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Last updated on 14 Mar 2016 at 5:35 PM (Resp03)
Chronic sputum production
A 25 year old NZ European woman, who has recently moved into the area, presents to
your GP clinic with an increase of her cough and sputum production and recurrent
small haemoptyses (about a teaspoon in volume). She has a history of cough and
purulent sputum production since early childhood.
Applied Science for Medicine
Anatomy of respiratory tract; particularly airways
Microanatomy of the lung including production of airway lining fluid and mucus
layer, muco-ciliary clearance; role of Clara cells, goblet cells and mucus glands
Radiology of thorax, including high-resolution CT scan
Lung defence mechanisms including cellular and immunologic mechanisms;
mucociliary clearance
Consequences of impairment of lung defence mechanisms
Ion and water transport; relevance to disease and pharmacology
Microbiology of chronic lung infection; biofilm formation
Pathology of bronchiectasis
Pulmonary and non-pulmonary manifestations of cystic fibrosis
Inheritance of disease - phenotype-genotype correlations
Pharmacology of macrolides, anti-microbial agents (particularly anti-pseudomonal
antibiotics); mechanisms of drug action and potential drug interactions
Clinical and Communication Skills
History from a patient with chronic sputum production
Examination of the respiratory system
Assess co-morbidities e.g. upper respiratory tract disease
Perform and interpret spirometry and arterial blood gas
Interpret results of sputum culture (past and present), chest X-ray
Indications for: high resolution CT, detailed pulmonary function tests, bronchoscopy,
sweat chloride test, serum immunoglobulin quantitation, genotyping
Differential diagnosis of chronic sputum production
Outline the management of bronchiectasis: physiotherapy, pharmacological and
Complications of bronchiectasis and cystic fibrosis
Prognosis of bronchiectasis and cystic fibrosis
Outline the management of cystic fibrosis including pathophysiologic rationale
Managing chronic disease - patient education, support, pharmaceutical management,
involving the multidisciplinary team including palliative care
Transition from paediatric to adult care
Personal and Professional Skills
Be aware of issues around multiple therapies (complexity for patient and doctor,
potential for error, effect on adherence, adverse effects, increased potential for drug
Managing professional/personal boundary issues with long-term patients
Death and dying in young patients
Hauora MÄ•ori
Appropriate engagement and consultation with whĕnau
Awareness of differing risk profiles for MÄ•ori compared with non-MÄ•ori
Understanding of inequities in access to health services and quality of medical care
for MÄ•ori, and application of this to clinical decision-making and management
Population Health
Social and economic determinants of health
Adult health consequences of paediatric disease
Epidemiology of bronchiectasis and cystic fibrosis
National newborn screening for genetic disease
Patient advocacy
Role of community organisations
Conditions to be considered relating to this scenario
bronchiectasis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,
cystic fibrosis
allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis, ciliary
Less common but
dyskinesia syndrome, immunoglobulin deficiency
'important not to miss'