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Meiosis Flipbook
Meiosis Flipbook
50 points
Due Monday, February 13
You may use either the template I give you or paper of your
choice. Pencil or pen is ok but colors are encouraged! Create
a flipbook showing the stages of meiosis I and meiosis II. You
must label the following EVERY TIME THEY APPEAR in your
1. Interphase
12. chromatin
2. Prophase I
13. chromsome
3. Metaphase I
14. centriole (if not a plant)
4. Anaphase I
15. spindle fibers
5. Telophase I
16. metaphase plate
6. Cytokinesis I
17. cleavage furrow (or cell plate)
7. Prophase II
18. homolougous chromosomes
8. Metaphase II
19. crossing over
9. Anaphase II
20. daughter cells
10. Telophase II
21. haploid (2n)
11. Cytokinesis II
22. diploid (n)
50 points
Due Monday, February 13
You may use either the template I give you or paper of your
choice. Pencil or pen is ok but colors are encouraged! Create
a flipbook showing the stages of meiosis I and meiosis II. You
must label the following EVERY TIME THEY APPEAR in your
1. Interphase
12. chromatin
2. Prophase I
13. chromsome
3. Metaphase I
14. centriole (if not a plant)
4. Anaphase I
15. spindle fibers
5. Telophase I
16. metaphase plate
6. Cytokinesis I
17. cleavage furrow (or cell plate)
7. Prophase II
18. homolougous chromosomes
8. Metaphase II
19. crossing over
9. Anaphase II
20. daughter cells
10. Telophase II
21. haploid (2n)
11. Cytokinesis II
22. diploid (n)
Meiosis Flipbook
50 points
Due Monday, February 13
You may use either the template I give you or paper of your
choice. Pencil or pen is ok but colors are encouraged! Create
a flipbook showing the stages of meiosis I and meiosis II. You
must label the following EVERY TIME THEY APPEAR in your
1. Interphase
12. chromatin
2. Prophase I
13. chromsome
3. Metaphase I
14. centriole (if not a plant)
4. Anaphase I
15. spindle fibers
5. Telophase I
16. metaphase plate
6. Cytokinesis I
17. cleavage furrow (or cell plate)
7. Prophase II
18. homolougous chromosomes
8. Metaphase II
19. crossing over
9. Anaphase II
20. daughter cells
10. Telophase II
21. haploid (2n)
11. Cytokinesis II
22. diploid (n)
Meiosis Flipbook
50 points
Due Monday, February 13
You may use either the template I give you or paper of your
choice. Pencil or pen is ok but colors are encouraged! Create
a flipbook showing the stages of meiosis I and meiosis II. You
must label the following EVERY TIME THEY APPEAR in your
12. Interphase
12. chromatin
13. Prophase I
13. chromsome
14. Metaphase I
14. centriole (if not a plant)
15. Anaphase I
15. spindle fibers
16. Telophase I
16. metaphase plate
17. Cytokinesis I
17. cleavage furrow (or cell plate)
18. Prophase II
18. homolougous chromosomes
19. Metaphase II
19. crossing over
20. Anaphase II
20. daughter cells
21. Telophase II
21. haploid (2n)
22. Cytokinesis II
22. diploid (n)
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