Download Poetry in Review Project-Due Monday, April 14 1. Make up a poem

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Poetry in Review Project-Due Monday, April 14
1. Make up a poem about the 5 main topics you have learned about in science this year
(Chemistry, Change Overtime, Hydrosphere, Ecosystems, and Microbiology). Use a
minimum of 20 vocab. Don’t forget “illustrations” and “lipstick”.
2. Turn in a NEAT copy of each poem---either handwritten or typed. Watch grammar!
3. Each student will turn in 5 poems. Each poem on its own separate, lineless paper
(minimum of 8 x 11). The more precise the more points given.
Chemistry: Matter, elements, compounds, mixtures, atoms, protons, neutrons,
electrons, nucleus, atomic mass, periodic table, physical properties, chemical properties,
malleability, ductility, density, solubility, chemical formulas, metals, nonmetals,
metalloid, endothermic, exothermic, viscosity, isotope, valence electron, Mendeleev,
alkali, alkaline, noble gas, precipitate, exothermic, endothermic, reactant, product,
catalyst, acid, base
Change Over Time: Geological time scale, eras, eons, periods, epochs, fossils,
sedimentary rocks, absolute age, radioactive dating, relative age, law of superposition,
unconformity, index fossil, extinction, mass extinctions, convergent, divergent,
mechanical weathering, chemical weathering, Pangea, unconformity, intrusion, fault,
Hydrosphere: Polarity, surface tension, adhesion, solvent, universal solvent, density,
buoyancy, specific heat, hydrosphere, glacier groundwater, aquifer, wetlands, bogs,
swamp, marsh, reservoir, watershed, tributaries, lake, desalination, sonar, benthos,
plankton, nekton, intertidal zone, neritic zone, coral reef, upwelling, hydrothermal
vents, estuaries, ph, turbidity, nitrates, bio-indicators, gps, remote sensing, pollutant,
point source, nonpoint source, wastewater, eutrophication.
Microbiology: Virus, prokaryote, cell wall, bacteria, eukaryotes, disease, noninfectious
disease, pathogen, infectious disease, parasite, vector, carrier, contagious, disease,
vaccine, antibiotics, antibiotic resistance, pandemic, epidemic, outbreak, capsid,
bacteria, spirillus, bacillus, cocci, immunity, allergy, Leeuwenhoek, host, bacteriophage,
influenza, Lyme disease, strep throat
Ecosystem: autotroph, heterotroph, herbivore, water cycle, nitrogen cycle, carbon
cycle, species, producer, consumer, food chain, food web, predator, prey, symbiosis,
commensalism, mutualism, parasitism, omnivore, scavenger, carnivore, niche,
community, biome, abiotic, biotic, succession, energy pyramid
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