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-Pernicious AnemiaWhat is it?
Pernicious anemia is a condition where the body can not make enough healthy red blood
cells because it does not properly absorb vitamin B12 (a nutrient found in specific foods
that is needed to make healthy red blood cells and keep the nervoud system working
-Vitamin B12 is necessary for proper development of red blood cells. Without enough
vitamin B12, red blood cells cannot divide normally are too large.
-Vitamin B12 cannot be properly absorbed by the intestines because there is a lack of
instrinsic factos (protein made in the stomach that helps to absorb vit. B12). This leads to
vitamin B12 deficiency.
You need to have the defect gene from both parents to get the disease. The disease begins
slowly and may take decades to fully establish. Although the congenital form occurs in
children, pernicious anemia usually does not appear before age 30 in adults. The average
age at diagnosis is 60.
What causes it?
-Due to lack of intrinsic factor.
“Intrinsic factor is a protein made in the stomach that helps your body absorb vitamin
B12. In some people, lack of intrinsic factor is due to an autoimmune response. In
pernicious anemia, the body makes antibodies that attack and destroy the parietal cells.
These are the cells in the lining of the stomach that make intrinsic factor. Why this
autoimmune response occurs isn't known. As a result of this attack, the stomach stops
making intrinsic factor. Without intrinsic factor, your body can't move vitamin B12
through the small intestine, where it's absorbed. This leads to vitamin B12 deficiency”
Other causes:
-Infection (Wrong kind of bacteria in the small intestines, this leads the small intestines
not able to properly absorb the available vitamin B12)
-Surgery (part of the stomach being removed, decrease number or parietal cells to make
intrinsic factors)
-Medications (some alter bacteria growth or can prevent the small intestines from
absorbing vitamin B12)
-Diet (not getting enough vitamin B in their diet. Foods such as, meat, poultry, fish, eggs,
and milk products).
Without enough red blood cells to carry oxygen throughout your body you can feel
fatigued (most common symptom). If you have long lasting pernicious anemia it can lead
to damage of the heart, brain, and other organs in the body.
-Nerve damage (Tingling and numbness in hands or feet, loss of reflexes, muscle
weakness, trouble walking, and unsteady balance).
-Neurological problems (confusion, dementia, memory loss and depression).
-Digestive tract problems (nausea, vomiting, heartburn, abdominal gas, constipation,
diarrhea, anorexia and weight loss).
-Enlarged liver
- A smooth, beefy red tongue (Vitamin B12 deficiency).
Who is at risk?
-Older people have a higher risk because as you age you tend to make less stomach acid
and intrinsic factors, which then prevents the small intestine from absorbing vitamin B12.
Other risk factors:
-Family history
-Have part of your stomach (makes intrinsic factor and helps absorb B12) or small
intestines removed (B12 is absorbed).
-Intestinal diseases that prevent absorption of B12 (Crohn’s etc).
-Medications that prevent the body from properly absorbing B12 (Antibiotics and certain
seizure medications).
- Poor diet, or strict vegetarian that does not eat any animal or dairy products or doesn’t
take B12 supplements.
- Complete Blood Count- A CBC checks your hemoglobin and hematocrit levels (low
hemoglobin and hematocrit sign of anemia).
-Mean corpuscular volume looks at size of red blood cells. In pernicious anemia they are
larger than normal.
- Bone marrow tests can show whether your bone marrow is healthy and making enough
red blood cells.
-In the past, before vitamin B12 treatment was available, this condition was usually fatal.
-Pernicious means “deadly”
- Easily treated with monthly vitamin B12 injections; large doses of vitamin B12 pills;
vitamin B12 nose spray (trouble swallowing- elderly, stroke patient)
-Well balanced diet consisting of vitamin C, iron and folic acid
With proper treatment, most of the people can easily recover.
Without treatment, people can develop serious problems with their heart, and nerves.
Some of these effects can be permanent.
Possible Complications
- May have gastric polyps and they are at increased risk for gastric cancer and gastric
carcinoid tumors. They may also be countinious neurological defects if treatment is
Whoooo….Word Jumble!!!
- Pernicious anemia is a condition where the body cannot make enough healthy:
- Vitamin B12 cannot properly be absorbed because there is a lack of:
- ____________ is necessary for proper development of red blood cells
- Most common symptom of pernicious anemia”
- Pernicious AKA:
- Easily_________: