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Created by the 2010-2011 LHS AP Euro Class, last revised 5/5/11
~1200 – Pope Innocent III elaborated the doctrine of “Plenitude of Power”
 Disposed benefices, centralized papal monarchy, papacy turns into secular power
1243 – Mongol Rule begins as the Golden Horde sweeps through Asia, and Batu Khan captures Kiev in 1240
~1260 – Pope Urban IV establishes the Rota Romana, papal court of law
1294 – Celestine V is selected by the College of Cardinals, but is quickly replaced by Boniface VII
 clericos laicos forbade lay taxation of the clergy without prior papal approval
Edward I and Philip the Fair relatiliate
Boniface concedes to Philip the right to tax the French clergy during emergencies
 The Colonnas of Italy sought to invalidate Boniface’s election
 Boniface champions Scottish resistance to English rule
 Philip II (Fr.) arrests Beranrd Saisset, the pope’s Parisian legate
 Boniface demands Saisset’s release, Ausculta fili
1302 – Unam Sanctam delivered by Boniface VII
 Temporal authority was “subject” to the spiritual power of the church
 French and Colonnas move against Boniface, Guillame de Nogaret denounces Boniface
 French army moves on the Pope’s retreat in Avignon, beat him up, and almost execute him
 After Boniface dies, Clement V declares that the US is not meant to diminish Fr. authority
1309 – Papal Court moves to Avignon, begins the Avignon Papacy
 Pope John XXII tries to move the papacy back to Italy
 John XXII excommunicates William of Ockham and declares Marsilius of Padua heretics
 Clement VI begins to sell indulgences
 Lollards in England (John Wycliffe) and Hussites in Bohemia (John Huss) support reduction of
Avignon papal power
1324 – Defender of Peace is written by Marsilius of Padua, criticizes indulgences, lack of spirituality
1337 – The Hundred Years War (France vs. England) begins
 Edward III (Eng.) asserts claim to the throne of France after the death of Charles IV (Fr.)
 French nobles place Philip VI of Valois (cousin of Charles IV) on the throne of Fr.
 Eng. And Fr. Become territorial powers (Edward is vassal to Philip VI)
 Fought over control of Flanders (French fief, depended on English wool)
 France is wealthier, but loses a greater part of the conflict due to weaknesses
Internal disunity caused by social conflicts
French kings depreciated the currency and borrowed money from Italian bankers
Estates General levies taxes for the king, but allows nobles to increase regional privileges
English military more disciplined and had the longbow
Mediocre royal leadership
 Edward embargoes wool to Flanders, sparks rebellions
 Ghent revolts against France, allies itself with England
 French fleet is defeated at the Battle of Sluys
1348 – Black Death occurs in Europe, peaks until 1350 and kills 30-60% of Europe’s population
 Farm labor supply shrinks
 Landowners convert their land to sheep pasture (enclosure) or lease it in an effort to recoup
 Others enact repressive legislation such as the taille or the Statute of Laborers
 Demand for expensive goods rises
Created by the 2010-2011 LHS AP Euro Class, last revised 5/5/11
 Economic and political power of local artisans and guilds rises
1353 – Boccaccio finishes The Decameron
1356 – Golden Bull in the HRE, in which the empire is governed by a seven member electoral college
 The rights of the many are balanced against the power of the one (emperor), Reichstag is
1357 – English capture John II the Good (Fr.) and the Estates General is too divided for efficient government
1358 – Jacquerie in France
1360 – Peace of Bretigny
 Edward is no longer a vassal to France, sovereign over English territories in Fr.
 England receives ransom for John the Good
 Edward renounces claim to the French throne
1377 – Edward III dies, war continues under Richard II
 England has its own Jacquerie
 Under Henry V the English strike Normandy
 The duchy of Burgundy arises in France, doesn’t aid the French army under the court of
 Eventually the Burgundians join the French royal forces
1378 – The Great Schism begins when Pope Gregory XI re-established the papacy in Rome
 Urban VI announced his intention to reform the Curia (papal court)
 Charles V (Fr.) supports the Schism
 Thirteen Fr. cardinals formed their own conclave and elected Clement VII in Avignon
1380 – Grand Duke Dimitri of Moscow defeats Tatar (Mongol) forces in Russia
1381 – English Peasants Revolt
1409-1410 – Council of Pisa deposes both popes and elects a third pope, Alexander
1414-1417 – Council of Constance Sacrosancta, Martin V elected pope once the three contenders were gone
1419 – duke of Burgundy is assassinated
 Son of the duke joins the English
1420 – Treaty of Troyes
 Proclaimed Henry V heir to the French throne as heir to Charles VI
 Both die within months of each other, Henry VI of England proclaimed king of both countries
 Charles VII ignores the Treaty of Troyes and Joan of Arc helps form national feeling
1431 – Joan of Arc is captured and executed by the Burgundians
1431-1449 – Council of Basel, Hussites of Bohemia present the Four Articles of Prague, three are accepted
 Giving laity the Eucharist with cup as well as bread
 Free, itinerant preaching
 Exclusion of the clergy from secular offices and holding property
 Just punishment of clergy who commit mortal sins
1435 – Duke of Burgundy allies with Charles VII, and the English are slowly driven from France
 France centralizes, Burgundy becomes a major political power
 England develops clothing industry and foreign markets
 Peasantry is paying high taxes
1439 – Johannes Gutenberg introduces the movable type printing press to Europe
1480 – Mongol rule in Russia ends after Ivan the Great brought all of northern Russia under Moscow’s control
1375 – The Renaissance begins in Italy
 Podestas are hired as despots to maintain law and order, permit normal flow of business,
and work through mercenary armies called condotierri
 Florence is governed by the “Signoria” an 8 member council
 Spreads idea of humanism, a revival of classical studies that rejected the scholasticism of the
middle ages
Created by the 2010-2011 LHS AP Euro Class, last revised 5/5/11
 Giotto, father of Renaissance painting
 Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa, exemplary “Renaissance Man”
 Raphael School of Athens
 Michelangelo, Sistine Chapel, David
1378 – Ciompi Revolt, populo minuto revolting against the populo grosso (new rich) and grandi (old rich)
1405 – The Treasure of the City of Ladies is published by Christine de Pisan (counteract misogyny)
~1439 – Florentine Platonic Academy founded under the patronage of Cosimo de’ Medici
~1450 – Humanism reaches Germany and France
 Rudolf Agricola introduces Italian learning to Germany
 Conrad Celtis and Ulrich von Hutten create Germany nationalist sentiment
 Johann Reuchlin is the foremost Christian authority on Hebrew and Jewish learning, is
defended by the German people in the name of academic freedom and scholarship
 Jacques Lefevre d’Etaples (Fr.) influences later works of Martin Luther
 Guillame Briconnet and Marguerite d’Angouleme cultivate a generation of young reformminded humanists
1453 – Greek scholars flee Constantinople after it is captured by the Turks
 Russia becomes the inheritor of Byzantine culture
~1439-1440 – Lorenzo Valla publishes The Donation of Constantine
 Pointed out errors in the Latin vulgate, showed the church’s donation was a fraud
1454 – Treaty of Lodi brings Milan and Naples into alliance with Florence
 Ludovico il Moro comes to power in Milan, breaks treaty
 Naples, Florence, and Alexander VI (Rodrigo Borgia) prepare to attack Milan
 Ludovico appeals for aid from France
1455 – War of the Roses begins in England
 Conflict between the house of York and Lancaster
 Ends when Henry VII, first of the Tudor dynasty, takes the throne
1461 – Louis XI is crowned in France, harnesses nobility, expands trade/industry, establishes a silk industry
1469 – marriage of Isabella of Castile and Ferdinand of Aragon unites the kingdoms to form Spain
 Spain subdues its realms, secures its borders, ventures abroad militarily, Christianizes all of
1477 – Duchy of Burgundy in France is defeated
1485 – War of the Roses ends when Henry Tudor is crowned Henry VII of England
 The Court of Star Chamber is established
1492 – Columbus discovers the New World under the patronage of Isabella of Castile (Queen of Spain)
 Age of Discovery is highlighted by Henry the Navigator of Portugal, sponsors Portuguese
 Bortholomeu Dias rounds Cape of Good Hope
 Vasco da Gama reaches the coast of India
 Amerigo Vespucci and Ferdinand Magellan prove that New World is a new continent
 Spain forms an empire in the New World under Hernan Cortes (conquers Aztecs) and
Francisco Pizarro (conquers Incas)
o Spanish empire in S. America depends on haciendas, large estates that produce
foodstuffs, leather goods
o Encomiendas are used, grants of labor of a few hundred Indians for a period of time
o Indian mining is a chief source of wealth, which the crown receives 1/5 of
1494 – France, under Charles VIII, invades Italy to respond to Ludovico
Created by the 2010-2011 LHS AP Euro Class, last revised 5/5/11
 Piero de’ Medici gives up Florentine possession to Charles, but is exiled by the people under
Girolamo Savonarola
1495 – The League of Venice is formed by Ferdinand of Aragon, Maximilian I, Venice, and the Papal States
 Ludovico eventually joins
 Louis XII, successor to Charles VIII, returns to Italy allied with Alexander VI
1. Borgia pope annuls Louis XII’s marriage
2. Makes ones of Louis’ clerics a cardinal
3. Cesare Borgia receives the sister of the king of Navarre, becomes duke of Romagna
 Results in Louis XII and Ferdinand of Aragon dividing up Naples
1500 – Adagesis published by Erasmus
1503 – Pope Julius II is elected, “the Warrior Pope”
 Drives the Venetians from Romagna, suppressed the Borgias
 Criticized by Erasmus, who wanted to unite humanism/civic virtue with Christian ideals of
love and piety
1513 – French are totally driven out of Italy by Julius II, the HRE (Max I), Venice, and Ferdinand of Aragon
1515 – Francis I (Fr.) invades Italy one last time
1516 – Concordat of Bologna, French king controls French clergy, papal superiority of church councils
1527 – Rome is sacked, Renaissance ends
1511 – Erasmus publishes In Praise of Folly
1516 – Utopia is published by Sir Thomas More (later executed by Henry VIII)
1517 – Martin Luther posts his 95 Theses, and the Reformation begins
 In The Modern Devotion, individual piety and practical religion was stressed
 Luther desires “justification by faith alone”
 Address to the Christian Nobility of the German Nation, nobility in Germany should push for
reforms in the Church
 Babylonian Captivity of the Church, only biblical sacraments are baptism and the Eucharist
 Freedom of a Christian, salvation by faith alone
 Pope Leo X condemns and excommunicates Luther
 Disagrees with Johann Tetzel, who sold indulgences
1518 – Colloquies is published by Erasmus
1521 – Diet of Worms occurs, the Edict of Worms further condemns Luther
1521 – Habsburg-Valois Wars begin, which further the reformation
 Charles V (HRE) was busy fighting the Ottoman Turks in Eastern Europe and the French
 Allows German territories freedom to enforce the Edict of Worms
1524 – Peasants in Germany revolt, Luther condemns their actions
1525 – Battle of Pavia, Francis I of France is captured by Emperor (Habsburg, Spain/HRE) Charles V
 Protestants are arrested en masse in France
 John Calvin and other members of the French Reform Party go into exile
1529 – English church becomes independent from Rome
1529 – Diet of Speyer
 Refuses right of German princes to determine the religion of their subjects
1529 – Marburg Colloquy is reached, separates the views of Ulrich Zwingli and Luther
 Zwingli only supports religious things with literal support in Scripture (puritanical)
 Tetrapolitan Confession semi-Zwinglian views
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 Augsburg Confession Lutheran views
1531 – League of Schmalkalden formed
1531 – Zwingli is killed in Swiss Civil War
1532 – The Prince is published by Machiavelli, who desires Italian political unity at all costs
1533 – Thomas Cranmer grants Henry VIII a divorce
1534 – Act of Supremacy in England, Parliament declares Henry VIII “supreme bishop” of England
1540 – Edict of Fontainbleu, subjects French protestants to the Inquisition (Spanish)
1540 – Ignatius Loyola creates the Society of Jesus, the Jesuits
 Suppresses Protestantism
1540 – Counter-reformation begins
1541 – Institutes of the Christian Religion published by John Calvin
 Predestination, directs Calvinists to work hard on earth to found the New Jerusalem
1542 – Jesuits gain power of the Inquisitions of Spain and Italy
1543 -1563 – Council of Trent
 Salvation by faith AND good works
 Latin Vulgate is the only valid version of the Bible
 Celibacy of the clergy, existence of purgatory asserted
1555 – Peace of Augsburg
 Ciuis region, eius religio “whose the region, his the religion”
The next 3 chapters all occur at the same time, so watch the timeline
1551 – Edict of Chateaubriand, further restrictions for protestants in France
1553 – Lade Jane Grey is briefly monarch of Eng. following Edward VI, is quickly replaced by Mary Tudor (Catholic)
1554 – Mary Tudor marries Philip II
 Protestant advisors to Edward VI are all executed
1558 – Calais is lost by the English to France
1558 – The First Blast of the Trumpet Against the Terrible Regimen of Women is published by John Knox
1558 – Elizabeth I comes to power in England following Mary Tudor
 Unites England under the moderate Anglican church
1559 – Act of Supremacy in Eng. Repeal’s Mary Tudor’s legislation as asserts Elizabeth as supreme governor
1559 – Act of Uniformity mandates the second, revised Book of Common Prayer
1559 – Treaty of Cateau-Cambresis ends the Habsburg-Valois War (Italian War of 1551-1559)
1559 – Francis II comes to power in France after his father (Henry II) was killed in a joust
 Catherine de Medici becomes regent of France
 Three families come to vie for power, Bourbons, Guises, and Montmorency-Chatillons
 Bourbons and Montmorency-Chatillons are Huguenot sympathetic, but the Guises are very
Catholic and the most powerful (duke of Guise is Henry II’s general)
1560 – Amboise Conspiracy, Coligny (Mont.-Chat.) and Louis I (Bourbon) attempt to kidnap Francis II
1560 – Charles IX comes to power after the death of Francis II (Catherine is still regent)
1562 – Edict of Saint-Germain (Edict of January) decree of tolerance for Huguenots by Catherine de Medici
 The Duke of Guise starts massacring Protestants, crown is still controlled by the Guises
 The Duke of Guise is assassinated (1563)
 Protestant leadership falls to Coligny
1563 – Thirty-Nine Articles on Religion made moderate Protestantism official in England
1564 – William of Orange (Nassau) and the Count of Egmont remove Cardinal Granvelle from office
 Granvelle wanted to make the Netherlands politically docile and religiously uniform
 The council of the state of Netherlands (led by Egmont and Orange) opposed their Spanish
Created by the 2010-2011 LHS AP Euro Class, last revised 5/5/11
1566 – Covenant of Nobles, national covenant in the Netherlands is created
 Intended to resist the decrees of the Council of Trent and the Spanish Inquisition
1566 – Calvinists riot throughout the Netherlands
1567 – Council of Troubles in the Netherlands, a tribunal reigns over the land, duke of Alba executes heretics
1570 – Pope Pius V excommunicates Elizabeth I, creates some resistance to the Queen
1570 – the Spanish levy new taxes in the Netherlands (Tenth penny), have mostly suppressed revolt by this time
1576 – Spanish Fury (Sack of Antwerp) occurs
 Spanish mercenaries kill a lot of people
 Purification of Ghent, declares internal regional sovereignty and unifies the Netherlands
against Spain, despite religious disagreements
 The Union of Brussels unifies the Netherlands by the end of the 1570s
1571 – The Holy League is created (Venice, Spain, Rome) by Don John of Austria (half brother to Philip II of Spain)
 The Ottoman Turks crush this alliance in the Gulf of Corinth
1572 – St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre occurs; Coligny is shot and eventually dies
1573 – Franco-Gallia published by Francois Hotman, the Estates General had more power than the crown
1573 – Henry III comes to power in France after Charles IX
 Politique, ready to compromise religious creeds in order to save the nation
1576 – Peace of Beaulieu granted Huguenots almost complete religious freedom
1577 – Elizabeth allies with the Dutch in their revolt against Spanish rule
1577 – Perpetual Edict (Edict of 1577) is issued after the defeat of Don John of Austria, Spanish troops leave
1577 – the Catholic League forces Henry to truncate the Peace ^
 Military positions resume, Henry of Navarre leads the Huguenots
 The Catholic League is led by Henry of Guise (supported by the Spanish)
1579 – Union of Arras, makes peace with Spain for southern Dutch provinces
1579 – Union of Utrecht, unifies the northern Dutch provinces
1580 – Philip II declares William of Orange (Nassau) an outlaw
1585 – Treaty of Nonsuch provides English troops to the Netherlands
1587 – Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots is executed after the Babington Plot
1588 – The Spanish Armada is defeated in the English Channel by the English navy
 English pirates (Drake, Hawkins) raid Spanish ports
1588 – Henry III has Henry of Guise (Henry I) and the Cardinal of Guise (Louis II) assassinated
1589 – Henry of Navarre becomes Henry IV after Henry III is assassinated by an agent of the Catholic League
 Henry IV embraces the politique, reverts to Catholicism to unify France, which rallies behind
1593 – Conventicle Act suppressed extreme puritans (Congregationalists)
1598 – Edict of Nantes proclaims a new formal religious settlement
1598 – Treaty of Vervins ends hostilities between France and Spain
1610 – Henry IV is assassinated, succeeded by Louis XIII
1618 – Germany is governed by 360 autonomous political entities
1618 – Bohemian period of the Thirty Years’ War begins
 Ferdinand (Habsburg) ascends the throne of Bohemia, revokes religious freedoms for
 “defenestration of Prague” occurs, Protestants throw Ferdinand’s regents out the window
 Ferdinand becomes Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor, but Bohemians depose him in
Prague and declare Frederick V ruler (Calvinist)
 Ferdinand allies with Maximilian of Bavaria and John George I of Saxony (Lutheran)
1620 – Battle of White Mountain, Frederick V is routed, Ferdinand subdues Bohemia and catholicizes HRE
1625 – Danish period of the Thirty Years’ War begins
 Christian IV of Denmark seeks to expand territory to the coastal towns of the North Sea
 Maximilian of Bavaria repels this action
 Albrecht of Wallenstein joins Ferdinand, breaks Protestant resistance
1629 – Edict of Restitution makes Calvinism illegal, orders the return of Lutheran lands (unrealistic)
1629 – Swedish period of the Thirty Years’ War begins
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 Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden becomes the new leader of the Protestant forces
 Adolphus is financed by Cardinal Richelieu and the Dutch
1630 – Battle of Breitenfield, victory for Adolphus
1632 – Battle of Lutzen, Adolphus is killed by Wallenstein’s forces
1634 – Ferdinand has Wallenstein assassinated
1635 – Peace of Prague, German protestant states compromise with Ferdinand
1635 – Swedish-French period of the Thirty Years’ War begins (French International Phase)
 France openly enters the war, sending men, munitions, and finances
 1/3 of the German population is killed by the end
1648 – Treaty of Westphalia ends the Thirty Years’ War
 Rescinded the Edict of Restitution, reasserts the Peace of Augsburg
 The Netherlands gain formal independence from Spain
 Gave Calvinists legal recognition
 Elevated Bavaria to an elector state
 Recognized the independence of the Swiss Confederacy and the United Provinces of Holland
 Signals the end of the Holy Roman Empire
1603 – James I becomes King of England (son of Mary Queen of Scots)
 Publishes “A Trew Law of Free Monarchies” puts forth the idea of divine right of kings
 Parliament only meets when James summons it (not often)
 Developed new sources of income, customs duties “impositions”
 Asserts the Anglican Episcopal church in spite of the Millenary petition
o Hampton Court conference occurs, creates new version of the bible
o Religious dissenters consequently colonize New England
1604 – James I makes peace with Spain
 Seen as pro-Catholic, especially after James relaxes penal laws against Catholics
 Further, James hesitates to send troops to aid Protestants in Germany
 Tries to arrange a marriage between his son and the daughter of the king of Spain
 England enters war with Spain due to parliamentary pressure
1610 – Louis XIII becomes the King of France after the death of Henry IV
1611 – Treaty of Fontainebleu creates an alliance between France and Spain
1613 – Time of Troubles in Russia ends, the Romanov Dynasty is established
1619 – Jean Baptist Colbert becomes Minister of Finance in France
 Tries to organize economic activity under state supervision and to carefully regulate the flow
of imports and exports through tariffs
 Increased the taille, begins what would come to be called mercantilism
 Simplified administrative bureaucracies
1624 – Cardinal Richelieu becomes the chief minister of the French Monarchy
 Funds Gustavus Adolphus
 Campaigns against provincial governors and Parlements
 Royal armies conquer Huguenot cities
 “raison d’etat” national interest of the state
1625 – Charles I becomes King of England
 Levies new taxes, duties to finance the war with Spain without adequate funding from
 Government quarters troops in private homes, subjected people to forced loans
o “Petition of right” ends all of this
 Supports the “Arminians” a group of people within the Anglican church that favored highchurch practices
1629 – Charles I makes peace with France
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1629 – Peace of Alais denies protestants garrisoned cities
1630 – Charles I makes peace with Spain
1640 – Frederick William I, the Great Elector, becomes Duke of Prussia
 The House of Hohenzollern comes to power
 FW organizes broken provinces into a royal bureaucracy and established a strong army
1640 – John Pym and Parliament are called to address England’s war with Scotland
 Parliament wants the king to redress grievances they have before they’ll fund the war with
o Scotland had revolted after Charles tried to impose the Episcopal system on
o The king dissolves the “Short Parliament”
 Charles calls the Parliament back the same year, “Long Parliament”
o Parliament has two of Charles’ advisors imprisoned and executed
o Parliament abolishes the Court of Star Chamber and Court of High Commission, and
decides that there will be no more than three years between meetings, and that
only Parliament can dissolve itself
 Parliament attempts to control the military when rebellion breaks out in Ireland
1642 – Cardinal Mazarin succeeds Cardinal Richelieu as Chief Minister in France
1642 – The English Civil War begins
 Charles invades Parliament with his army
 A shocked Parliament passes the Militia Ordinance, which gave Parliament
authority to raise an army
 The war is fought for two reasons
1. Absolute monarchy vs. parliamentary government
2. King’s bishops and high Anglican practices vs. decentralized Presbyterian system
 Cavaliers (Royalists) vs. Roundheads (Parliament supporters)
1643 – Parliament (England) allies itself with Scotland
 Establishes Solemn League and Covenant, which committed Parliament to Presbyterianism
1643 – Louis XIV become King of France
1645 – Charles I surrenders to the Scots
1645 – Parliament creates the “New Model Army” and one of its primary generals was Oliver Cromwell
1648 – Colonel Thomas Pride bars those against the execution of King Charles I
 “Rump parliament”
 The Anglican church and House of Lords are dissolved
1648 – Cromwell defeats the Scots at the Battle of Preston
1649 – Charles I of England is executed
1649 – “Fronde” occurs in France, forcing Louis XIV and Mazarin to flee, convinces France it needs strong monarch
1651 – The English Civil War officially ends with Parliament the victor
1653 – Oliver Cromwell becomes the 1st Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland
 Around this time England becomes Great Britain
 Cromwell slowly becomes just as hated as Charles with his military dictatorship
 Political liberties are sacrificed in the name of religious liberties
 Stuart Monarchy is eventually restored
1656 – Ad Sacram Sedem bans Jansenism, which opposed the Jesuit movement
1658 – Leopold I becomes Holy Roman Emperor
 Spanish and Austrian Habsburgs ally
 Leopold gains Hungary from the Ottomans under the treaty of Carlowitz (1699)
 Gaines Naples from the Treaty of Utrecht
 Drives out the Ottomans
1660 – Charles II is crowned, the Restoration Monarchy begins
 Status quo of before is returned (Anglican church, hereditary monarch)
 Parliament excludes Roman Catholics, Presbyterians, and independents from
political/religious life
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o Encompassed by the Clarendon Code
 After the Navigation acts, wars between England and Holland ensue
1660 – Louis XIV marries Spanish infant, Marie Therese
1660-1679 – Cavalier Parliament
 Tories and Whigs emerge
 Tories are Anglican/nobility
 Whigs are middle class
1661 – Louis XIV assumes personal control of the French Monarchy following the death of Cardinal Mazarin
 Avoids becoming “king of straw” by becoming a master of propaganda and image, and made
sure the nobility would benefit from the growth of his authority
 Bishop Jacques Bossuet defended the Gallican liberties (Monarch=Pope relatively speaking)
and the divine right of kings
 Louis sought to secure his borders along the Spanish Netherlands, and Alsace and Lorraine
(these places are also important in the Franco-Prussian war.. 200 years later)
1667 – War of Devolution begins
 Louis XIV claims the Spanish-Belgian provinces through his wife, Marie-Therese
 Under the Treaty of Pyrenees (1659) Marie renounces claim in exchange for monetary
compensation that wasn’t paid
 Louis sends troops into Flanders and the Franche-Comte
 Triple alliance is formed to oppose Louis
1668 – Treaty of Aix-Chapelle ends the War of Devolution
 Louis gets control of towns bordering the Spanish Netherlands
1670 – Treaty of Dover allies England and France
1672 – France and England declare war on the United Provinces, the Netherlands (Franco-Dutch War)
 William of Orange comes to power, unites the Holy Roman Empire, Spaine, Lorraine, and
 Admiral Duquesne defeats the Dutch fleet, allowing France to control the Mediterranean
1672 – Declaration of Indulgence suspends all laws against Roman Catholics and Protestant noncomformists
 Rescinded because Charles needed funds
1673 – Test Act requires all officials of the crown to swear an oath against transusbstantiation
1678 – Peace of Nijmegen ends the Franco-Dutch War
1679 – Whig Parliament begins
 Habeas Corpus Act is passed
1682 – The Palace of Versailles becomes Louis XIV’s residence
1682 – Peter the Great becomes monarch of Russia
 Creates a strong monarchy and army, traveled to western Europe to learn their methods
 Streltsy revolt is met with public execution
 Tames the Boyar nobility
 Built a strong navy
 Wins the Great Northern War, gains ice-free ports, Swedish territories
 Founds St. Petersburg
 Table of ranks draws the nobility into state service
1685 – Louis XIV revokes the Edict of Nantes, seeking to unify France religiously
1685 – James II comes to power in England
 Wanted Parliament to repeal the Test Act, appoints Catholics to high positions
1687 – Declaration of Indulgence suspends all religious tests and permits free worship
1688 – James II is removed from power, William and Mary of Orange are invited to “invade” England
 Called the “Glorious Revolution”
1688 – Reign of William and Mary begins in England
1688 – War of the League of Augsburg begins
 League was created in 1686 to halt French expansion
 Louis invades the palatinate, starts 9 years of war
 King William’s war commences between France and England in the New World
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1689 – Toleration Act is passed in England (religious)
1689 – Bill of Rights is created in England, recognized by William and Mary
1690 – John Locke produces his Second Treatise on Government
1697 – Peace of Ryswick ends the War of the League of Augsburg secures Holland’s borders and halts Fr. Expansion
1697 – Charles XII becomes King of Sweden
 involved in the 30 years’ war under Adolphus II
 controlled Baltic trade
1699 – Treaty of Carlowitz ends hostilities between the Ottoman Empire and a league of Western Europe
 the Ottoman Empire loses central moneymaking land to the Habsburgs, Polance, and Venice
1700 – The Great Northern War begins between Sweden and Russia
 ends ~1721 with Russia the victor
 Russia becomes a strong force in the Baltic region, Sweden ceases to be a political force in
1701 – Frederick I of Prussia becomes the first King in Prussia
 Sided with the Habsburg empire during the war of Spanish succession
1701 – Act of Settlement, English crown goes to the House of Hanover if Queen Anne can’t produce an heir
1701 – War of the Spanish Succession begins
 Charles II of Spain dies, Louis XIV and Leopold of Austria claim Spanish inheritance
 Europe fears France, nations attempt to preserve the existing balance of power
 Charles II’s will leaves his inheritance to Louis’ grandson, Philip V
 Grand Alliance is formed to counter Louis
o Total war envelops Europe
o England has more advanced weaponry and superior tactics
o John Churchill beats Louis’ soldiers in every major engagement
 Blenheim (1704), plain of Ramillies (1706), Malplaquet (1709)
1713 – Frederick William I becomes the second King in Prussia (not to be confused with the Great Elector)
1713 – Armistice is concluded with England in the War of Spanish Succession
1713 – Pragmatic Sanction allows Marie Therese rule of the Habsburg Empire after Charles VI
1714 – Treaty of Rastatt concludes hostilities with Holland and the HRE
 Confirmed Philip V as the king of Spain
 Gave Gibraltar and Minorca to England
 Louis recognizes the House of Hanover’s right to the English throne
1714 – George I becomes King of Britain (House of Hanover)
1715 – Louis XIV dies, leaves a legacy behind for France
 Wars sapped the nation’s resources
 Years of war established among the army and much of the nobility a desire for military glory
 Louis’ absolutism oversaw making war and peace, the regulation of religion, and the
oversight of economic activity
1715 – Louis XV comes to power with Philippe II, the duke of Orleans as regent
 The duke of Orleans turns finances over to John Law, who creates a larger paper money
supply to solve financial problems (see beginning to French Revolution)
o Law creates a trade monopoly with Louisiana called the Mississippi Company
o Encourages speculations, M. Company becomes connected to the national debt
 The duke of Orleans brings the power of the nobility back, Parlements become popular again
1721 – Robert Walpole becomes Prime Minister of Britain
 Whigs and Tories arise in Parliament, the Whigs support the monarchy but desired strong
parliament, religious toleration, and urban workers and landowners
 Tories want a strong monarchy, low taxes, support the Anglican church
 When a similar disaster to the Mississippi Bubble occurs, Walpole prevents crisis
1723 – the duke of Orleans dies, Cardinal Fleury becomes the Chief Minister of France
 Realist against noble influence
 Improved the economy but died before he could prevent France from entering the AustrianPrussian War
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1543 – Copernicus publishes On the Revolutions of Heavenly Spheres
 Heliocentric, spherical orbits
1605 – Francis Bacon publishes Advancement of Learning
 Attacked the belief that most truth had already been discovered and only required
 Believed that human knowledge should produce useful results
 Urged that philosophers examine the evidence of their senses before constructing logical
 Believed in inductive or experimental method
1609 – Johannes Kepler publishes The New Astronomy which favored elliptical orbits
1610 – Galileo publishes Starry Messenger
1613 – Galileo publishes Letters on Sunspots supports Copernican model
1615 – Galilelo’s Letter to the Grand Duchess Christina shows how scripture can be reconciled with new science
1616 – the Catholic Church prohibits Copernicus’ On the Revolutions of Heavenly Spheres
1620 – Francis Bacon publishes Novum Organum
1627 – Francis Bacon publishes New Atlantis
1632 – Galileo defends Copernicanism with Dialogue on the Two Chief World Systems
1633 – Galileo is condemned by the church as a result of his defense of Copernicus, placed under house arrest
1637 – Rene Descartes publishes Discourse on Method
 Rejected scholastic philosophy and advocated thought founded on a mathematical model
 Emphasized deduction, speculation, and internal reflection, with separation of mind/body
 Cogito ergo sum
1651 – Thomas Hobbes publishes Leviathan after the English Civil War
1660 – Royal Society of London is founded
 One of the first “institutions of sharing” scientific correspondence groups
1669 – Blaise Pascal posthumously publishes Pensees
 Refuted both dogmatism and skepticism
 Reasons of the heart and a “leap of faith” could prevail over the domain of reason
1687 – Newton publishes The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy
1689 – John Locke publishes Letters Concerning Toleration
 Asks for religious toleration for all except Catholics and atheists
1690 – Locke publishes Essay Concerning Human Understanding
1690 – John Locke publishes First Treatise on Government
 Rejected arguments for absolute government that based political authority on the
patriarchal model
1689 -1755 – Montesquieu
 Spirit of the Laws, separation of powers and checks and balances
1694-1774 – Francois Quesnay
 Led the physiocrats with a motto of laissez-faire
1694-1778 – Voltaire
 Preached against injustice and bigotry in favor of human rights and science
 Deist
 “Ecrasez l’infame”
1712 -1778- Jean Jacques Rousseau
 Founder of the Romantic movement
 Developed the idea of the noble savage, that in a state of nature man was purer, free, more
 General Will should control a nation
 “man is born free, but everywhere he is in chains”
1713-1784 – Denis Diderot
 Popularized ideas of the Philosophes in the Encyclopedia
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1727-1790 – Adam Smith
 Wealth of Nations (1776)
 expanded the physiocrats Laissez-faire philosophy
1731 – The War of Jenkins’ Ear begins
 Hotbed of trade rivalry in the West indies caused tension between Spain and Britain
 Treaty of Utrecht gave Britain a 30 year asiento, or permission from the Spanish government
to sell slaves to the Spanish colonies
 Walpole cannot resist pressures to go to War with Spain after Robert Jenkins has his ear cut
off during a Spanish boarding operation
1739 – War of Jenkins’ Ear ends
1740 – War of the Austrian Succession begins
 Prussia under Frederick II, seizes Silesia, an Austrain province
 Marie Theresa preserves the Habsburg empire by granting privilege to the nobility, such as
recognizing Hungary as important or granting the Magyars local autonomy
 Cardinal Fleury supports Prussian aggression against Austria, draws Britain into the conflict
1740 – Frederick II becomes the third King in Prussia
 Creates Austrian-Prussian rivalry
 “the Great” and “first servant of the state”
1748 – The Treaty of Aix-La-Chapelle ends the War of Austrian Succession
1756 – “Diplomatic Revolution” of 1756 occurs
 Prussia and Great Britain sign the Convention of Westminster
o Britain betrays its allies in Austria
 Austria then allies itself with France, and enemy of Britain
1756 – Seven Years’ War begins (French and Indian War)
 Frederick II invades Saxony
 France, Austria, Russia, Sweden, and German states team up against Prussia
 Britain finances Frederick
 Empress Elizabeth of Russia dies, her successor (Catherine II the Great) allies with Prussia
 William Pitt the Elder leads Great Britain, finances Frederick II
o Defeats the French in Canada
1763 – Treaty of Hubertusburg ends the continental conflict
1763 – Treaty of Paris completely ends hostilities
1764 – George Grenville attempts to tax British colonies with the Sugar Act
1765 – Grenville passes the Stamp Act
1770 – Boston Massacre
1772 – Frederick II assumes the title of King of Prussia
1773 – Pugachev’s Revolt begins
 Peasants rebel in Russia, ends in 1775
1773 – Tea Act
1774 – Intolerable Acts and the Quebec Act
1774 – First Continental Congress
1775 – Second Continental Congress, Battles of Lexington and Concord, Common Sense
1783 – Treaty of Paris ends the American Revolution
 Actions resemble those of 17th century English aristocrats against the Stuart monarchs
 Shows that reform is necessary in England
1763 – after the Seven Years’ War, France is in debt
1770 – Rene Maupeau is appointed as chancellor by Louis XV
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 Abolished the Parlements and exiled their members
 The nobility had been desiring a return to power after Louis XIV
1777 – Jacques Necker is appointed director-general of finances
 Reported that the government was only in debt due to French support of the American
revolution and royal pensions for aristocrats
1781 – Necker is replaced by Charles Alexandre de Calonne
 Lowered some taxes (gabelle on salt)
 Wanted to introduce a landowner tax on all social class
1787 – Calonne meets with an Assembly of Notables
 The assembly refuses to be taxed more, demands more direct role in governing the kingdom,
stated that the power to levy new taxes lay in the Estates-General
1787 – Calonne is replaced by Etienne Charles Lomenie de Brienne
 Appealed to an Assembly of the Clergy to fund some of the nation’s debt
 The assembly refuses and reduces its existing contribution (don gratuit)
1788 – Necker is re-appointed as director-general of finances
1789 – Louis XVI and Necker call the Estates-General
 The aristocracy quickly moves to limit the influence of the 3 rd estate
 Demanded an equal number of representatives for each estate
 Each estate gets one vote
 The number of representatives in the 3rd estate is doubled
 The Estates-General brings its cahiers de doleances, list of grievances registered by local
 The 3rd estate, with few clergy and nobles creates the National Assembly, which the second
estate later joins
 The Assembly forms a constitution after the Tennis Court Oath
 National Assembly becomes the National Constituent Assembly with representatives from
each estate
1789 – Summer
 Louis XVI appeared ready to disrupt the National Constituent Assembly
o Dismisses Necker, attempts to halt the revolution
 Royal troops had been mustered in Paris, due to bread riots, this caused anxiety
o Citizens organize a militia and collect arms
 Citizen militia marches on the Bastille, and after people are killed by the governor’s troops,
the crow storms the fortress
 The “Great Fear” sweeps the French countryside
o Aristocrats renounce feudal rights
 The assembly issues the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen
1789 – Fall
 Parisian women march on Versailles demanding bread and Louis’ return
 Louis and the royal family return to the palace of Tuileries, and the assembly also returned
to Paris
1790 – Reflections on the Revolution in France is published by Edmund Burke
1790 – Civil Constitution of the Clergy
 Transformed the church into a branch of the secular state
 Brought the borders of the dioceses into conformity with the departments
 Embittered relations between state and clergy
 Required the clergy to take an oath, those that don’t are deemed refractory
 Condemned by the Pope
1791 – a Constitutional Monarchy is established in France
 Thwarted direct poplar pressure on the government by dividing active and passive citizens
o Active citizens are tax-paying men that can vote
o These men choose electors who voted for members of the legislature
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 The National Constituent Assembly abolished the French provinces and established 83
departments in their place
o Departments are divided into cantons, districts, and communes
 The assembly passes Chapelier’s law, which prevented workers’ associations from forming
1791 – Louis and family attempt to flee to Varennes, but are made to return
1791 – the National Constituent Assembly drew to a close, the Legislative Assembly comes to power
1791 – Leopold II of Austria issues the Declaration of Pillnitz
 Austria and Prussia will intervene in France in order to save the monarchy if necessary and if
other European powers agree
1791 – The Second Revolution occurs
 Jacobins emerge as a prominent social club and political faction, Girondists assume
leadership of the Jacobins
 Girondists opposed the forces of the counter-revolution
o Ordered émigrés to return or lose property
o Required the clergy to support the Civil Constitution
1792 – The Legislative Assembly declares war on Austria
1792 – The Brunswick Manifesto is issued stated that Prussia will destroy Paris if the royal family is harmed
1792 – Paris Commune comes to power
 September Massacres begin, the Commune begins executing people
 The Commune petitions the Legislative Assembly to create the Convention, a new assembly
dedicated to creating democracy
1792 – the French Army halts the Prussians at the Battle of Valmy
1792 – 22nd September, the Convention declares France a Republic, beginning the First French Republic
 Sans-culottes demand more direct community democracy
 Jacobins want an unregulated economy, the sans-culottes demand protection from food
shortages and rising prices
 The Mountain (Jacobins), sans-culottes, and the Paris Commune work to overthrow the
1793 – Louis XVI is put on trial as “Citizen Capet” and beheaded in 1793
1793 – The Convention declares war on the rest of Europe
 Victor General Dumoriez deserts the army
 Royalist revolt erupts in the Vendee
 The Girondists had failed, the Mountain takes their place
1793 – by this time France is at war with the First Coalition (HRE, Russia, Britain, Spain, Ottomans)
1793 – September, the Reign of Terror begins
 Rise of the Committee of General Security and the Committee of Public Safety
o Dominated by Jacques Danton, Maximilien Robespierre, and Lazare Carnot
 The sans-culottes invaded the Convention and expelled the Girondists
 Carnot issues a Levee en masse, a military requisition
 The Convention declares a new Calendar, the Cathedral of Notre Dame is declared a “temple
of reason”
 Tribunals occur in Paris, many are beheaded by guillotine
 Danton is eventually executed, Robespierre forms the Cult of the Supreme Being
 After an unsuccessful speech before the Convention, Robespierre is executed, beginning the
Thermidorian reaction (occurred on 9 Thermidor)
1794 – The Thermidorian Reaction
 Consisted of a widespread feeling that it had become too radical
 Paris Commune is outlawed, Paris Jacobin club is closed, the Committee of Public Safety is
 “white terror” occurs in which those involved in the Reign of Terror are executed
 Catholic worship revives
 Constitution of the Year III creates the Council of Elders and Council of 500, established the
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1797 – coup d’etat of 18 Fructidor (sept. 4th) staged by Directory
1797 – Treaty of Campo Formio
 Peace between First Coalition (HRE, Prussia, Britain, some Italian States, Ottoman Empire)
and France
1798 – Napoleon leads expedition to Egypt, Second Coalition forms
1799 – coup d’etat of 18 Brumaire (nov. 9th) staged by Napoleon, replaces the Directory with the Consulate
 Napoleon creates the Constitution of the Year VIII
 Universal male suffrage, checks and balances, Council of State, First Consul (Bonaparte)
1801 – Treaty of Luneville concludes hostilities between France and Austria
1801 – Concordat of 1801 solidifies the Catholic Church as the majority church of France
 Refractory and other clergy resign, new clergy instated by the pope except for bishops
(named by the state)
 Church gives up claims to confiscated property
1802 – Treaty of Amiens concludes hostilities between France and Great Britain
1802 – Organic Articles of 1802 establish the supremacy of the French state over church
1804 – Napoleon is crowned emperor at Notre Dame in Paris
 Crushes Austria and Prussia, awakens German nationalism
 The Duke of Wellington and Spanish guerillas fight back in spain
1804 – Napoleonic Code is instituted in France
 Meritocracy, secular school system, new attention math and sciences (polytechnic schools)
1805 – Napoleon is crowned King of Italy (w/ Iron Crown of Lombardy)
1805 – War of the Third Coalition begins
1806 – Napoleon imposes the Continental Blockade/Continental System
 Intended to punish England, who merely switches trade to the Americas
 Alienates Russia and German princes
1807 – Napoleonic Wars mostly end
 Defeated at Trafalgar
 Victories at Austerlitz (Third Coalition crushed), Jena (Prussia subjugated to France), and
Friedland (Fourth Coalition crushed)
1808 – Napoleon invades Spain
1812 – Napoleon invades Russia
 Russians had withdrawn from the Continental System because lack of trade with Great
Britain was killing their economy
1813 – Battle of Leipzig, Napoleon is defeated and abdicates to Elba
 Resources stretched thin by invasions of Spain and Russia
1814 – Congress of Vienna meets
 Attempts to decide Napoleon’s fate
1815 – Napoleon’s Hundred Days begin, he returns from his exile at Elba
 Seventh Coalition forms
1815 – Battle of Waterloo, the Seventh Coalition crushes Napoleon and he returns to exile
 Louis XVIII returns to the French throne
1815 – Congress of Vienna concludes (Metternich, Castlereagh, Tallyrand, Alexander, Hardenburg)
 Charles-Maurice de Talleyrand-Perigord represents France
 The map of Europe is redrawn based on the balance of power
 Conservative acceptance of Napoleon’s changes
 German Confederation (39 states) created
 Prussia regains territory (Rhineland, most of Poland, part Saxony)
 Metternich enforces system in which great powers work in concert
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1815 – Corn Laws enacted in England by Conservatives (Tories)
 Hurt urban workers, protects grain prices and thus landowners
1821 – Greece wages wars of independence
 Revolts against Turkish rule, their independence is recognized by the great powers in 1827
1825 – Decembrist Revolt in Russia
 Noble officers attempt to institute either constitutional monarchy or republic (currently
 Alexander I dies unexpectedly, sparks a revolt which Nicholas I crushes easily
 Nicholas I becomes an extreme reactionary
 “Autocracy, orthodoxy, and nationalism”
1829 – English Parliament grants rights to Catholics
 Postpones Irish revolution (staunchly Catholic)
 Instituted by Tory government (monarchist, Anglican, opposed to liberalism of the Whigs)
1830 – revolutionary ideals spread throughout Europe (most are crushed)
1830 – railroads begin to be built throughout Europe through the 1840s
1831 – Guiseppe Mazzini forms the Young Italy Society (intended to drive out Austria and create Italian republic)
1832 – Great Reform Bill enacted
 Liberals demand reforms to electoral map in England (representation in Parliament)
 Creates new parliamentary seats
 Eliminates corrupt “pocket boroughs”
 Increases electorate by adding those leasing land and not just those owning land
1838 – Chartist movement begins
 Sought “one man one vote,” universal male suffrage, and secret ballots
1839 – Hatt-I Sharif of Gulhane reorganizes the Ottoman empire’s administration and military along European lines
 Tanzimat Era of the empire begins
1866 – Whig prime minister William Gladstone attempts to expand voter eligibility
1867 – Second Reform Bill
 Under Bejnamin Disraeli
 Grants votes to industrial workers
1868 – Gladstone returns to power, enacts sweeping reforms
 Unions legalized
 Secret ballots
 Free public education
1885 – 3rd Reform Bill
 Universal male suffrage
1830 – riots in Paris after repressing measures of Charles X
1830 – Louis Philippe, the “Bourgeoisie king,” comes to power
 After intercession of Marquis de Lafayette
 Begins the French Second Republic
1840s – famine (Ireland) economic crisis, and other conditions create discontent and thus revolution
1846 – Corn Laws repealed by liberals in England
1848 – revolts break out in Baden, Berlin, Vienna, Budapest, Italy, Saxony, and Prague (Russia/Britain avoid revolt)
1848 – “June Days” revolt in Paris
 Government closes workshops, General Cavignac and the National Guard swiftly crush the
 Liberals lose face, voters choose Napoleon’s nephew and stay conservative
1848 – Second Republic established in France, most of the Revolutions of 1848 are crushed
1848 – Franz Joseph becomes emperor of the Habsburg Empire (Austria/Hungary)
1849 – Roman Republic of 1849 is attempted by Garibaldi and Mazzini, ultimately fails
1850 – age of realpolitik begins, realistic politics take over
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1851 – Louis Napoleon stages a coup d’etat (dec. 2nd)
1852 – Louis Napoleon crowns himself Napoleon III, establishes the Second French Empire
1852 – Count Camillo Cavour is made Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia
 Nationalist that rejects republicanism and disagreed with ideals of Mazzini
 Recognized need to capture loyalties of Italians who believed in other forms of nationalism
 Fostered the Nationalist Society, which pressed for unification under the Piedmont
1853 – Crimean War begins
 Russia desires provinces of Moldavia and Walachia (Ottoman Empire) and to protect
Orthodox Christians so it moves to occupy these provinces
 Ottomans declare war on Russia
1854 – France and Britain ally with the Ottomans
 Prussia and Austria remain neutral which aggravates Nicholas I
1855 – Russian fortress of Sevastopol falls to French and British forces
1855 – Piedmont joins the Crimean War allied with France (nations respect Cavour, Napoleon III sympathizes)
1856 – Treaty of Paris concludes Crimean War
 Russia surrenders territory near the mouth of the Danube River, recognizes the neutrality of
the Black Sea, and renounces claims to Orthodox Christians in the Ottoman Empire
(withdraws from Moldavia and Walachia)
 Concert of Europe disintegrates
1856 – Hatti-i Humayun spelled out the rights of non-Muslims in the Ottoman Empire
 Equal obligations for military service, equal opportunity
 Some regions were virtually independent of the rule of the Sultan
1858 – Italian attempts to assassinate Napoleon III, Cavour and Napoleon III make a formal treaty at Plombieres
 Desire to provoke war with Austria
1859 – Piedmont mobilizes its army, Austria demands it demobilize
 France/Piedmont declare war
 Austrians are defeated at Magenta and Solferino, revolutions break out in Parma, Modina,
Tuscany, and Romagna
 Napoleon III concludes hostilities with Franz Joseph (Austria) leaving Piedmont feeling
betrayed but gaining Lombardy
 Garibaldi captures Palermo and Naples, but Cavour marches south to meet him and
conquers the papal states on the way
 Garibaldi accepts Piedmont’s domination, Naples and Sicily join the Italian Kingdom
1859 – Charles Darwin published On the Origins of Species (leads to social Darwinism)
1859 – in England William Gladstone helps turn the Whig party into the liberal party
 Benjamin Disraeli follows suit with the Tories, making them conservative
1860 – by this time Napoleon III had changed his policy to be less reactionary
 Free trade w/ Britain, free debate in the legislature
 Faith in Napoleon III is lost when he loses control of Italian unification, supports disastrous
military expeditions, watches while Bismarck reorganizes Germany
1860 – Franz Joseph issues the October Diploma
 Created a federation of states in the empire, local diets dominated by the landed classes and
a single imperial Parliament
 Magyar nobility of Hungary rejects the plan
1860 – women’s movements begin
 Led by middle class women, centered in charitable work and education
 Spoke out against social injustices against women (poverty)
 By 1880s is more concerned with equality
 Women’s trade unions are mainly concerned about pay and working conditions (factories)
1861 – Victor Emmanuel II proclaimed King of the Italian Kingdom
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 Transformismo and corruption develops in Italy
1861 – William (Wilhelm) I is made king of Prussia, attempts to expand military
 Parliament refuses necessary taxes
1861 – Tsar Alexander II emancipates the Russian serfs
1862 – Franz Joseph issues the February Patent
 Reichsrat, imperial parliament, with upper chamber appointed by the emperor and lower
chamber with indirectly elected delegates
 Magyars send no delegates, legislature continues anyway
1862 – Otto von Bismarck, a Junker noble, is made Prime Minister of Prussia
 Interprets constitution to allow for collection of taxes
1863 – Schleswig-Holstein problem begins when Danish Parliament movies to incorporate the two duchies
1864 – Danish War begins
 Prussia and Austria defeat Denmark, the two are made part of the German Confederation
 Kleindeutsche, small German, solution is pursued
1864 – First International meets in London
 Labor meeting comes to be dominated by Marx, who kicked out people who he disagreed
with (Blanquists)
 Marx hates Mikhail Bakunin, a proponent of nationalism and anarchism
1864 – Pope Pius IX issues a declaration describing the evils of modern society
 Condemns liberalism, state control, faith in reason
1865 – Convention of Gastein gives Austria Holstein and Prussia Schleswig
1866 – Austro-Prussian War begins (German Civil War)
 Austria is decisively defeated at the Battle of Koniggratz
 Treaty of Prague ends conflict (Venetia given to France, who cedes it to Italy)
1866 – North German Confederation created
 Bundesrat, composed of members appointed by the governments of the states
 Reichstag, composed of those elected by universal male suffrage (has little real power)
 President was the King of Prussia (represented by Chancellor, Bismarck)
 Military taxes are approved by Prussian parliament
1866 – Venetia added to Italian Kingdom due to an alliance with Prussia in the Austro-Prussian War
1866 – Gregor Mendel becomes the father
1867 – Augsleich of 1867, transforms the Habsburg Empire into a dual-monarch
 Stalemates met in parliament, common monarch over wholly separate states
1867 – Second Reform Bill extends suffrage to middle classes in Britain
 Germany (Bismarck) and Austria-Hungary follow suit
1869 – Vatican Council declares the pope to be infallible when speaking ex cathedra (from the chair)
1870 – Franco – Prussian War begins
 Begins over issue of monarchy of Spain (cousin of William I is appointed but later steps down
after a French ambassador consults William)
 Bismarck releases the Ems Telegram which makes it appear that William insulted the French
 France declares war, most of Germany unites against France
 France is defeated in the Battle of Sedan, where Napoleon III is captured
 Peace settlement (Treaty of Frankfurt) cedes Alsace and Lorraine to the German Empire
1870 – Third Republic proclaimed in France, led by the National Assembly
 Adolphe Thiers is given executive power, negotiates a treaty with Prussia
 Assembly is split between the House of Bourbon and the House of Orleans
 Marshal MacMahon (conservative officer) is eventually elected due to bickering
 Assembly creates a Chamber of Deputies elected by universal male suffrage, a Senate
chosen indirectly, and a president elected by the two
 MacMahon eventually resigns after quarrels with the Chamber of Deputies
1870 – Rome annexed by Italy
1871 – Paris is besieged by the Germans until it surrenders, results in Paris Commune
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 Army of the National Assembly crushes Paris and the radically anarchist commune
1871 – Bismarck declares that Germany will seek no further territorial gains
1873 – Economic depression grips the Continent and the United States until 1896
1873 – Bismarck forms the Three Emperors’ League of Germany, Austria, and Russia
1875 – Russo-Turkish War breaks out
 Problems with the Ottoman Empire are furthered when Serbia and Montenegro revolt
against Turkish rule
 Russia intervenes, desires to protect Slavic peoples
1876 – reformers pushed for a new constitution for the Ottoman Empire
 Left the Sultan’s power mainly intact while creating an elected chamber of deputies and
1877 – Russo-Turkish War leads to the Congress of Berlin (1878)
 Congress of Berlin strips Russia of its gains because it threatens the balance of power
 Serbia gains independence
 Bosnia is awarded to Austria
 Bismarck allies with Austria]
1878 – Treaty of San Stefano ends Ottoman rule over Slavic states in the Balkans
1878 – Bismarck begins instituting antisocialist legislation
1879 – Bismarck makes a secret treaty with Austria in the event either country is attacked by Russia
 Kulturkampf (restriction of Catholic Church) backfires, so Bismarck enacts social insurance
laws to keep the workers happy
1880 – scramble for colonies in Africa begins
 Britain move into Egypt and Sudan, take the Suez Canal from France
 Italy takes Libya
 Belgium takes the Congo
1881 – Tsar Alexander II assassinated by radical populists
1882 – Italy asks to join the Dual Alliance, forms the Triple Alliance with Germany and Austria-Hungary
 Wants defense against France
1884 – around this time the Belle Epoque begins, an new era in urban life (music, sports, entertainment popular)
1885 – Berlin Conference attempts to regulate further forays by the European powers in Africa
1885 – another war breaks out in the Balkans
1886 – Gladstone agrees to Irish home rule, but his party (Liberals/Whigs) splits
1888 – William II ascends the German throne
1889 – The Eiffel Tower is built in France, marking the end of an era of reconstruction of the city (began ca. 1850)
1890 – William II dismisses Bismarck as Chancellor, replaces him with General Leo von Caprivi
 Bismarck’s alliances collapse (Russia.. etc)
1891 – Pope Leo XIII speaks out against social injustice, pushes for change
1894 – conviction for treason of Captain Albert Dreyfus (anti-semitism)
 Liberals join his side, such as Emile Zola’s “J’accuse”
 Eventually pardoned by the president in 1906
1894 – defensive Franco-Russian alliance
1896 – Theodor Herzl publishes Judenstaat advocates a Jewish state, major Zionist document
1896 – Kruger telegram from William II to Paul Kruger, president of the Transvaal
 Congratulated him for repulsing a British raid
1897 – Franz Joseph grants equality of language between Germans and Czechs in Austria
1898 – showdown between France and Britain in Sudan
1898 – Russian Social Democratic Party is formed
 Formed on strictly Marxist lines
1898 – William II passes a new naval law aimed at creating 19 battleships
1898 – Joseph Chamberlain attempts to ally with Germany (gives up this effort around 1902)
Created by the 2010-2011 LHS AP Euro Class, last revised 5/5/11
1899 – Boer War begins, Britain crushes a rebellion of South African farmers
1900 – Max Planck publishes a paper in quantum physics
1900 – Labour party forms in England, democratic socialist party
1900 – a second German naval law doubles the amount of Battleships
 Admiral Alfred von Tirpitz oversees the new navy
1902 – Boer War ends
1902 – Britain allies with Japan to defend interests in the Far East
1903 – Lenin forms the Bolshevik Party to outwit the Mensheviks (Russian Social Democratic Party)
1904 – Entente Cordial – informal alliance of France and Britain
1904 – Russo-Japanese War begins
 Russia is defeated, Britain stays mostly neutral
1905 – Russo-Japanese War ends
1905 – Russian Revolution of 1905
 Nicholas II is forced to concede a constitution in the form of the October Manifesto
 Also creates a representative assembly (Duma)
1905 – Kaiser William II attempts to sir Moroccan Independence and revolution (1st Moroccan Crisis)
 Morocco was a French colony
1905 – Britain develops the dreadnought
1905 – Schlieffen Plan, Germany’s future war plan, attack France then Russia
1906 – International conference in France to discuss concessions and colonial possessions
1907 – universal male suffrage in Austria
1907 – Germany builds its first dreadnought
1907 – Britain forms an alliance with Russia similar to the Entente Cordial
1908 – Austrian and Russian governments begin annexing parts of the Ottoman empire
 Austria annexes Bosnia and Herzegovina
 Austria opens the Dardanelles for Russian warships
1908 – Young Turks attempt to revive the empire
1909 – Budget of 1909 in Britain
 Liberals desire more taxes on the wealthy to fund a new navy and social insurance (Labour
 House of Lords threatens to veto it (the King then threatens to flood the House of Lords)
1911 – House of Lords Act of 1911 ends the House of Lords’ peremptory veto
1911 – Second Moroccan Crisis, France sends an army to put down rebellion
 Germany sends the warship Panther to “protect German citizens” in Morocco
 Anglo-German relations worsen
1911 – Italy attacks the Ottoman Empire; forces Turkey to cede Libya and islands on the Aegean
1912 – Bulgaria, Greece, Montenegro, and Serbia attack the Ottoman Empire, reduces its influence
1913 – second Balkan War erupts, Turkey and Romania join against Bulgaria
1914 – June 28th Archduke Franz Ferdinand is assassinated by a Serbian nationalist group, the Black Hand
1914 – World War I begins after Austria declares war on Serbia
 Germany issues its “blank check” to Austria
 Russia was allied with Serbia, so Germany declares war on Russia
 France steps in, allied with Russia
 The Germans violate Belgian neutrality, and Britain allied with Japan join the war
1915 – the Lusitania sinks
1916 – Britain completely blocks Germany with a blockade
1916 – Battle of Jutland, largest naval battle of WWI between England/Germany, is a stalemate
1916 – Battle of Verdun is the bloodiest battle on the Western front
1917 – Germany continues with unrestricted submarine warfare after it is blockaded
 The US declares war
Created by the 2010-2011 LHS AP Euro Class, last revised 5/5/11
1917 – March, Russian Revolution causes Tsar Nicholas II to abdicate
 Provisional government run by socialists keeps Russia in the war
1917 – November, Russian Revolution Bolsheviks take over St. Petersburg
 “Land, Bread, Peace!”
1918 –Russia’s Bolshevik government accepts German demands for land in Western Russia in exchange for peace
1918 – Nov. 11th, World War I ends
1918 – Czechoslovakia declares independence, is the only republic to survive in the east
1919 – Paris Peace Conference begins
 Treaty of Versailles in outlined
 Imposes a “harsh” peace with reparations, Germany loses navy and army to demobilization,
“War Guilt” clause in which Germany and allies are guilty, but only Germany will pay debt
 Germany loses territorial gains
1919 – The Weimar Republic is established in Germany
1919 – Communists riot in Berlin, take over Bavaria and Hungary
 Revolts are crushed, but conservatives begin to use the threat of communism as propaganda
(red scare-esque)
1919 – Italy is threatened by strikes and work stoppages by the Communist Party
1920 – Berlin and France slowly face economic problems and government instability
1921 – the New Economic Policy is implemented by Vladimir Lenin in the Soviet Union
 Allowed small business ventures (small capitalism)
1922 – Mussolini’s “March on Rome”
 Mussolini is made Prime Minister of Italy by Victor Emmanuel III
 Mussolini attempts to make his rule permanent, effectively killing parliamentary government
in Italy
1922 – Treaty of Rapallo, Germany and Soviet Russia exchange military technology
1923 – France invades the Ruhr and takes over industries there
 Done after Germany defaulted on war reparations
 In response to the invasion, the German government printed money to pay the workers in
industries there
 Runaway inflation destroys the value of the deutschemark
1923 – Beer-Hall Putsch occurs in Germany
 National Socialists (Nazis) plot to take over government in Bavaria in a Munich beer hall
 The government is alerted, the army arrests them for treason (Hitler is among them)
1923 – Acerbo Law is pushed through Italian parliament, guarantees power to any party getting 25% of the vote
 Fascists win the next election, which extends Mussolini’s power
1924 – Giacomo Matteotti, prominent socialist Italian leader, is murdered
 Chief opponent of Italian fascism has been defeated
1925 – Germany agrees at Locarno to recognize its western but not eastern borders (Poland for later?)
1925 – Britain returns to backing its currency, the pound, with the gold standard
1928 – Stalin’s First Five-Year Plan replaces the New Economic Policy
1929 – Mussolini and the Pope agree to the Lateran Accords
 The Vatican is made a separate state and compensated for land seizures made during
1929 – New York Stock Market crash launches the world into the Great Depression
 German economy plummets, can’t pay reparations to the rest of Europe
Created by the 2010-2011 LHS AP Euro Class, last revised 5/5/11
 Without German reparations, the rest of Europe is unable to repay loans to the United
States and further stop buying US goods
1930 – Germany attempts to revive the economy
 The governments of Heinrich Bruning, Franz von Papen, and Kurt von Schleicher all fail to
revive the economy or solve parliamentary deadlock between communists and nazis
1931 – Britain abandons the gold standard
1933 – Hitler is made Chancellor of Germany by President Hindenburg
 A fire in the Reichstag allows Hitler to outlaw socialists and communists, makes the Nazi
party supreme
1933 – Enabling Act broadens Hitler’s power
1933 – Hitler forges a Concordat with the Vatican to neutralize Catholic opposition
1934 – Hitler has assumed full control as fuhrer of the army
1935 – Hitler leaves the League of Nations, remobilizes the army
1935 – Nuremberg Laws outlaw intermarriage with Jews, other laws remove rights from Jews
1936 – Hitler reclaims the Rhine
1936 – General Francisco Franco and his army wage a civil war in Spain
 The West fails to help Franco’s opposition
 Franco and Fascism come to power in Spain, and stay that way until Franco’s death in 1975
1936 – Mussolini annexes Ethiopia after launching a war against it
1938 – Kristallnacht, Hitler orders the SA to destroy Jewish synagogues and businesses
1938 – Hitler annexes Austria and German parts of Czechoslovakia
1938 – the Munich Conference responds to Hitler’s actions of the previous 5 years
 Permitted Hitler’s annexations of the Sudetenland, etc.
 Failed act of appeasement toward Nazi Germany
1939 – Hitler takes the Polish Corridor and Danzig, the rest of Europe prepares for war
1939 – Hitler and Stalin sign a nonaggression pact
 Surprises the world
1939 – September 1st Germany invades Poland beginning the Second World War
1940 – Hitler invades Denmark, Norway, Benelux countries (Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg), and France
 Maginot line does not protect France, Germany divides France into two zones: occupied and
collaborationist (Vichy Regime)
 The Battle of Britain begins with Luftwaffe (German air force) air raids
1941 – Operation Barbarossa begins, Hitler invades Russia
 After successful invasions of Greece and Yugoslavia, Hitler antagonizes the Russians
 Japanese bombardment of Pearl Harbor brings the United States into the war
1942 – Hitler implements his “Final Solution”
 Hitler and Himmler build death camps in Poland for the mass murder of Jews
1942 – by the end of the year the fascist tide had been turned back
 Russians retake Stalingrad and push the Germans back, Britain takes North Africa (El
1943 – Wartime conferences at Tehran and Casablanca, the allies decide how to handle the losers of the war
 Allies decide to divide Germany into occupational zones
 Russia is to enter the war in the Pacific 3 months after Hitler has been defeated
Created by the 2010-2011 LHS AP Euro Class, last revised 5/5/11
1944 – Britain and the Soviet Union meet to discuss influence in the Balkans
 Will result later in a clash over Greece and Turkey
1945 – Wartime conferences at Yalta and Potsdam
 Discussed are the fate of Poland, war zones, reparations
 The war ends in 1945 with Japan’s surrender
 The Cold War begins
1945 – Cold War begins in Germany
 Allied soldiers surrender the eastern zone of Germany to the advance of Russian troops
1945 – the Fourth Republic is declared in France
 General Charles de Gaulle returns triumphant
 Strong communist and socialist parties worry the US
 Britain and France had become social-welfare states
1945 – the Labour Party comes to power in Britain
 Clement Attlee becomes Prime Minister of Britain (follows Churchill)
1945 – Christian Democrats come to power in France, Germany, Italy, Benelux countries, everywhere
1947 – crises in Greece and Turkey
 Civil war breaks out in Greece between monarchists and communists
 The Truman Doctrine promises to aid these countries against Communism
1947 – Truman administration institutes the Marshall Plan
 Used as a tool in the Cold War to exercise economic power in communist countries
1948 – Berlin airlift occurs, the Allies airlift supplies into a starved Berlin
1949 – Germany is completely divided
 Western republic under Christian Democratic control
 Eastern part is a Soviet satellite
~1949 – the Soviet Union acquires atomic weapons
1950 – European Coal and Steel Community is formed
 Italy, Germany, and the three Benelux countries agree to set up a toll-free zone among
themselves and strive for economic unification (European Union?)
1952 – Egypt decolonizes
1953 – Stalin dies, Nikita Khrushchev comes to power
1954 – Vietnam decolonizes
~1954 – West Germany remilitarizes
 Done in spite of protest from German liberals
1956 – Unrest in Poland, Hungary, the Suez Canal
 Stalin’s death causes revolts in Poland and Hungary, but the US doesn’t help and instead
asserts control over the Suez Canal
1956 – Khrushchev delivers his secret speech at the Twentieth Party Congress
 Admits to the crimes of Stalin
1957 – Treaty of Rome establishes the European Economic Community
 Six nations of the European Coal and Steel Community expand their economic reforms
 EEC counters mighty US market
1957 – Sputnik is launched by the Soviets
1958 – Boris Pasternak is prevented from receiving his Nobel Prize by the Soviet government
Created by the 2010-2011 LHS AP Euro Class, last revised 5/5/11
 Won the Nobel Prize in Literature for Doctor Zhivago
1960 – starting in 1960 the Congo and other African countries are decolonized until 1961
1960 – U-2 Incident, an American U-2 spy plane is shot down over the Soviet Union
1961 – the Berlin Wall is erected between East and West Berlin
1962 – Cuban Missile Crisis
 Ends with the Soviets removing their missiles from Cuba
 Détente, strained relations, ensue
1968 – university students riot in Berlin, Paris
 Riot against US hegemony and the Vietnam War
 Parties on the left gain power
1968 – Prague Spring occurs
 Czechs revolt but are put down by Soviet tanks
 Brezhnev Doctrine is announced by the Soviet Premier
 The Soviet Union will aid any government or lands striving to be free of capitalist domination
1973 – the Common Market expands by three members
 Britain, Denmark, and Ireland are admitted to the EEC
1975 – 35 nations sign the Helsinki Accords
 Broaden the scope of reporting on human rights violations in the Soviet bloc
1980 – the Solidarity movement begins in Poland
 Helped by Pope John Paul II
 Brought freedom and human rights to troubled communist Poland
1980 – Perestroika begins in the Soviet Union
 The soviet political and economic system is reorganized by Mikhail Gorbachev
 Glasnost allows public openness of the activities of the USSR
1982 – EEC expands to twelve nations by admitting Greece, Portugal, and Spain
1989 – The East German government allows its people to visit West Berlin and West Germany
1990 – the Berlin Wall had been almost completely torn down by this point, and Germany was reunified
1991 – the Cold War officially ends, the Soviet Union dissolves, republics of the Soviet Union declare independence
 The Russian Federation is created
1991 – the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) is created
 Former satellite states of the USSR form a loose association
1992 – Maastricht Treaty creates the European Union (EU)
2001 – the Euro is introduced as the currency of nations of the European Union (except Britain and Denmark)