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Skeletal System Test
I. Match the following:
1. Very small bones at the medial border of each eye
2. Butterfly-shaped bone that extends behinds the eyes&
forms part of the floor of the cranial cavity.
3. Fingers have 3 of these bones & the thumb has only 2.
4. Bone that articulates with the glenoid fossa.
5. Lateral forearm bone that articulates with most of the
6. Fused rudimentary tailbone.
7. Circle of bone that articulates superiorly with the occipital
8. Suture between the occipital & parietal bones.
9. Suture between the parietal & temporal bones.
10. Area wher bone growth takes place.
A) lacrimal bones
B) axis
C) phalanges
D) sphenoid
E) atlas
F) squamosal
G) coccyx
H) lambdoid
I) radius
J) Humerus
K) epiphyseal plate
II. True or False:
11. _____Hematopoiesis refers to the formation of blood cells within the red marrow cavities of
certain bones.
12. _____The zygomatic bones are the cheekbones of the face.
13. _____The master gland of the body (pituitary gland) is housed in a saddle like depression in
the temporal bone called the sella turcia.
14. _____Ribs numbered 11 & 12 are true ribs because they have no anterior attachments.
15. _____The layman’s name for the scapula is the collarbone.
16. _____ Costal cartilages join ribs to the sternum.
17. _____The “point of the shoulder” is formed by the coracoid process of the scapula.
18. _____In anatomical position, the lateral forearm bone is the radius.
19. _____There are 7 cervical, 12 thoracic, & 5 lumbar vertebrae.
20. _____Spinal curvatures that are present at birth are called primary curvatures (the cervical &
lumbar curvatures) & those that develop later are secondary curvatures (the thoracic & sacral
21. _____The tibia is also known as the shin bone.
22. _____Fontanels allow for growth of the brain in infants.
III. Multiple choice:
23. Which of the following is NOT a function of the skeletal system:
A. support
B. storage of minerals
C. production of blood cells
24. The axial skeleton contains:
A. the skull, vertebral column, & pelvis
C. the skull, vertebral column, & rib cage
D. movement
B. arms, legs, hands, & feet
D. the shoulder & pelvic girdles
25. The sutures that connects the 2 paretal bones together is the _____ suture.
A. Coronal B. squamosal
C. lambdoidal
D. sagittal
26. The suture that connects the parietal bones to the occipital bone is the ____ suture.
A. Coronal B. squamosal
C. lambdoidal
D. sagittal
27. All of the following facial bones are paired except one. Which of the follow is the
unpaired facial bone:
A. palatine B. lacrimal
C. vomer
D. maxillae
28. The middle nasal conchae are found on the:
A. maxillae B. sphenoid bone
C. nasal bone
D. ethmoid bone
29. The foramen magnum passes through the:
A. atlas
B. axis
C. occipital bone
D. temporal bone
30. The mastoid process is a landmark on the:
A. parietal bone
B. ethmoid bone
C. sphenoid bone
D. temporal bone
31. There are ____ pair of true ribs, whereas there are ____ pair of floating ribs.
A. 5; 7
B. 5; 2
C. 7; 5
D. 7; 2
32. The greater trochanter is located on the:
A. tibia
B. Humerus
C. femur
D. ulna
33. The major portion of the coxal bone is the:
A. ischium B. pubis
C. Ilium
D. sacrum
34. The 2 largest foot bones are the:
A. distal & middle phalanges
C. talus & calcaneus
B. metatarsals 1 & 2
D. cuboid & 3rd cuneiform
IV. Short answer
35. Give the medical name for the distal head of the fibula.___________
36. Give the medical name for the distal head of the tibia:_________________
37. How many bones are in the adult human body?_______________
38. Give the medical name for the heel bone._____________
39. A fracture where the bone break cleanly but does not penetrate the skin is termed a ____ Fx.
40. The primary bone in the septum of the nose is the ___________.
41. A sprain to the CC ligament would be found in what area of the body? Shoulder, hip, neck, or
.V. Identify the Diagrams:
suture #1
A. maxilla
bone # 2
B. zygomatic
bone # 3
C. lamboidal
bone # 4
D. coronal
bone # 5
E. squamosal
bone #6
F. mandible
bone # 7
G. nasal
suture # 8
H. parietal
bone # 9
I. occipital
suture #10
J. frontal
bone #1
B. Fibula
bone # 2
C. Patella
bone # 3
D. Humerus
bone # 4
E. Femur
bone # 5
F. Clavicle
bone #6
G. Sternum
bone # 7
H. Phalanges
bone # 8
I. Ulna
bone # 9
J. Tibia
bone #10
K. Radius
L. Illium
M. Ischium
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