Download basic requirements for packages of imported aquatic products

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[N.B. : This is translation version, for reference only.]
Basic requirements by CIQ
Governing Inspection and Quarantine Certificates of imported aquatic products
Issued by Government Authority in exporting country or territory
The following items should be indicated in the certificate :
Commodity name (including scientific name), Place of origin, Catch area, Production
method, Producer or processor’s name & registration No., the authority Issuing the
certificate as well as Conveyance (Vessel name, Voyage No., Container No. etc.),
Seal No., Identification mark, Shipper, Consignee, Quantity / Weight and Production
date ;
The Inspection and Quarantine Certificate should not be altered and must be officially
stamped and signed by official veterinary. The place of destination must indicate “P.
R. China”.
Each consignment of fishery products must have One original Inspection and
Quarantine Certificate in both Chinese and English languages.
4. The certificate should show the following wordings :
This is to certify that :
1. The above fishery products were come from the establishment approved by
competent authority.
2. The products were produced, packed, stored and transported under sanitary
condition, which were under the supervision of competent authority.
3. The Products were inspected and quarantined by competent authority and not
found any pathogenic bacteria, harmful substances and foreign substances
regulated in the P. R. China.
4. The products meet veterinary sanitary requirements and fit for human
Date of Issue
Official Veterinary signature
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