when thousands were executed
was what? Ans. = Reign of Terror
195.Who was the king at the beginning of the French Revolution? Ans. = Louis 16th
196.Who established the French Empire & tried to conquer Europe? Ans. = Napoleon
197.What were 2 results of the French Revolution? Ans. = end of absolute monarchy &
rise of Napoleon
198.The Latin American colonies of what 3 nations rebelled as a result of the American
and French revolutions? Ans. = France, Spain & Portugal
199.Who led the rebellion in Haiti? Ans. = Toussaint L’Overture
200.Who led the revolutions in South America? Ans. = Simon Bolivar
201.What did the Enlightenment emphasize? Ans. = order & balance in the arts
202.What civilizations influenced artists of the Enlightenment? Ans. = Classical Greece
& Rome
203.What is another name for the Enlightenment? Ans. = Age of Reason
204.Name 2 composers of the 18th century. Ans. = Bach, Beethoven & Mozart
205.Who was the most important painter of the Enlightenment? Ans. = Delacroix
206.What were the subjects of art during the Enlightenment? Ans. = Classical, public
events, natural scenes & portraits
207.Who wrote Don Quixote? Ans. = Cervantes
208.What new form of literature appeared after the Enlightenment? Ans. = novel
209.What new technology improved year-round transportation & trade? Ans. = allweather roads
210.New designs in what increased agricultural productivity? Ans. = farm tools
211.Improvements in what lowered the cost of overseas transport? Ans. = ship design
212.Name 2 legacies of the French Revolution. Ans. = secular society, nationalism &
democratic ideas
213.Who tried to unify Europe after the French Revolution but was unsuccessful? Ans. =
214.What was the meeting that attempted to restore Europe to what it had been before the
French Revolution & Napoleon? Ans. = Congress of Vienna
215.What is the belief that no one country should be more powerful than the others?
Ans. = balance of power
216.What is the political philosophy that promotes social change and individual
freedoms? Ans. = liberalism
217.What is the political philosophy that wants to keep things the way they are and not
change? Ans. = conservatism
218.What was the legacy of the Congress of Vienna? Ans. = balance of power doctrine,
restoration of monarchies & new political map of Europe
219.What was an important force behind European politics in the 1800’s? Ans. =
220.Widespread demands for political rights in 19th century Europe led to what? Ans. =
revolutions & legislative actions
221.What event led to political discontent in Europe in the 1800’s? Ans. = terms of the
Congress of Vienna
222.There were unsuccessful revolutions in Europe in what year? Ans. = 1848
223.What was the result of these revolutions? Ans. = increased nationalistic tensions
224.What 2 legislative/political actions occurred in Great Britain in the 1800’s? Ans. =
expanded political rights & made slavery illegal in the British Empire
225.What 2 areas became nations much later than the rest of Europe? Ans. = Italy &
226.Who unified northern Italy? Ans. = Count Cavour
227.Who joined southern Italy to northern Italy? Ans. = Garibaldi
228.What was the last area to unify with the rest of Italy? Ans. = Papal States
229.Who led the unification process in Germany? Ans. = Bismarck
230.What German state did Bismarck lead? Ans. = Prussia
231.What philosophy justifies all means to achieve and hold power? Ans. = realpolitik
232.What war led to the creation of the German state? Ans. = Franco-Prussian War
233.Where did the Industrial Revolution begin? Ans. = England/Great Britain
234.Where did the IR spread after England? Ans. = Western Europe & U.S.
235.Why did the IR begin in England? Ans. = natural resources, invention &
improvement of steam engine, labor supply
236.Name 2 natural resources of England. Ans. = coal & iron ore
237.Name 2 industries which were important during the IR. Ans. = cotton textile, iron
& steel
238.How did the British enclosure movement influence the IR? Ans. = forced
unemployed small farmers to the cities providing willing workers for new
239.What was the enclosure movement? Ans. = movement where wealthy British
landowners created fenced-in fields on land formerly worked by village farmers
240.What system ended because of the factories of the IR? Ans. = cottage industries
241.What was a cottage industry? Ans. = small business often conducted from home
242.What did industrial nations want to control worldwide? Ans. = raw materials &
243.Who invented the steam engine? Ans. = James Watt
244.Who invented the cotton gin? Ans. = Eli Whitney
245.Who invented a new process for making steel? Ans. = Henry Bessemer
246.Who developed the vaccine for smallpox? Ans. = Edward Jenner
247.Who discovered bacteria? Ans. = Louis Pasteur
248.Name 2 positive impacts of the IR upon industrialized nations. Ans. = population
increase, improved transportation, urbanization, increased education, growth of
middle class
249.What is the term for the growth of cities? Ans. = urbanization
250.Name 2 negative impacts of the IR upon industrialized nations. Ans. =
environmental pollution, poor working conditions
251.What philosophies fueled the IR? Ans. = capitalism & market competition
252.Who wrote Wealth of Nations? Ans. = Adam Smith
253.What is the economic philosophy which believes in a free market economy, profit
motive and the ability of entrepreneurs? Ans. = capitalism
254.What class grew because of the IR? Ans. = middle
255.Name a disadvantage of capitalism. Ans. = poor working conditions & unequal
distribution of wealth
256.What is an entrepreneur? Ans. = person who organizes, manages & takes risks in
257.What class was dissatisfied with the IR? Ans. = poor working class
258.Who wrote the Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital? Ans. = Karl Marx
259.What economic philosophy believes in a classless society with no private property?
Ans. = communism
260.What philosophy believes that society as a whole should control the means of
production? Ans. = socialism
261.What 2 philosophies developed because of the perceived injustices of capitalism?
Ans. = communism & socialism
262.Agricultural economies are based upon what unit? Ans. = family unit
263.What organizations sought improved working conditions and workers’ rights?
Ans. = labor unions
264.Who competed with men for jobs during the IR? Ans. = women & children
265.Whose labor helped to keep profits high and cost of production low? Ans. = child
266.What invention increased the demand for slave labor in America? Ans. = cotton gin
267.Name 2 effects of the IR on society. Ans. = women & children entering workforce
as cheap labor, introduction of reforms to end child labor, expansion of
education & women’s increased demands for suffrage
268.What does suffrage mean? Ans. = right to vote
269.Describe working conditions during the IR. Ans. = long hours for little pay in
dirty, unsanitary factories
270.To exert influence on lawmakers is to __________. Ans. = lobby
271.The dialogue between labor and management to prevent a strike is called what? Ans.
= collective bargaining
272.What continents did Europe seek to control in the 19th century? Ans. = Africa &
273.The policy of building an empire to extend a nation’s power and territory is called
what? Ans. = Imperialism
274.What did Europeans trade to their colonies? Ans. = manufactured goods
275.What effect did this trade have? Ans. = goods flooded colonial markets &
displaced traditional industries
276.A country whose policies are guided by a foreign nation is called a what? Ans. =
277.An area in a country when a foreign power has exclusive rights to trade or invest is
called a what? Ans. = sphere of influence
278.What is a settlement of people outside their homeland, linked with the parent country
by trade and direct government control? Ans. = colony
279.Yes or No – Did European conflicts carry over into their colonies? Ans. = Yes
280.What effect did European Christian missionaries have abroad? Ans. = supported
imperialistic tendencies & stoked fires of indigenous nationalistic efforts
281.What modern-day country was broken up into spheres of influence? Ans. = China
282.What did the British build to link the Med. Sea and India? Ans. = Suez Canal
283.What British company dominated India? Ans. = British East India Co.
284.What nation opened Japan to trade? Ans. = U.S.
285.What responses did colonized people have to imperialism? Ans. = rise of
nationalism & armed conflict
286.The Chinese revolted against Western imperialism in what rebellion? Ans. = Boxer
287.When was the 1st Indian nationalist party founded? Ans. = mid-1800’s
288.What were the dates of WW1? Ans. 1914-18
289.How did WW1 change Europe? Ans. = wrecked the economy & planted the seeds
for WW2
290.Name 3 causes of WW1. Ans. = militarism, alliances, imperialism, nationalism &
diplomatic failures
291.A national policy based on military strength and glorification of war is called what?
Ans. = militarism
292.What event started WW1? Ans. = assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of
Austria in Sarajevo
293.Why was Franz Ferdinand important? Ans. = heir to Austrian throne
294.What event was the turning point of WW1? Ans. = entrance of U.S.
295.What country stopped fighting in WW1 because of the terrible conditions at home?
Ans. = Russia
296.Who was president of the U.S. during WW1? Ans. = Woodrow Wilson
297.Who was the leader of Germany during WW1? Ans. = Kaiser Wilhelm II
298.Name 2 empires destroyed as a result of WW1. Ans. = Russian, Ottoman, German
& Austro-Hungarian
299.Whose participation in WW1 resulted in increased demands for independence? Ans.
= colonies
300.In what ways did WW1 “cost”? Ans. = lives, property & social disruption
301.What treaty ended WW1? Ans. = Versailles
302.Name 2 terms in the Treaty of Versailles. Ans. = forced Germany to accept guilt,
loss of property & pay reparations, limited the German military, created the
League of Nations, & created the mandate system
303.What was the title of the Russian leader? Ans. = Tsar/Czar
304.What kind of monarchy did Russia have in 1914? Ans. = absolute
305.What were Russia’s 2 social classes in 1914? Ans. = nobility & peasants
306.How many revolutions were there in Russia? Ans. = 2
307.What was the result of the revolution of 1917? Ans. = created a communist state
308.What became the official name of the communist state in Russia? Ans. = USSR
309.Name 2 causes of the 1917 revolution. Ans. = defeat in war with Japan in 1905,
landless peasantry, incompetence of Tsar Nicholas II/poor administration,
defeats & casualties in WW1
310.Russia lost a war with what country in 1905? Ans. = Japan
311.Who was the Russian leader in 1914? Ans. = Czar Nicholas II
312.Who led the Bolshevik Revolution? Ans. = Lenin
313.What was Lenin’s economic policy called? Ans. = New Economic Policy
314.Who was Lenin’s successor? Ans. = Stalin
315.Why were international organizations created after WW1? Ans. = to prevent future
316.What major nation was not a member of the League of Nations? Ans. = U.S.
317.Why was the League a failure? Ans. = no power to enforce its decisions
318.What system was created to administer the colonies of defeated WW1 powers on a
temporary basis? Ans. = mandate system
319.Who were the main powers in the Middle East mandate system? And. = Great
Britain & France
320.What characterized the 1920’s economically? Ans. = uneven prosperity
321.What characterized the 1930’s economically? Ans. = worldwide depression
322.Name 2 causes of the Depression in the 1930’s. Ans. = German reparations,
dominance of U.S. in global economy, high protective tariffs, excessive
expansion of credit & stock market crash
323.What event occurred in 1929 causing a worldwide depression? Ans. = Stock
Market Crash
324.How did Hitler use the effects of the Depression in Germany? Ans. = Nazi Party
grew more powerful by blaming Jews for economic collapse
325.In the 1930’s what political party was gaining popularity in Germany? Ans. = Nazi
326.Name 3 nations where dictators appeared between the world wars. Ans. = Soviet
Union, Germany, Italy & Japan
327.What kind of government did Lenin and Stalin establish? Ans. = Communist
328.What Asian country became a world power following WW1? Ans. = Japan
329.Name 2 policies initiated by Stalin. Ans. = Five-Year Plans, collectivization of
farms, state industrialization, secret police
330.The effort to control all agriculture in communist Russia was called what? Ans. =
collective farms or collectivization
331.What was the Great Purge? Ans. = Stalin liquidated elites
332.What man was elected democratically and led Germany in the 1930’s? Ans. = Hitler
333.What term means hatred of Jews? Ans. = Anti-Semitism
334.Who led Italy during the interwar period? Ans. = Mussolini
335.What was Mussolini’s goal for Italy? Ans. = restore the glory of Rome
336.What country did Italy 1st invade? Ans. = Ethiopia
337.Who was the emperor of Japan in the 1930’s? Ans. = Hirohito
338.Who was the military leader who held the power in Japan in the 1930’s? Ans. =
339.What philosophy guided Japanese politics before WW2? Ans. = militarism
340.Why did Japan want to invade other countries? Ans. = acquire raw materials
341.Name 3 areas invaded by Japan before the outbreak of WW2 in Europe. Ans. =
Korea, Manchuria & rest of China
342.What were the 4 land theatres of war in WW2? Ans. = Europe, Africa, Asia &
Pacific Islands
343.Name 3 causes of WW2. Ans. = aggressive totalitarian powers, nationalism,
failure of Treaty of Versailles, weakness of League of Nations, appeasement,
tendencies toward isolationism & pacifism in U.S. & Europe
344.The policy to have peace at all costs is what? Ans. = appeasement
345.The policy to have no relations with other countries is called what? Ans. =
346.In what years was WW2 fought? Ans. = 1939-45
347.What event officially began WW2? Ans. = German invasion of Poland
348.The continent of Europe was controlled by Germany after the fall of what nation?
Ans. = France
349.Victory in what aerial battle saved England from German invasion? Ans. = Battle of
350.What caused the U.S. to enter WW2? Ans. = Pearl Harbor
351.What was the turning point in the campaign in Russia? Ans. = Stalingrad
352.What was the turning point in N. Africa? Ans. = El Alamein
353.What was the turning point in Western Europe? Ans. = D-Day/Normandy
354.Atomic bombs were dropped on what 2 Japanese cities? Ans. = Hiroshima &
355.Who was president of the U.S. during most of WW2? Ans. = FDR
356.Who led the U.S. at the end of WW2 and ordered the atomic bombs to be dropped on
Japan? Ans. = Truman
357.Who was the leading U.S. general in Europe? Ans. = Ike
358.Who was the leading U.S. general in the Pacific? Ans. = MacArthur
359.Who led the U.S. military from Washington, D.C. in WW2 and later developed an
economic recovery plan for Europe? Ans. = George C. Marshall
360.Who was the British P.M. during WW2? Ans. = Churchill
361.Who was the Soviet dictator during WW2? Ans. = Stalin
362.The systematic and purposeful destruction of a racial, political, religious or cultural
group is called what? Ans. = genocide
363.Hitler believed that Germans were members of what kind of race? Ans. = master
364.What was the Final Solution? Ans. = Hitler’s plan to get rid of the Jewish
population through extermination camps
365.Who attempted to exterminate the Armenians? Ans. = Ottoman Empire
366.Who did Stalin attempt to exterminate? Ans. = peasants, government & military
leaders, members of elite
367.Who did Pol Pot attempt to exterminate in Cambodia? Ans. = educated, artists,
technicians, former government officials, monks & minorities
368.Who did the Hutu try to exterminate in Rwanda? Ans. = Tutsi minority
369.Who did the Bosnian Serbs try to exterminate in the former Yugoslavia? Ans. =
Muslims & Croats
370.Name 2 results of WW2. Ans. = war crimes trials, divided Europe, plans to
rebuild Germany & Japan, establishment of international cooperative
371.What nations became superpowers after WW2? Ans. = U.S. & USSR
372.What happened to those accused of war crimes after WW2? Ans. = 10 were hanged
while many served jail time as a result of Nuremberg
373.The dividing line between a free Western Europe and Communist Eastern Europe
was called what? Ans. = Iron Curtain
374.What international organization was established after WW2? Ans. = United Nations
375.What alliance was established after WW2 between the democratic nations of
Western Europe? Ans. = NATO
376.What alliance was established after WW2 between the communist nations of Eastern
Europe? Ans. = Warsaw Pact
377.What part of Germany became democratic right after WW2? Ans. = West Germany
& West Berlin
378.Between whom was Germany divided following WW2? Ans. = 4 allied powers of
U.S., Britain, France & Russia
379.What nation occupied Japan after WW2? Ans. = U.S.
380.Which individual administered the government in Japan after WW2? Ans. =
381.What kind of government was started in Japan after WW2? Ans. = democracy
382.Who guarantees Japan’s security today? Ans. = U.S.
383.The presence of what weapon influenced national policies during the Cold War?
Ans. = nuclear bomb
384.What 20th century economic system failed throughout the world and lost the Cold
War? Ans. = communism
385.When did the Cold War start? Ans. = 1945, right after end of WW2
386.What conference gave the Soviet Union control of Eastern Europe? Ans. = Yalta
387.What were the 2 opposing economic philosophies of the Cold War? Ans. = Free
Enterprise vs. Communism
388.Who was the president that developed the policy of containment? Ans. = Truman
389.What is containment? Ans. = U.S. policy to prevent spread of communism
390.What was the relationship of Eastern Europe to the Soviet Union during the Cold
War? Ans. = satellite nations controlled by Soviet Union
391.The 1st armed conflict of the Cold War was where? Ans. = Korea
392.What Cold War armed conflict was fought in SE Asia? Ans. = Vietnam
393.What year did the Cold War end? Ans. = 1989
394.Pres. Kennedy confronted the Soviet Union over nuclear missiles in what nation?
Ans. = Cuba
395.The event dealing with Soviet missiles in Cuba came to be known as what? Ans. =
Cuban Missile Crisis
396.What Cold War policy believed more atomic bombs stopped nuclear war? Ans. =
397.Name 2 causes for the collapse of the Soviet Union. Ans. = economic collapse,
nationalism in Eastern Europe & fall of Berlin Wall
398.Name 2 results of the defeat of the Soviet Union in the Cold War. Ans. = Soviet
Union broke up, Eastern European countries were freed & NATO expanded
399.After WW2 China divided into what 2 nations? Ans. = China & Taiwan
400.Who led Nationalist China? Ans. = Chiang Kai-Shek
401.Where was Nationalist China located? Ans. = Taiwan
402.Who led Communist China? Ans. = Mao Zedong
403.Where was/is Communist China located? Mainland China
404.What is the relationship between the 2 parts of China today? Ans. = continuing
405.In the 1950’s in what Cold War conflict did Chinese troops participate? Ans. =
406.Who controlled Vietnam before WW2? Ans. = France
407.Who was Diem? Ans. = unpopular dictator who came to power in South
408.Who led the conflict against the French and U.S. in Vietnam? Ans. = Ho Chi Minh
409.In our attempt to defend South Vietnam against communism what policy were we
trying to uphold? Ans. = containment
410.What happened to the South at the end of the Vietnam War? Ans. = Communist
North invaded & controlled it
411.What nation controlled India before WW2? Ans. = Great Britain
412.What was the previous name of Pakistan? Ans. = West Pakistan
413.East Pakistan became what? Ans. = Bangladesh
414.What was the previous name of Sri Lanka? Ans. = Ceylon
415.Who led the Indian independence movement? Ans. = Mohandas Gandhi
416.What policies were used to gain independence for India? Ans. = civil disobedience
& passive resistance
417.What does civil disobedience mean? Ans. = purposefully disobey unjust laws
418.What 2 religions came into conflict in India? Ans. = Hinduism & Islam
419.What was the result of the conflict? Ans. = India split into different nations
420.The right of a people to decide their own political status or government is called
what? Ans. = self-determination
421.Where is self-determination guaranteed? Ans. = U.N. Charter
422.What was the last continent to gain independence from European imperialism? Ans.
= Africa
423.Who fought a war for independence in Africa from France? Ans. = Algeria
424.What European nation controlled Kenya? Ans. = Great Britain
425.Who led Kenya’s independence struggle? Ans. = Kenyatta
426.The official policy of strict racial separation and discrimination practiced in South
Africa was called what? Ans. = Apartheid
427.What happened to the mandates of the Middle East after WW2? Ans. = granted
428.Conflicts in the Middle East are often based on what? Ans. = religion
429.Lebanon and Syria were mandates of what European country after WW1? Ans. =
430.Jordan and Palestine were mandates of what European country after WW1? Ans. =
Great Britain
431.Palestine became a part of what newly-formed country in 1948? Ans. = Israel
432.What is the moral and religious code of conduct for Judaism? Ans. = 10
433.What is the written record and beliefs of the Hebrews called? Ans. = Torah
434.What 2 religions are based on Judaism? Ans. = Christianity & Islam
435.How do Christians view Jesus? Ans. = Son of God
436.What do Christians believe happens when a person dies? Ans. = life after death
437.What book tells of the life and teachings of Jesus? Ans. = New Testament
438.Who established early Church doctrine? Ans. = early Church councils
439.Who is the prophet of Islam? Ans. = Muhammad
440.What is the holy book of Islam? Ans. = Koran
441.The basic beliefs of Islam are expressed in what? Ans. = 5 Pillars
442.What are the holy cities of Islam? Ans. = Mecca & Medina
443.Who founded Buddhism? Ans. = Siddartha Guatama
444.What are the 2 codes of conduct for Buddhism? Ans. = 4 Noble Truths &
Eightfold Path
445.What do Buddhists hope to achieve? Ans. = enlightenment
446.What Indian king converted and sent missionaries to spread Buddhism? Ans. =
447.Where did these missionaries spread Buddhism? Ans. = China & East Asia
448.What is the national religion of India today? Ans. = Hinduism
449.What religion believes in a single God represented by many different faces? Ans. =
450.What was the social system of India called? Ans. = caste system
451.The rebirth of the soul or spirit in different bodies is called what? Ans. =
452.The belief that future reincarnation is based upon present behavior is called what?
Ans. = karma
453.What religion is concentrated in Europe, N. and S. America today? Ans. =
454.What religion is concentrated in the Middle East, North Africa and parts of Asia?
Ans. = Islam
455.A highly industrialized nation is often called what kind of nation today? Ans. =
456.A nation which has little industry and a traditional economy is often seen as what
kind of nation? Ans. = developing
457.What group is migrating to European cities today? Ans. = “guest workers”
458.Name 3 places where there are ethnic and religious conflicts today. Ans. = Middle
East, Northern Ireland, Balkans, Africa & Asia
459.What is widening the gap between developed and developing nations today? Ans. =
new technologies
460.Name 2 environmental challenges in the world today. Ans. = pollution, loss of
habitat & ozone depletion
461.Name 3 social challenges in the world today. Ans. = poverty, poor health,
illiteracy, famine & migration
462.What does a free market economy produce for its nation? Ans. = rising standards
of living & an expanding middle class
463.Name a country where political freedom has produced a rising standard of living and
strong middle class? Ans. = Taiwan & South Korea
464.Name 2 things that have made the nations of the world more interdependent. Ans. =
multinational corporations, international organizations & trade agreements
465.What is an example of regional integration in Europe? Ans. = European Union
466.What does NAFTA stand for? Ans. = North American Free Trade Agreement
467.What does WTO stand for? Ans. = World Trade Organization
468.What does IMF stand for? Ans. = International Monetary Fund
469.What does the IMF do? Ans. = fosters economic growth & provides temporary
financial assistance to countries
470.Define famine. Ans. = starvation epidemic
471.Define illiteracy. Ans. = lacking the ability to read & write
472.Who was the humanist author of In Praise of Folly? Ans. = Erasmus
473.What did the Treaty of Tordesillas do? Ans. = Divide South America between
Spain & Portugal
474.Define mestizo. Ans. = part Spanish & part Indian
475.What grand and ornate style of architecture originated during the 17th century? Ans.
= Baroque