Download For several years I have observed Michael Wickett

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For several years I have observed Michael Wickett dramatically change the lives of
people, both in the work environment and in their personal lives.
Michael has the unique capability of capturing his audience from the very beginning of
his presentation and gently move them to a new level of success by instilling a burning
desire and new belief in their ability to achieve. Michael Wickett is a great teacher of
success strategies. This unique gift places Michael Wickett as one of the Top Five most
effective speakers in America.
Michael’s presentations are filled with living examples of ever-day people, like you and
I, who made the application of his techniques and found the rewards.
I have adopted Michael as my personal trainer and listen to his audio programs on a daily
basis. They give me new energy, renewed hope when things are tough and the means to
create a vision for my future. Everyone should have the opportunity to be tutored by
Michael Wickett.
Of all the speakers our bureau represents, Michael Wickett is by far the most requested,
because he brings results.
David J. Pace, President
Business Speakers Bureau