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Crucial episodes in life kindle upsetting emotions and stress. This stress can create tension around the
muscles of the jaw, head and neck, as a consequence of which many people get into the habit of
clenching or grinding their teeth. This habit can exasperate the Temporomandibular joint and spark off a
disorder known as Temporomandibular Joint disorder (TMJ disorder). TMJ disorder is a very traumatic
condition that has an impact on the jaw. This article will enlighten you on how to heal TMJ disorder
holistically, without drugs, without oral surgery, without any archetypal TMJ treatments and without any
side effects. Temporomandibular joint disorder is swelling of the Temporomandibular or Jaw joint which
associates the skull to the mandible. We have two TMJ’s, one in front of each ear connecting the lower
jaw bone to the skull. Temporomandibular joint is a hinge joint and when we open our mouth, the rounded
end of the lower jaw, called condyle glides along the joint socket of the temporal bone. When we close
our mouth, this condyle slides back to its original position. This joint enables facial expressions, speech
and different movements like biting, chewing and swallowing. The blend of hinge and sliding motions
makes this joint different and complicated than the other joints in the body, and therefore its muscles can
engender challenge to patients.
Causes of TMJ disorder:
• Congenital malformation of facial bone, malocclusion that changes how your jaw works or how your
teeth come together.
• Trauma to the jaw by grinding, clenching of the jaw from continuously biting a pen or pencil, fingernails,
chewing gum, a heavy blow or impact in an accident can break the jawbone, damage the disc or
change alignment of the teeth.
• Missing teeth or ill fitting dentures.
• Certain postures or routines like cradling a phone between your ear and shoulder, carrying a heavy
shoulder bag, loud singing, etc. can affect the muscles of the jaw, neck, head or shoulder.
• Dental infection or certain orthodontic treatments like headgear, braces.
• Diseases like Chronic fatigue syndrome, Irritable bowel syndrome, Sleep disorders, Fibromyalgia, etc.
• Degenerative joint disease like Arthritis.
• Stress and psychological factors.
• Poor diet.
• Lack of sleep.
Symptoms of TMJ disorder:
• Pain and stiffness in the jaw with or without impairment.
• Pain behind eyes, in head, neck, shoulder, face, Tooth and ear.
• Swelling of face and mouth on the affected side.
• Difficulty in opening the mouth fully, chewing, swallowing, speaking, yawning, breathing and showing
facial expressions.
• The jaw may lock wide open, deviate to one side or not open fully at all.
• Clicking, popping or grating sounds in the jaw joint when opening or closing the mouth.
• Teeth may not fit properly together will chewing and bite may feel awkward.
• Ringing in the ears.
• Hearing loss.
• Dizziness.
• Sinus problems.
Homeopathic approach to TMJ disorder:
Present-time conventional medicine does not recommend any explicit treatment for TMJ disorder other
than Analgesics, Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory drugs, Antidepressants, sleep medication, orthodontics
or surgery. Homeopathy is an exclusive modus operandi that has asserted a conclusive response in
treating TMJ syndrome. Homeopathic remedies will help strengthen the muscles which are pulling your
jaw backwards, will relax the muscles which pull the jaw forwards or to one side as you open your mouth,
and this will take the strain off the joints and prevent clicking of the jaw. Homeopathic remedies will
control this condition by alleviating discomfort and promoting a healthy Temporomandibular jaw joint
system by improving proper muscle and joint function. The remedies will yield a placid effect, to mitigate
muscle spasm, unwind strained ligaments and reduce inflammation in the jaw area. Homeopathic
treatment being based on the postulation "like cures like" and a profound emphasis on the principles of
holistic medicine (treat the whole person), its remedies work by introducing tiny doses of natural
substances that rejuvenates a person's immune and defense system, the body’s own healing power to
amend itself naturally.
Some Homeopathic remedies that are commonly used to treat Temporomandibular joint
syndrome are given below. These are just a few of the commonly used Homeopathic remedies
and are mentioned only to create awareness about the effectiveness of Homeopathic medicines in
TMJ disorder. It is not advisable to resort to self-medication for any disease.
Homeopathic remedies for TMJ disorder:
Arnica: This remedy is suggested when any injury, overuse of the jaw, facial muscles or mental stress is
the cause of your TMJ disorder. Pain is sore and bruised. Everything on which they lay, seems too hard.
These patients are phlegmatic and fear the touch or approach of anyone, they are unable to perform
continuous active work. They are nervous, cannot bear pain with oversensitivity of the whole body. These
patients complain of dullness of hearing with tinnitus. They are worse from least touch, damp cold
weather, rest and feel better in a head low position.
Hypericum: This is an outstanding remedy to prevent lock jaw. Right sided facial neuralgia with pulling,
tearing pain in head and teeth. Pain in shoulders, with pressure along ulnar side of arm. Symptoms are
worse in cold damp weather, from touch and are better from bending head backwards.
Ignatia: This remedy is suited to patients whose TMJ symptoms transpire due to stress or after an
emotionally traumatic event. These patients are sensitive, easily excited and apprehensive. They
complain of muscle twitching of face and lips, headaches as if a nail were driven out following anger or
grief. Their toothache is worse after meals, drinking and smoking. They get insomnia from extreme
Kalmia: This is a preferred remedy for pain caused by degenerative changes. The pain is neuralgic,
sharp, lacerating, shift rapidly, shoot downwards with numbness, worse on right side of jaw bone and
face, in front and temporal region from head to nape of neck, tongue and teeth. This patient has a history
of Rheumatism with red, hot and swollen joints.
Magnesium Phos: This is a brilliant anti-spasmodic remedy for muscle cramping with radiating pains.
The patient complains of tightening and spasm of the TMJ muscles. Pain is relieved by warm applications
and warm drinks. These patients complain of pain behind right ear, worse by washing face and neck with
cold water. There is swelling of glands of face, throat, neck and swelling of tongue.
Rhus Tox: This is another incredible remedy for stiff jaw that loosens during the day when being used
and only stiffens at night. The Jaw cracks when chewing, dislocates easily and cheek bones are sensitive
to touch. The patient complains of vertigo with pain in occiput, ears and maxillary joint. There is pain
between shoulders on swallowing with stiffness of the nape of neck.
Self - care measures for TMJ disorder:
• Eat soft foods.
• Do not take big bites and chew evenly to avoid overworking of your jaw.
• Avoid sticky, chewy or hard foods.
• Avoid saturated fats and fried foods as they increase inflammation.
• Avoid caffeine, its stimulant nature can induce grinding of teeth.
• Avoid extreme jaw movements like yawning, singing, chewing gum.
• If you have to yawn support your lower jaw with your hand.
• Apply ice packs.
• Relax mentally and physically. Let your muscles relax from head to toe by meditating or other relaxation
• Do some jaw muscle relaxing exercises.
• Maintain good posture while working at a computer, watching TV or reading. Take breaks in between to
relieve stressed muscles.
• Avoid treatments like crown work, repositioning splints, occlusal adjustments, etc that cause permanent
changes in the bite or the jaw.
• Eat foods rich in Vitamin C, like citrus, blackcurrant, broccoli, potatoes, bell peppers, strawberry, kiwi,
• Calcium & Magnesium intake also relaxes the jaw muscles.
• Stay well hydrated and sleep well.
Hence, consider Homeopathic constitutional approach to break free from the TMJ treadmill and offer
permanent relief by exalting relaxation to the targeted muscle and fortifying the range of motion that
deteriorates with TMJ disorders.
About the author:
Neepa Sevak (DHMS, DHom, DIHom, DHM, CCH, RSHom (NA), HMA) is experienced and registered
with the Arizona Homeopathic Board of Medical Examiners, and certified by the Council of Homeopathic
certification. She is currently practicing Classical Homeopathy, is a Supervisor, Clinical Faculty and is on
the Board of International Affairs at the American Medical College of Homeopathy. Neepa is also
serving as a specialist at ACA (Autism Community of Africa, an organization that is helping heal Autistic
children in Africa, with the help of Homeopathic remedies). Her mission is to “Promote Health through
Homeopathy with a Holistic, Totalistic, and Individualistic approach”.
Phone: (480) 363 0758
Email: [email protected]